Tree of Savior Forum

I Love Tree of Savior; I Am Leaving Tree of Savior

Respect to the author of the post, he pretty much summed up a lot of the major issues in a well thought out post. Thank you IMC for responding to the issues he raised, at least now we have some rough idea about what’s going on from your side.

lol, you people are so easy to convince it’s unreal


Agree. I don’t know why but it look like IMC don’t care about BOT problem. Maybe this is Free to Bot not Free to Play game lol.
I still play for fun but I will not pay more to this game. I really regret buying that DLC.

How about optimizing the game, so that this “social experience” can have more than 10 people on screen at more than 10 frames per second? And how about adding some checks to the game’s client, so that hackers can’t do whatever the hell they want with this game?


I agreed with you!

And I’m still sad with the anwser that I got about my transfer had failed to SA server. I had bought The dlc pack 50$(100BRL) and lost everything (characters, itens and time) because an error by IMC when they have had done the transfer. They said: “The period to transfer has already over, sorry we can’t do nothing”.

I love tree of savior too. I can tolerance the restrictions the price the lag, but I can’t tolerant the game content. It’s too linear, nothing for me to look forward to reaching end game…

On the side note: IMC was great at the start and iCBT2 was awesome. That was the game we wished for and what we deserved. All they had to do is polish iCBT2 Savior and go with that system, improving that.

Also, iCBT2 was the main reason I fell in love with ToS.


Thank you so much for the reply, it was necessary. I have faith in this game, I expect a lot from you guys. You need to know that aside from the players that are always saying negative things about the game, there are some (like me) that fully support you. Just take your time but fix the issues in a good way. We have faith :kissing_heart:

You aren’t just repeating what the whiny entitled part of playerbase wants to hear in order to please at least someone, are you? Apparently 5-6 guilds competing for bosses on Klaipeda is “monopolization”. Here we thought we are having end game content, but its “monopolization”. First there were several parties, now its several guilds, but its still “mo-no-poli-zation”. People undercut each other in order to sell at least something = control the market aka “mo-no-poli-zation”. Have you ever been ingame at least once?
You of all people supposed to know that its implemented within game mechanics to be able to obstruct other boss hunting parties with several skills if not dozen, thus evening the odds with something like overgeared fletcher. You aren’t supposed to be clueless about this. Game doesn’t need your involvement and especially with that bad “solution”.

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lol with a community like this I can see why she would leave.

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Mr. Kim,

I feel that you should take one person’s opinions with a grain of salt and focus on overwhelming problems. Many players constantly advocate the work and patching you have done to improve the game while others disrespect and disregard the efforts put out.

Some of the points are valid, the trade restrictions I agree with, as they could be a little more user friendly by allowing us to trade our premium items and silver between characters.

The server instability is out of your hands and we know for a fact that you have been working very hard to solve the problems given.

Community outreach is important and I think any community manager should strive to at least make themselves known in communication to the player. In-game communication is usually most effective at quelling those that are barking the loudest.

The ability to buy TP is again not your problem, most people are more upset over the price, while I believe pricing for packs is completely fine and the users are just more upset that they waited until the best value packs were off sale… this could be taken into consideration by your experienced team and you would get a better result than my opinion.

You mentioned the boss changes, but I feel like this should be pointed out…

This is very important if you read nothing else in my post read this…

Those changes are a horrible and ghastly idea, nobody likes them, not even the players that “struggle” to get world boss loot. The reason being, right now even if you don’t deserve boss loot because your character has not been built for bossing, you can party with a player to obtain that loot.

However the mistake was not adding a timer, it was adding a UNIVERSAL 8 hour timer that stops you from obtaining boss loot from ANY boss.

I feel like it is necessary to make a comparison like punishing a man with death for littering… This is overkill. I for one am not against having a timer, even as a build specifically designed for world bossing… but the rate you used in korea will kill this game. Currently end game content boils down to making an alt, ET(limited) and uncompleted with no rewards, and lastly world bossing.

If you restrict world bossing to once every 8 hours everyone will just camp one boss and gear will become unobtainable, people will idle in the game, botting for things will become more common as players become universally frustrated with the inability to obtain improvements.

You cannot just listen to every level 200 that is mad because they can’t kill dullahan, you have to actually look at the game, your community managers should look at the world bosses and see that there are a wide range of people that get world bosses, and they often ask people if they would like to join for loot.

This server does not have a problem with world bossing, and a change this strict in reaction to a problem a different version of the game that has been running FAR LONGER, is not okay.

The other guy threatened to leave the game, if you take world bossing away, you will lose the people with 1000 hours played and tons of money in the game, instead of losing the players with 50 hours played wondering why they can’t kill the strongest monsters in the game.

Please rethink your egregious over-nerf to the field bossing system before you decide to bring that plague to our server.

EDIT: There seems to be some miscommunication, I am not against a timer, I am against the change they made in Korea. Which prohibits you from getting more than 1 boss cube every 8 hours of in game time. This means if you kill cerberus, you are then restricted from world bossing ANY world boss in ANY field for the next 8 IN GAME hours. So that is why it is an over-nerf.

If the timer were 5 hours (not in game hours) and applied to each individual boss seperately, like each player can only kill DULLAHAN once every it would apply just as much availability for bosses, without forcing players to camp in game, and without literally creating a system where half the bosses go untouched permanently.

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Too bad, the so called “TRUST” was long gone…

Actions speaks louder than words Mr. Kim and if you want your player base back, do something that will literally change the current state of ToS -read the news btw, and I was… :confused:

I just hope this game will be much better in the coming days or so…
I’m really sorry but for now, I can’t emphasize nor trust those words coming from you.

This is what I’m feeling right now until IMC fix the damn whole game.


true story
i know what you feel bro

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I have been and will continue supporting ToS. There are many concerns within the community and it means a lot that we get a response. While there are a lot of things I would like to say, mostly I sincerely appreciate that you took the time to reach out to us, the community of ToS, on this matter.

I personally think we are in a very unique position to be working directly with IMC to give feedback and influence the game because of this access. I am sad that Julie left as well because she was very active. In this early stage, having local community managers (or at least on a different time schedule) that can be on during the player’s active hours isn’t really feasible. Perhaps at a later date, some of the community members who have a good track record could volunteer to assist with moderation on the forums? I’ve seen that happen in several other cases and it seems to help sort out forum posts for redundancy, guiding players to existing answers, and expediting problems when the GM team isn’t available.

The cost of DLC/TP Store items is going to continue to be an issue. It’s one of the biggest complaints outside of the general game performance issues. The estimated cost of the individual items is nearly double the industry standard which is what most players are objecting to.

For the cost of one token in the South Korean version, one can afford a month of gameplay/premium benefits in nearly every other game on the market. If the cost for DLC can be expected to stay in the 30-50 USD range, perhaps you could let the community vote on what items to include in packages to a degree. This is just one possible solution to point out that there are potential compromises if the subject is approached creatively, assuming this kind of solution had not already been discussed.

All other comments aside…Thank you for the promise to remain committed to the game and to the players. I have felt that all of the IMC team are committed to Tree of Savior from the start and look forward to seeing how the game continues to develop. I genuinely appreciate the love and creativity that has gone into making this unique game. I’m excited about the future classes and content. I am enjoying seeing my characters grow stronger.

We, as a community, also have a responsibility to be thoughtful and patient when we see that all of you are working hard on the game. Thank you for taking the time to talk to us about the state of the game and your promise of continued effort on our behalf.



Whoa. whoa whoa whoa. that’s incredible.

And they’re finally going to shut the game behind a non-paid wall on top of that. I’m happy, I asked for communication, I got communication. I don’t care if that means I’m easily convinced or whatever. Coming from someone who is a stickler for competence themselves, even all the yelling and the threats in the world can’t fix an issue that needs time to be fixed. If they took the time to have the lead dev come out here and talk, then I believe they’re not just sitting on their ass and doing nothing.

They have a lot to fix before I really applaud them for anything, but I’m really happy about the transparency.

Transparency? more like damage control. Not anything new we didn’t know about the current state of the game.

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actually all elites are camping dullahan right now and control the market 's price
the debuff was made to make it being fair to the newbies

so if you are an rogue at 170 have no karacha set yr back stab (10s cd 2 over heat) dmg is not even strong as your twin shot dmg (7s cd 5 over heat) and it will be a joke
check the market:

  • no one sell karacha 's set recipes
  • each weapon cost around 3m5+ silver

so newbie needs to wait to rank 7 to buy an lv 170 weapon to improve their r6 class ? and need 7m for an whole set so you need to up to at least lv 250+ to get that amount of silver ?
what a joke
damn those self fish ppl, please think about others not only about yours

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