Tree of Savior Forum

Black/Brown skins

I dont remember if there are, but we need an option to change skin color to black/brown also… im bumping this topic since the last post seems to be months ago.

3 Likes Shows the options you can have in a browser form. I don’t see any skin color options there tho.

Yep i don’t see any options for it. @Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Shawn @STAFF_J @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines

Hey there @kaintos1,

We currently do not have any options that you’ve mentioned.
Please note that TOS is based on old Lithuanian lore / mythology so the setting also reflects those aspects. Hope I helped clear some things up for you.



Yes you have I understand thank you.

There were black people in old Lithuania. There are plenty of paintings of them online. The lore masters need to read books. Never heard of the Moors? The team also said that they would put in new skin colors.


There is a distinct difference between “lore” and “history”. Doesn’t mean there weren’t black people in the lore, i just wanted to point that out.

Ethan’s answer basically says that there are no dark skinned colors because the game is based on a whites only lore.

Yes, you see that correctly.

You are confusing lore and history again. Lore should be handled as a written piece of old fiction, not as the actual past.

I am willing to bet that nothing in the lore they drew from says that the Lithuanians of the time period were definitely light skinned only. That’s an assumption that they made.

They are basically saying that there were no tawny skinned Lithuanians even the colors of Arabs and Sicilians, which makes no sense.

And they originally said that they were going to put in darker skin colors. So Lithuanians can only be one color now? Its a poor excuse to not have something that is a common feature in mmorpgs.
@Staff_Julie @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Shawn @STAFF_J @STAFF_John @STAFF_Ines

I don’t think that is the real issue anyway so it doesn’t matter. It is most likely not that easy to change skin colors in this game than in others.

I take that as a “yes, i understand the difference between lore and history”.

And assuming there were black people - which is irrelevant since generally the majority counts - IMC interpretation of the story of the game, and it’s excecution, are in their hands. If they decide to not to have darker skin colors to cement the lore, then that is an acceptable decision.

Glad to know that there will be no darker colors due to the lore. Gotcha, glad I found this out before I spent my money. I’ll pass this on to my friends who were also looking forward to playing the game.

I’m almost sure that’s not the case. They even said back then if they would implement cloth dyeing they would want to make different skin colors first so…

I think Ethan said it because originally it was made like that and it is not easy to change and most likely it is not a priority yet.

… so your are a SJW. Someone who wants - for all the wrong reasons - any and all skin colors in any game, just so “equality” is achieved.

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He implied enough.

Wrong reasons? I’ve proved otherwise by including real history which proves contrary to their statements. The answer he gave showed me that its not the game I’m looking to play. If that’s cause to call me an SJW then so be it. If its wrong to prove something wrong by showing historical fact then I guess I’m wrong.

They have the right to make the game how they want and I have the right not to play it because I disagree with their choices - because factually they are incorrect.

Besides majority matters right? Then I’ll spend my money elsewhere.

So they changed their plans. It’s a human thing to do.

Besides the NPC image, the “setting also reflects those aspects” excuse can’t be used to not create alternative skin colors when you have multiple classes and technology that exist completely outside of the mythology itself.

Don’t be lazy!!! ):<