Tree of Savior Forum

Would it be bannable if i?

Made a new account to get the free Savinose gear on the new server and traded over only my cosmetic costumes over to the new account?

It should be harmless or otherwise okay, unless there is a group out there to hunt you down.

This guy got banned for funneling CM scrolls and albums (which the game now generously gives them out now)

I see it as being a bit of a grey area. No one’s going to give you the green light, but nobody will care either as long as you don’t push your luck.

It could easily be (and probably often is) a couple of siblings in the same building, for example. IMC has no way of knowing that it isn’t, and I doubt they much care. But if you’re pushing your luck by making lots of throwaways and funneling resources into one account (for example, people used to make many accounts to afk farm in Dina Bee Farm), then yeah, that’s asking for it.


Just to be clear, IMC are at the very least okay with players making a new team on the server given they actually gave instructions how:

How to Pre-Register
STEP 1. Log-in to the New Server and create a new team.
STEP 2. Wait until the New Servers are open. All players who register during the Pre-Registration period will receive special rewards during the scheduled maintenance on February 18, 2020.


  1. My account has a team in the Original Server. Can I join the New Growth Support Server with this account?
  • No. You have to use another new account.

And common sense dictates that pre-existing players who migrate permanently to a new account may want to take some of their favourite stuff with them, although IMC hasn’t said anything about this which is why I said it’s a grey area.

I would literally only transfer my costumes, and hair accessories. Everything else I dont mind walking away from.

Then you’ve basically got nothing to worry about :grinning:

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