Tree of Savior Forum

I Just Want to be a MusketMan

Hello there everyone, is there anyone among you all that could give me solid advice on a musketeer build and stat spread.

I’ve been looking for information and it seems every time I think I have it figured out I find something that tells me the opposite of what I just learned.

I’ve seen so many different builds that I’m not 100% on what’s wrong or right but I’m pretty sure I grab two circles in Archer at some point?

In regards to stats spread I was seeing that STR was most important for musketeer and to go 3:1 with STR and DEX. However, shortly after, I came across something that said I should be going like 5:2:1 with DEX, STR, and then CON respectively.

I appreciate any help you can give, thanks!

So I’ve read a lot about the dex/str argument, and what seems to make the most sense to me from everything I read is: if you are playing a class with high base-damage, then crit/dex is superior to str because it scales much harder. Musketeer is a high-base-damage class and therefore scales much better with higher dex investment (perhaps not even really getting any str at all). You want your super high powered skills to be critting more often and dealing an extra 15k damage, rather than giving them an extra 200-300 damage.

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As musketeers main myself. Be ready to do hardly any sort aoe. And single target everything. ( you love linkers c3. Hitting for 100k+ with snipe to every linked mob is a nice rush)

I enjoy quiver circle 3. For running shot ( makes auto Atk fast and deadly. If you get transcendent rifle upto to +5 or higher level. You tear stuff down better than 95% classes out their (they just didn’t realize it yet how op that skill is) and also very efficient with sp cause all u do is buff once and just run around and shoot stuff in face) Shields and spikes on ground as well to stop people from getting hit by missiles or knock people down if they get too close. Also it automatically a taunts everything in area so helps with getting mobs bunch up

Scout 1 for pvp also if u get in trouble in pvp or just want to run thru a area. Cloaking is whole reason you get to live past first 30 seconds of every match. Moment you get out of cloak u better hope you hit with snipe or ability to kill a person and than run back fast to ur group. Also scout has fireworks which is best aoe Atk u have and only one lol.

Also I took archer to c2. For kneeling shot and swift buff that increases dex envision ny alot and critical rate 25%

Currently I am 430 strong 60 con and rest in Dex. But unless you focused on earth tower. I would honestly just go for full dex with + transcend weapon that +5 or higher and do better damage. Also u want to see ur musketeers skills critical because it huge damage boost. (Transcend weapons changed whole stats bussiness)
Meaning u could have a lot of str but all it really adds is around 500 physical Atk and block penetration so 2.5k total with 2k rifle and 15 to 25 percent to crit

OR u could have 2k+ rifle physical with 60 to 90 percent critical chance (which makes u do 3k+ per hit). Which on skills is more important not to miss a critical especially snipe atk.

Another beauty that some people finally realized how broken running shot is… it increases ur damage on auto atks by 320% and u fire like a machine gun. Meaning that auto shot with 2k rifle… just became 10k+ auto Atk if not more with critical.

I got 400 damage rifle currently and my critical hit for 5 to 7k on auto Atkins (2k to 4k on normal hits) really fast. But u got to have good ping. Cause the game likes to glitch were so times ur fire so quickly especially with kneeling. That server can’t keep up and register that to have like 100%+ Atkins speed and fire like crazy but shoot nothing out

My combat vs 260+ mobs

I use running shot on mobs with pitchforks icons to clear out the room. Than butt stroke the fox icons mob to get 100% damage for musketeers skills. And cloak and snipe ( usually will kill most hard mobs in one hit or really close to death). Than I repeat butter stroke on second fox icon mob and use head shot twice on it to kill it. And third one same process button stroke and cover fire.

Max out ur covering fire first. It like multi shot but on steroids. It be ur biggest and hardest hitting skill currently I do over 200k+ with it. And I got crappie gear

I kinda wished IMC made the butt stroke be able to hit more than one mob at a time cause than we could decent aoe with covering fire on group of mobs. But it reason u would love linkers in every party and mission and grind u get. Cause u just butt stroke and than snipe and see 10+ mobs die instantly. Or just simply do mindless running shot grind. Which usually hit everything for 5k+ × hit x how many mobs linked togather


Hey thanks a lot everyone! I think I have a better understanding of how to build a musketeer now. You were all very helpful, I really appreciate the assistance!