Tree of Savior Forum

I love Tree of Savior. But today

I don’t think I’m alone on this one, but this game feels more active in endgame contents than it was a year, and even two years ago (Klaipeda POV). The gap between players are much closer than before. Although there’s proof that there’s less activity overall across the servers, it feels like player relations have grown closer in general. Many guilds have doubled in size since I last remembered on this server.

The guilds leaders and their councils respectively have evidently put an enormous amount of work in growing their guilds. The community in general put in lots of work guiding the newer players and updating returning players.

It’s great to be able to return to this game and see all the familiar faces.

This goes without saying that the game isn’t even near perfect, we still have a lot to do. As a community, I think we have a lot of nudging to do towards IMC so they can create better contents for us, and especially for the newer players and smaller guilds (and not just pay for convenience bandaids or catchup events).

Unsurprisingly, there’s still an extreme amount of hostility that players hold towards each other, which is much more amplified between rival guilds. I don’t think anything can ever be dissolved, but it will always be the elephant in the room.

I want to address this hostility stemming from GTW/Borutas with my solution:

Completely decouple Borutas from GTW.

  1. Don’t make it a timed ranking between guilds. Make multiple tiers that give different rewards, with better rewards as you kill Borutas faster.
  2. Halve the HP of Borutas by default, with no advantage from GTW. Please, make a separate reward for GTW.
  3. Bump up the default reward for killing Borutas to a very good amount. If higher tier guilds attempt to farm this by making multiple guilds, they will be punished in GTW by the entry cooldown.

It’s never too late to do this. This is actionable because of the higher tier Boruta seals players will still need.

I want to highlight @Capn_Flint with his recent post: Brief exiting thoughts and shout out

Players should never be forced into certain toxic cliques just to progress their gear. The whole game shouldn’t revolve around this bullshit.


Not to be rude or anything - but go and read the patch notes and the dev-blog.
They already said they are focusing on making the game more accessible and catering to more casual players.

As for toxicity in games - ToS really is not that bad compared to some games.
In addition, I like the competitive aspect of it, it means there is actually something worth playing for. Take AAA MMOs into consideration, all of them have a guild system, all of them mean jack-all because other than a socializing aspect it has not much going on in them games where as in ToS being part of a guild is beneficial, hell, you need it to grow stronger.

So, your post is a bit shallow taking into consideration that if they do as you are suggesting they would heavily impact game play experience by making one of the reasons to play this game completely wasted.

If you and others are so dissatisfied with how the game is: it’s quite simple, nobody is holding you here, move along. If anything is damaging the game it’s the threads created in this forum full of people whinging about things that really do not need attention. Competition is what makes people want to get better, competition is what makes the guild system in this game different and competition to a degree is what forms bonds in a certain group to work together to achieve a common goal, don’t ruin it.

My two cents.


I’ve played this game as long as this game came out. I’ve returned recently and I’m not dissatisfied to quit, but as a fellow player I have a duty to uphold to constructively criticize the game alongside my peers. I have not read the recent dev blogs because it’s really hard to find on their frontpage.

Having an open conversation with the developer has the only way we got this game this far. I am only giving a suggestion and not blasting the developer either. I’d rather be more critical of the community that’s so dismissive about everything a lot of players are dissatisfied with. A lot of people would rather sit back and play more of a “us vs. you” role and call people whiners.

It’s more damaging to ignore everything and pretend things are alright.

It looks like you play in Fedimian, Unfortunately, I think we have an intrinsically different level of toxicity than Klaipeda. We have players that will dox you just for fun over here…

GTW is just too rewarding. I promote grouping up but I don’t promote Zerg vs Zerg and lock out the rest of the server type of rewards and gameplay.


I do not think you understand yourself what you are trying to achieve.

a. You are complaining about toxicity in the game, fostered by guilds.
b. You are stating that the game content/ current key mechanics to grow is too rewarding and should be changed.
c. You are implying that you want an open and honest conversation with the devs to encourage a better game experience

… yet if we take all of the above into consideration they are completely different issues and do not interlink. Boruta got changed, it is no where near as bad as it used to be and as is right now is completely fine.

The community is what it is, sure it may vary on server to server but in the end you decide what you socialize with so that is nothing the devs or the GM’s on this board can help other than enforce rules should someone not abide by them.

And lastly, you are aware IMC is a korean company right?
This board is moderated by Staff members that may relay common issues and or sugguestions but how much can they really achieve in change? If something is utterly broken the way the developers will know is by feedback from reports and tickets created.

And thus we come into business structure, what would you rather focus the current board staff on?
Replying and relying to all the whingey topics on this forum or deal with actual tickets? Because quite frankly they do not have enough staff members to deal with the load of bullshit that is posted on these forums on top of dealing with the tickets created daily by players facing gameplay issues.

So, again, another thread, another stone thrown into the water and the only thing I am seeing is people incapable seeing the bigger picture or understand how games work on a business level. /thread

If you wish for a more interactive dev-gamer experience try something more western based.



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So I don’t know how long you’ve been playing but I’m just making a forum post with a suggestion to try to make this game a little better for newer players, and, just players trying to play the game together. I care more about newer players than your competitive scene. I’ve done all of that before and it was fun.

Also I don’t see how the infrastructure of IMC is related to this topic. I’m just throwing out an idea, that’s it. Maybe players will agree maybe they will disagree. I don’t see how dismissing my post as “whingey” is constructive in any manner.

I’m gonna zero in on this little tidbit right here. So I’ve been playing this game for 3.5 years now, and there’s ample proof that IMC listens to the suggests we make on the forums. They pick the better suggestions and implement them into the game, in our region moreso than any other region this game’s released on.

I was extremely surprised when during the first world boss rework, they took all my suggestions and put it in the game.

There’s enough proof that this forum is a direct line to IMC, and I’m saying that having suggestion posts is the opposite of damaging to this game.

…Lastly, I think you should stop playing Tree of Forums and play Tree of Savior if the volume of these posts bother you.

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So all those guides that I wrote, that you’ve generously included in this picture, are to massively unbalanced game mechanics in previous tiers that I’ve brought attention towards in the community. IMC did their job nerfing those builds in response which is pretty good!

Especially the infamous murmnobi which had 50x the damage over any other build at the time, and the Thaumaturge World Bossing gimmicks of Reversi!


My man. You just earned my respects.

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Did you actually proof-read that against what has been suggested in the Korean forums at that time?
Not that I have, but that’s a strong claim to say that they actually did implement based on what you suggested, it could be all a coincidence.

with a dead end in between. yes, the IMC staff on the forums might read and compile things, but we do not have any suggestion board like the players on KTOS have [] to directly interact with the developers.

That suggestion board is the greatest proof of that. Every month the developer team picks the best 6 questions/suggestions (it was 6 iirc) provided by players and answers them[].
The people of each division give detailed answers.

We don’t have that. We don’t even have an official suggestion post made by IMC that doesn’t close down after 30 days.

There is also the language barrier, which makes complicated suggestions get lost in translation,
since well-educated people surely won’t go for the meager pay of IMC if they can as well work for a company that invests into oversea business and earn several times the salary IMC would pay them.

So, to really communicate with the developers, you need to be at least semi-fluent in Korean to write up the concerns and proposals and send them via the ticket option on the main side.

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I think you guys put less faith into IMC than you should…

And let’s not dwell on the past, cause the ticket I put in outlined every little mechanic in the game upon world bossing 3 years ago that were all patched up. Unless you world bossed for over thousands of hours like my group did, it was extremely, extremely unlikely to know all of the little details…

I can post it here but it’s already irrelevant.

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I think the current Boruta/GTW feature is fine except for one thing: it is underused. Each week, up to 6 guilds can fight Boruta in Sulivinas (I won’t talk about the Ancient Being fight which is a stupid joke). However, at least in Fedi, there are never more than 3-4 guilds on the rewards list, meaning that either they take more than one territory or they don’t fight Boruta because they don’t have time. For me it’s like wasting the spot of other guilds who would want to fight the dragon.

Well said bravo 20///

TOS toxicity is baby level

i love tree of savior.but since they nerf like crazy and rebuild come…

Guilds come and go. To have a competitive guilds require delectations and time. Yes smaller guilds would have to work harder to catch up but they have less ppl to feed and easier to manage. Outside of the GTW boruta, guild solo boruta also gives boruta reward as well. Many of us like the competitive aspect of the game, it is not perfect and can be improved but it should not be removed since it provides incentive to do GTW.

Time attack Boruta is worlds, and I mean WORLDS better than v1.0. Can it still be improved? Sure, anything can.

I agree that tieing Boruta Time Attack to GTW results in a situation where the cost of attack is too high relative to defense, so guilds are motivated to just sit in their territory and hold it for 1 hour. This problem is prevalent in any ‘open’ GvG event like GTW or even RO’s WoE.

Just sit there and pre-cast for 2 hours, if your emp breaks there goes your econ. Same deal.

I want to see a clever implementation of incentives to attack and conquer, beyond just having a point and denying another guild a chance at Boruta. The problem is that attack-based incentives are too easy to exploit, and Friend, you and I both know that guilds will exploit whatever they can.

The moment you build an incentive to attack is the moment that guilds start win-trading to exploit it.

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I want to quit but I am still tied to TOS and hoping it will get better soon but the RNG over RNG is depressing.I really don’t mind the grinding.I feel you need to be jobless and not go to school to even be revelant in the game or just throw your money at IMC to keep up.It’s too hard to keep up with a job,gym,gf,etc.The gap is so huge and feel like is pointless to even squeeze in a couple hours into the game.

I am not satisfied with GTW and prefer/love the 15 VS 15 instances.Heck you can even make a couple 15’s groups in the same guild to Q up against other guilds.

TBL is dead

PVE contents lack real MMO mechanics instead a tank and spank

Old maps are empty and don’t reuse them

Optimization is crap,I don’t see no difference and my tower and internet is way more than enough lol

Cash shop is more and more P2W

IMC throws items to reach close to level cap and gear to jump start new players

IMC way of end contents is to pile up RNG features

I really don’t know why I am still playing this game,perhaps I am too addicted and can’t let go.I been here since the beta’s and to see it grow this little over the years with many people quitting and seeing that the game is at it’s death bed early then it should be makes me sad.


15v15 created some of the most fun this game ever presented, but unfortunately it was exploited by pretty much every big guild at the time besides a select few. All IMC needed to do was refine it, and instead they just deleted it.

Inversely, they were so obsessed with Boruta that they just couldn’t let it go, even though literally everyone said this content is un fun.

So many people quit when IMC got rid of 15v15. Odds are they will never come back.