Tree of Savior Forum

I figured out when "Soon" is!

It’s been right in front of our faces for so long.
S o o n has four letters.
The fourth month is April.
The first letter of April is A , which would mean one.

April 1st is April Fools.
F o o l s starts with F. What month begins with F? February.
February 26th was an announcement: 2 + 6 = 8.
The 8th month is August.

During August we had a CBT key giveaway.
C B T in numbers are 3 2 20… 3 + 2 = 5.
5 20 actually means 5/20 which is May 20th.

Kk thank me later guys, the release date is May 20th 2016.

(Please IMC, I just want to play) ; ~ ;


Illuminati confirmed.


Nice try sherlock holmes.


Wow much irruminati


I’m getting a bit tired of illuminati jokes.

Illoominaty confirmed m9s.



The god has spoke God BBC Action

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More like a ruminant.

soon = 19 +15 +15 +14 = 63
so it will happen in June 3rd.

Too easy. Need more conspiracy.

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I needed this picture, thank you. please message me more K-On memes if you will.

uh… right then.
trees save us by expelling oxygen so illuminatrix-bby comfirnimerninated.

HOLY guacamole. #20Characters.

that was a close call, but actually they said “Soon™”

which should be translated to ASCII

S - 83
o - 111
o - 111
n - 110
™ - 0153


which converted back to extended ASCII would grant “웹”

note that ™ is typed by pressing alt 0153, but the converter is poorly programed and ignores the 0 so it results on a bad translation of characters starting in 0, the rest should check

this means “web”

when you search “web” in the forums, the first topic you will find is this one:

this topic number is 124855

if you add up all the numbers, you get 25

the topic was created on december 15

if you subtract those numbers, 12-15=-3


could be read in some regions as 25 - march

you’re welcome.

clearly i was on the right path, but i misunderstood the signals at the end:

25-3 = 22

soon meant this month, so, 22 - march


Spread the word! 20th of May!

Oh, I dont have that many. But Ill take your request into account, Sir.

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you know, this reminds me of those crazy people calling the last days and the world apocalypse

omg 2 minutes ago comments were disabled for like a minute.
illuminati confirmed