Tree of Savior Forum

I love Tree of Savior. But today

The game will have a huge drop of players when they officially announce that they will be nomore class creation.

The reason people are still playing is because the various classes combination.Once the factory is finish making new classes you will see people quitting left and right.

People are more interested in new classes,new skills and cosmetics over end game gear imo.

I am of the belief that if IMC provides more meaningful content it will expand their playerbase. Existing players have resigned themselves to Tree of Fashion and Tree of Class because there is simply nothing else to do.


I am not sure what RNG you are referring to. The only BS RNG that can’t be overcome at the moment is the boruta seal upgrade, and that upgrade has minimum impact. Ichor process is no longer RNG based and can be processed through steadily using transmution. So is the gear set effect. Don’t tell me you are talking about weapon enchant again, that is just min-max. The free event weapon does 90% of the 500m market listed +16 weapon and can totally used for any pve and pvp situations. Outside of min max, there is no RNG that can’t be done through grinding.

About new “p2w” package, they are mostly getting you to the end game. That is just how the mmorpg genre is now days. FF14 GW2 and WOW are all about end game. There is no one mmorpg that I know of doesn’t have the level cap as the “beginning of the game”.

And about optimization, get a new computer. My 2015, GTX970 has no problem running this game even inside the boruta. It’s not perfect but it has improved since the optimization patch. So don’t just complain for the sake of complain.

With all the events offered, anyone can just jump in the game with couple weeks play and be able to contribute in a party or a guild. I don’t understand what you mean by the gap is getting bigger. The amount of free attribute points and free gears throw at the new players are overwhelming. Also I am a geared player and just play 2 hours a day, I was able to keep up with rerolling the legend cube every week. Each solo cm gets you around 1m silver and only takes around 10mins. I spent more time chatting in discoed more than actually playing the game. Maybe you are just not grinding enough.

I got a dual GTX970 card and my ram is 32 GB with very fast internet.People need add ons to reduce the lag of this low stat requirement game.Even if their PC is Beast lol they need the add ons for Boruta and GTW…Sigh

The RNG is horrible when you stack it like that.
Leticia and package are P2W for the most part not all.

CM you need to reset it or have 14 characters that can solo cm lol is that normal?I hear people that have like 15 SR’s to solo CM…that’s very sad lol.

The game is so far pass saving that I can’t think of any solutions to save it.I even write so much suggestions on the forums but none was heard so…:man_facepalming::man_shrugging:.When people say all you do is complain but don’t offer any sort of solution but when you do offer it on the forum there is no feedback from the staff and why is not a good idea or that is something that they may use in the future.So what’s the point in wasting your time if you aren’t sure your suggestion is being at least read?

My life style is probably too much for this game to no life it😞.But let’s say I had the time PVP and GTW is boring the best was indeed 15v15 omg that was amazing!!! and PVE
Is lacking .

All this is my view and won’t change unless they woah me,I doubt that I am very wrong on everything I stated…I mean look at TOS state right now (doing horrible).Every games dies eventually but this one is going down hill too quickly.People can be whiteknights as much as they want and be optimistic but TOS is doing very bad sadly and just dressing up the core problems with cosmetics,new classes,new skills and cash shop items.

I find people make too much excuses to defend IMC or to justify their game.At the end of the day the player base is dropping,people are quitting and the new players are not enough to make up for the quitters and the new players most of them quit also.

The fact is TOS is doing horrible,that’s a fact!Will it get better…who knows but I doubt it.


There will never be “enough” improvements. Things can be improved as you pointed out such as pvp. However, it looks like everyone is failing to recognize the improvements that have bren made such as power gap (old +16 weapons), class freedom (rebuild) and optimization. If the Current TOS is so horrible, what about the game one year ago? Why would anyone still in this game when it was 100 times worst? All this whining posts sound like this is the end the worst of all time but in fact it has been the best tos since Release. You are free to think the game is bad and jump to other game but the FACT is it’s better than ever. Is the best version of TOS the best game out there? NO. Move on to other game.

This is not true, the issue is that ToS lacks a lot of many fundamental departments and IMC takes too long to acknowledge and fix issues. That is further aggravated by the fact they change directions from time to time instead of committing to one of them completely, the ARTs dev post was completely contradictory on the direction they stated on the week prior the announcement, ignoring when some of it just backfires.

Indeed, a lot of good was done since the game release, however other important aspect were either barely addressed, ignored our got new issues as byproducts of certain updates. Is the current ToS the best version it ever was? Perhaps, i cannot say for sure. Re:build was a deal breaker for many players as it slaughtered builds completely, some that can’t be achieved in any degree as classes were moved away from their trees, it was an improvement but it wasn’t free.

Now, compare the improvements the game received over the life spam and you can see that it didn’t progressed that much, people were complaining that companions take character slots since day 1 (which is quite a simple thing to address) and almost 4y down the line the only reaction IMC had towards it was “yes, we know that it sucks”. A lot of veterans are giving up because they see the current game state and how long it takes for things to progress, at this rate it might take 4 more years for the game to reach the state these players will enjoy, but that’s too long to be sustained on hope alone.

What you say isn’t wrong, things aren’t as simple. The reason people take their time to complain in a well educated manner about the game is because they truly care, they want the game stay enjoyable, for it to live long, succeed and perhaps even reach the spotlight someday. It doesn’t matter if it’s an active, retired or a player that quit the game, for them ToS is (and likely will always be) special and they want it to be the best it can, and for ToS ‘luck’ there’s no other game that has enough of similar characteristics and appeal to replace it.

People just that still keep any sort of connection to ToS just want to have fun with the game and there’s nothing wrong for players to point out why they’re not having fun with it or how the game could be more fun to them.

The reason why this is happening is because, from players reports, the game lacks retention power to keep newcomers, without new players the game can’t grow further. If the active players keep leaving the revenue also decreases, with less people actively playing the harder will be for new players to try it out or put more time into it, as such IMC can’t replace their income source and they can’t improve the game. What scares veterans is this vicious cycle that is at 1.1k players average right now and only going lower, that’s 300 players per server being generous, which is about 5 guilds with 60 players (i don’t recall the member cap).

If this doesn’t change soon there won’t be hope for iToS. Can’t say the same on kToS as i don’t know if they publish the data.


I think the worst people on any forum are the people that tell others to shut up and blindly defend things without offering any suggestions. They even follow up and telling others to move on/quit. It’s like you really have nothing to say.

The +16 weapon difference is much narrower gap than everything you need to grind for to truly have a chance today:

  • ichor
  • set effect
  • better ichors, second ichors
  • legend gear
  • legend accessories
  • legend card
  • gems
  • monster gems sometimes
  • seals
  • attributes
  • now ARTS (or p2w it).

From our standpoint (our guild), I think the freedom of builds is much more restricted than before due to Re:Build system.


  • harder to make a “useless class”
  • easier to understand for new players
  • easier to implement a rank reset system


  • much less freedom of builds
  • less creative builds out there than before
  • less class combos
  • makes the game more zerg focused due to having to get a lot more members to cover more circles, especially in cleric

Previously in the 10 rank system, we found uses for what the community claimed to be the shittiest classes ever.


Look at the player base and like I said I am still playing this game because I am addicted to perhaps the visual art or hoping it will get better.But I am in the verge of really quitting because I being here since BETA and the changes they made are cool but there is 1 main thing I can never get over or move on is that a game with such low spec requirements still can’t be optimize for allllllllll these years.They have done some work on optimization but the game still lags on the contents like Boruta and GTW.

Like what friend said you got nothing to say but tell people if they don’t like it then quit/leave.As I love to express how I feel about the game,you need to understand in life that not everyone is going to agree with you or side with you.Just let it go and accept that we disagree with you and that we see things differently.

I only share what I experience as a veteran that been since the beginning.You see things differently and I fully accept that.And if you truely want facts then look at the player base from the beginning of time up to know and tell me if TOS is in the BEST shape compare to previous years.Best shape doesn’t mean new content,new classes,new skills,new cosmetics,bugs that are fix or anything kind of improvement.The best shape is when you got players who are staying and not quitting and people who are joining to play TOS… THAT’S GROWTH!The population is going down and down it only rises for a couple months when a new classes or level cap increase then the returnees quit again lol.

All the stuff they are doing isn’t keeping the players around that’'s a fact!

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So, couple things.

I agree that BIS upgrades should not be tied to GVG, but there needs to be a good incentive for GVG.

I do not think that the toxicity will go away if this were changed, it would just be a feature of some other competitive content, even if it’s PVE. The toxicity isn’t a feature of smaller guilds or larger guilds, but a feature of a few core individuals who want to make everything personal. It’s too difficult to police behavior in a game like this, especially when there are so many enablers and other people who passively support the worst behavior through silence, either because they’re afraid of retribution or afraid of becoming a pariah in such a small community.

Actually I think–and I said this ages ago when guild events first started distributing loot–the way all guild content distributes loot is the core of the problem. For every guild, no matter who the leader is, every person within the guild has to fully trust the guild leader to make the right decisions about loot distribution and the core disagreements between guilds stem from this; each guild’s inherent culture is defined by how it is managed and how the loot controlled. It’s not even about the fact that now most of this loot is best in slot and can’t be obtained elsewhere, but rather a massive time investment of 20-60 people being delegated by a single person’s whims. Even in a perfectly fair environment, you are at the mercy of your guild leader’s decisions and attentiveness.

Add on a whole bunch of tribalism that just inherently surrounds any kind of competitive GVG scene, and you get what we’ve seen since roughly January. The community is small, making one’s reputation everything, and people take salt so seriously that things can fall apart at the drop of a hat. You can separate the best in slot gear from GVG, but the most toxic people will simply move onto another aspect of the game that they can be asinine about in the absence of PVP competition.

A reasonable amount of people have been coming back to the game, and a reasonable amount of new players. I don’t think it’s the toxicity that turns all of them off–but the politics might if they find themselves sucked into the black hole. The most important thing is for larger guilds to support the smaller ones. That doesn’t necessarily mean gift them maps in GTW, though it certainly happens, but GTW is a numbers game. A guild of 15 simply cannot hold a map vs. a guild of 40. But even in a 30v30, people only seem to be capable of counting the guild icons and attribute their loss to a 5v1 rather than losing to an even number of people who are already dealing with the disadvantage of friendly fire.

We can go back and forth about the ideal target size of guilds all day, but with guilds player caps at just around 100, and with the new guild content as expensive as it is, it’s clear that IMC wants guilds to be huge. Unfortunately, unless the population explodes, that means the smaller guilds are in a tough spot for a while yet.

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I can’t agree with this, BUT
If this is it’s current best, it still has a very long way to go from where it is atm, even if this could be considered great or mediocre.

That said, I get that the complaining threads have been really wild lately, but the sad reality is that if no one complained about any of the issues in the game, nothing would ever get done to fix it’s problems. We’d probably still be playing the ~50x worse version of ToS with a game full of abusable exploits or w/e.

Unfortunately, the only way you usually wind up reaching developer’s ears is voting with your wallet and complaining about what would make you spend money on their game.

Like… a lot. You have to complain a lot.


I love Tree of Savior. I’m leaving Tree of Savior

Such a classic

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