Tree of Savior Forum

I demand justice for my ban

F. May you rest in peace


Exactly. If you’ve been involved in some shady stuff with regards to the game… Stop sticking out like a soar thumb. Nulight and his “waifu” could have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for him being greedy and kept farming on those pillars


Yeah… the guys from last week who selling Broadhead Arrow and Monster Energy and all sort of things with 1M each will going to disagree with it. I burned all of their illegal trades. :hey:

You know what? I think I should start posting how much I burned and how many I scorched.
Just a 15 days of Ban?? Of course…


Good Job @STAFF_Bob and @STAFF_Yuri. They are bringing up their “squad” to flag our posts and try to prove their points by lying to the community. Glad you cleared that up for everyone on Klaipeda server and iTOS.

Good riddance.


You’ll also investigate and ban the other dozen of ppl who did that, right?

And update the rules, adding something about multi accounts


I hope this means that people who have done afk botting/macro/rmt and pillar abuse in the past(and even moreso recently) arent getting a free ticket to safety either.

keep up the good work :satisfaction:

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Which anime is the waifu? :3

Unfortunately that is in the grey because of issues that nulight has addressed himself. But when there is sudden spike in player’s silver gains or we come across a case where ingame currency is being centralized on one account from multiple other dummy accounts we will go after them.

lol this reminds me one of my all time favor movie, Linken Lawyer (2011). When you thought you were tough and tried to F with the Matthew McConaughey (aka, Bob), then it turned out you were just about to get a hell of storm waiting for you.

I know I quit and that I have no right to jump in on here but… last year I used to report a lot of people for these reasons and this is the answer that I got on the ticket system:

I’m not sure if the rules were changing without notifying players but this seems pretty messed up to not follow a stance IMC gave on its own.

You do hold all rights to suspend any account at will and that’s fine, we all agree to it when accepting the Terms of Service.

But doesn’t seem like a good idea to put personal feelings over professionalism.

Actually 2 years ago, sorry for the error. Still, never saw any update regarding that anywhere, not on the website, not on the Terms of Service page etc.


What about alts that grinding Irredian Boss?
It’s around 10~20 mins per Irredian boss with proper class, no trans weapon
Pls do some check on it later too

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nevermind part one of this post

Will you investigate and ban all the people who afk farmed at DinaBeeFarm too? @staff_bob

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So do you really think im not a real person? really now?! I did saalus with my alt account vylet everyday and used the silver to buy cm portal scrolls so that’s an offense? as far as I am concerned this is legal what do you really do on your alt account? so you mean to tell me all those people that have multi accounts that is making silver from shops etc. Is not an offense?? then why they’re not banned? You guys are power abusive and made up ■■■■ to so you can forced banned me and my husband for your own pleasure. Just because you can. Mind you this is an official server and not just some private server. If you run things like this then good luck to your game. I hope it last more months after this. If it happens to us then I can assure you whenever you get “highlighted” this will happen to you too. Im just amazed that there is no justice on this bias judgement. This is very one sided and more of a power trip. Can you dig that deep on other players too? because as far as I remember a lot of top players did worst than this. But oh wait its only US being punished on this just because we did not spend enough money to buy your bs TP. It’s been 3 years of playing this game and getting this bias judgement is disgusting. Take your game and your toxic players in hell. I hope you guys could sleep from this day on. I hope this will set an example in the community how bias gms are in here and there is no justice of this.

bye. afk famer, we wont miss you.

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Oh, no no. I mean something entirely different. I’m sorry for the confusion.

I meant that I went ahead and asked IMC to clarify if it was allowed or not.

The answer was:
It was allowed (and that was why these players weren’t getting banned, maybe?).

So I stopped reporting them after and stopped caring since it was allowed.

The issue here is:
Changing stances like that or meddling with rules on a case by case basis is pretty much appealing to personal feelings rather than sticking by their own previous stances, since there wasn’t any update regarding that.

Even if we fall into arguments of “same IP, same computer” or stuff there’s this:

One entire city can have the same IP to every single customer in different households.

As someone who heavily argued with Nulight in the past (and even avoiding to be in the same guild some time in those past years) I’m quite certain that they indeed have different computers and didn’t use macros.

I for once dislike AFK farming too but if you’re going to do something, do it fair, you’re a game staff and GM, you’re supposed to do things without involving in-game personal feelings or etc.

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So, for me using accounts to benefit from events that you guys purposely make corrupted(Look at how poorly the Halloween event was handled by your team), I get punished for it? You had countless people using desync issues to abuse that event and never said that you are not allowed to use new accounts(add better restrictions?). You are killing your own game, “Staff_Bob” I’ve made it pretty public of how corrupt you guys are and how you guys handle things on this game. You have such a tiny population, and are willing to lash out at it with your unprofessional statements that you can “bend the rules.” Very official from a company. Maybe I should do some research to call in and get some complaints going?

Also, since you claimed to do a bunch of “acc connections” did you fail to check for a MAC address? You can clearly see there are different PC’s using MAC addresses on the accounts I/my wife are using. Or do you not know what that is? I’m pretty impressed that you were so quick on this case, because you sure did solve this one fast. When the DPK bug occurred, it took you guys a very long time, and that STILL had people getting away free with items. Not to mention the “accidental” silver given out from the person duping and exploiting the market.

I literally was given a free pass by [GM] Cherry, and then you go the extra mile to do all this shady detective work and find any sort of shrimp in the ocean of history on my account and my wifes to ban us(which, thank you, we don’t have any RMT or -actual- exploits going on that are legitimate to ban for. Kudos to us), BUT you guys fail to handle any sort of reports on players/game breaking PVP bugs(evasion bug being constantly abused in PVP/GTW, The kabba infinite healing bug, etc.), or anything that actually matters for the health of the game. But no, you had to do so much extra work that could be spent productively to handle 2 veteran players and permanently ban him and his wife. Maybe if I purchased more TP, I wouldn’t have had to deal with this, because you guys hand hold huge TP buyers.

I’m expecting you to just ban my account, because you don’t want the truth exposed, so be my guest.

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didnt read much into this kind of drama, but i support the ban. @STAFF_Bob ban all afker pls.

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This, only unironically.


Personal feelings? You’re making it sound like farming on Baubas is A.O.K when we clearly warned on the forums not to do that and we will be fixing the issue and there are many other players who are against it.

It’s been a problem for over a full month now and dev-wise the fix has been slow and exploiters have already evolved far beyond the progress the devs were making in implementing a permanent fix.

If being frustrated for not being able to do my job and people acting like a smartass when trying to enforce what little rules we can enforce to make the game environment less toxic to the best of our resources is personal, yes it’s personal.

I will tell you nulight wasn’t the only one who’s account history I looked into in order to keep people off those pillars. He has not received “special treatment” as you would like to make people believe. I have caught others who have actually transferred silver explicitly as well.

Stop playing the victim card and forming a circle jerk around this thread. It’s really starting to stink up the place.

what’s this about a 1-2 yr old crime. the event was in Feb or March 2019 lol

i’m gonna stop posting I have more important tasks to do than explain myself needlessly


My sentence isn’t about the AFK farming since it wasn’t the ban motive right now.

I too really dislike it but isn’t excuses for bending rules in one’s favor.

Read again, I’m telling about reasoning for the ban, that has nothing to do with the actual farming and was said to be allowed previous by IMC staff.

And please, do not run away after not explaining nothing about the actual ban reason. That’s just going to make it worse.

I hate AFK farmers, but I hate power abusing GMs even more.

Your role is to fix the game corruption, not be part of it.