very simple, you could just start anew on your desired server after the maintenance…
Is it possible to delete a team now? or do i need a new name to make on new server?
I can already do a prediction of what the IMC staffs are going to tell you…
Basically what we told you. They will just put it in a nicer manner.
Think about it, if they do entertain your request how many others would they have to do so as well. They had already planned to consolidate the players who submitted their ticket Yesterday.
Have fun crying. I am giving you the benefit of doubt that you are not a troll. Since you said you are busy with work and totally no time to check the forums/website, and just realising they have a FB page.
There was also this big banner on the frontpage. If any of you bothered to check it just barely enough for it to be worth calling ‘checking’, some of you should have noticed it. You can’t honestly claim that the info wasn’t all over the place and very easy to spot:

You and your friends can always move to the f2p servers when that transfer thing happens.
Make something different, team names are unique across all servers so you can only have “Gravity” for example once.
Cant i just delete the team and make it again?
No unfortunately not, once you have created a team name that’s it there is no option to delete. You could try submitting a ticket however there will be 1000’s of tickets at the moment for players transferring so would take some time.