Tree of Savior Forum

Hype: What are you excited about from the update?

Want to see how Bokor and Necromancer is after buff.
But honestly I’m more worried about if that instance quest
glitch is fixed lol. That’s the reason why I haven’t been playing.

i expect people no complain about new things

Mainly the Swordsman buffs. More specifically, Rodelero’s. Was interested in making one for a while, but couldn’t really see myself leveling one, due to the posts I read on how lacking it is. But, with the Murmillo tease and the buffs it received, I found myself already making another swordsman to take that path, haha.

Also, the monk buffs! Really happy that I can finally use Palm Strike and Hand Knife without worrying about where the mobs will fly to :smile:

Those are all pretty fun builds! Ive not played any priest though, but how about this? Cleric 2, priest 1, diev 3 PD.

I personally believe this is a solid build at least for ET with the revive plus diev ausrine and owls would be highly beneficial to the entire party.

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I’ve considered it actually! I used to main diev, it’s a great class and I enjoy the weird mix of skills they get. ^^a I’m pretty laid back and enjoy being able to have fun with things. I’ll probably either go cleric 2 priest 1 or cleric 1 priest 2. I don’t have experience in ET but I’d like to mess around with it once I’m higher.

My bokor is also a blast but less pvp oriented… though =A=a… maybe my sapper or hunter? Those seem like they could be a kind of annoying to the opposing team if you can get someone locked down by the pet or traps.

I always played a dancer/gypsy in RO for pvp/woe, being annoying’s the best part!

Edit: and thanks for the feedback ^ ^!

Mostly the major update itself after months being the dark, even though it’s an old kToS patch but it’s something to say the least.

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I really want the wizard c3 outfit. Seems like they might add it next, it was mentioned in this week’s patch notes after all. :slight_smile:


I see! Well Ive been in ET and all I can say is the reason of why the meta builds exist is because ET is a more of a number game. The bigger number you deal with your character, the more likely you’re to get selected to go into ET.

The first stage itself requires you to clear 150 mobs with 230k hp each mob in 5 minutes. Its possible with good builds but not possible if you don’t have the required classes. Diev 3 is nevertheless one of the most useful in ET if you’re not looking for GVG though diev 3 is good for GVG too if I’m not mistaken haha

^^! That sounds pretty fun. It reminds me a bit of Nazule Isle in FFXI, from what you say. I’ve been in a guild but ended up taking my leave… Klai’s current scene with GvG makes me a little uncomfortable. The Team Battle matches should be a lot of fun though. (Dat panda!)

I’ll tinker around a bit with the priest c2 a bit the next few days to see how I do with the skills before I commit to a build. /o/ I kept an extra character slot open so I could mess with stuff since I don’t want to get to rank 5 and find that I changed my mind (again). xD

Sure haha good luck with your build! I just noticed a big typo on my previous reply lol Ive written useless instead of useful Hahaha diev 3 is really important in ET just to let you know haha have fun crafting your class!

lol! I was hoping that was what you meant <3 I’m headed to bed /o/

Hope all of you get to enjoy the game tomorrow ^ ^!


Hopefully a non broken spawn rate for mobs. ■■■■ imc.

i am looking forward to the dps rank chart that way we can prove just how badly elememes are bs in this game and they get nerfed

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Level 40/75 equipment, for real.

New shop items! Finallyyyyyy! :sparkles:

And that 30% buff to STR for swordies.Thank you!

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@_@ i keep seeing people talk about elememes… what class build is it? O_o? I’m really confused. I mean obv elementalist? Are they just steam rolling content or something? Which… ew D:<

Yes penguin yes. I’m a happy hunter :3

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It squeaks when you jump… I wonder if it squeaks with rush job. I’m trying so hard not to buy it xD


*entices @Rabbit

welp i know what I’m getting payday