Tree of Savior Forum

I demand justice for my ban

Should they also unban


Maybe they were falsely banned too. Surely its a grand conspiracy and nobody violates the rules.

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Irrelevant, but ok. Comparing apples to oranges.

Everyone who is banned likes to make a case on how they were the one who was falsely banned. Surely IMC made a mistake not once, but several times on a number of accounts seen doing the same thing they’ve made changes to address and are continuing to make changes to address.

It goes back to them not being obligated to tell you why you were banned. They own your account and all of its goodies and owe you nothing if you broke their rules. Everyone would love to plead ignorance and hope it covers them. I’ve seen time and again people ignoring the Terms of Service that you can view here.

For everyone to lazy to read them over (though you have agreed to them by playing ToS), this is something worth reading.

Users are abusing the monster AI/inability to hit players
Users are abusing the pillar’s quest/gimmick
Users are gaining illicitly

Could also be worth considering


But no, I’m sure everything is on the level and all of those things are irrelevant and you and everyone else did nothing wrong.


i guess there are 2 things happening that got gm’s attention Owo

  1. multiboxing

  2. pillar abuse

since it may look like a single person is cheating given the conditions

the scenario was able to rule out that you’re not multiboxing in one unit

but the mere fact you challenged the gm’s request to not use the pillar in an unintended manner by propelling stand-offish responses is equivalent to intentionally abusing the game’s bug.

That, aside from admitting it yourself by declaring there is nothing wrong with utilizing such abuse

you’re trying to tell gm that they allowed such things so that people with criminal mindset would naturally use it, that the solution, according to you, is to remove the catalyst

but here’s the thing, people who have a criminal mindset are naturally inclined to be abusive, not just in that specific scenario, but in general. and you just triggered yourself to be in that status

instead of correcting yourself, you are defending an action that you are fully and extensively aware that is wrong

i wonder how this would end if your reply was something along the lines of “gee officer, i didn’t know. this will not happen again”

gm is just doing her job on catching abusive players, and you got the justice you demanded. so i don’t see why you’re asking something that’s already been served


I’m not going to argue with you, you are free to your opinion, but do you feel a perma ban is correct in this scenario? There are much worse things going on on this game, with minimal to no punishment. Macro users, bots, PVP exploits, etc. Most of these players, even something as toxic as RMT, only gives a 15day ban.

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OK let’s clear this up. We didn’t ban you because you were AFK farming in Baubas. After you and Cherry had your little chat I’ve looked into your market transactions and connections made to game from your IP. It seems that someone in your household(lol it was your cat wasn’t it?) had created 50+ accounts to exploit an event that was started out of good will towards players and your “wife’s” account was funneling massive amounts of CM portals, monster albums and etc to “your” account.

This is enough grounds for us to ban you because you are transferring items between different accounts because you know that we will ban you if you transfer silver via listing items for ridiculous prices on the market. You could still make the argument that you were transferring those items in order to enjoy the game together with your “wife” but coming from a guy who created 50+ accounts to exploit event to gain massive blessed gems? You expect us to believe you?

I gave everyone a warning on the forums to stop farming/macroing on Baubas pillars but people decided not to listen. So, everyone I see on those pillars who respond to GM calls I’m gonna go into scrutiny looking at your market history and acc connections to see if you’ve taken advantage of the game in any other incriminating ways.

I went to Sausis afterward and banned macros there too. They were much easier to ban because they were blatantly macroing




well, to be honest. when gm actually made an effort in an investigation, don’t you think those are things that should have been taken as seriously? owO

the mere fact you’ve labeled yourself to have abusive tendencies pretty much makes you a potential offender on the list of offenses

i am quite sure someone will get the same punishment if they admitted to gm that they are doing RMT and be adamant on it straight in the face

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F. May you rest in peace


Exactly. If you’ve been involved in some shady stuff with regards to the game… Stop sticking out like a soar thumb. Nulight and his “waifu” could have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for him being greedy and kept farming on those pillars


Yeah… the guys from last week who selling Broadhead Arrow and Monster Energy and all sort of things with 1M each will going to disagree with it. I burned all of their illegal trades. :hey:

You know what? I think I should start posting how much I burned and how many I scorched.
Just a 15 days of Ban?? Of course…


Good Job @STAFF_Bob and @STAFF_Yuri. They are bringing up their “squad” to flag our posts and try to prove their points by lying to the community. Glad you cleared that up for everyone on Klaipeda server and iTOS.

Good riddance.


You’ll also investigate and ban the other dozen of ppl who did that, right?

And update the rules, adding something about multi accounts


I hope this means that people who have done afk botting/macro/rmt and pillar abuse in the past(and even moreso recently) arent getting a free ticket to safety either.

keep up the good work :satisfaction:

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Which anime is the waifu? :3

Unfortunately that is in the grey because of issues that nulight has addressed himself. But when there is sudden spike in player’s silver gains or we come across a case where ingame currency is being centralized on one account from multiple other dummy accounts we will go after them.

lol this reminds me one of my all time favor movie, Linken Lawyer (2011). When you thought you were tough and tried to F with the Matthew McConaughey (aka, Bob), then it turned out you were just about to get a hell of storm waiting for you.

I know I quit and that I have no right to jump in on here but… last year I used to report a lot of people for these reasons and this is the answer that I got on the ticket system:

I’m not sure if the rules were changing without notifying players but this seems pretty messed up to not follow a stance IMC gave on its own.

You do hold all rights to suspend any account at will and that’s fine, we all agree to it when accepting the Terms of Service.

But doesn’t seem like a good idea to put personal feelings over professionalism.

Actually 2 years ago, sorry for the error. Still, never saw any update regarding that anywhere, not on the website, not on the Terms of Service page etc.


What about alts that grinding Irredian Boss?
It’s around 10~20 mins per Irredian boss with proper class, no trans weapon
Pls do some check on it later too

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nevermind part one of this post

Will you investigate and ban all the people who afk farmed at DinaBeeFarm too? @staff_bob

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