Tree of Savior Forum

Hype: What are you excited about from the update?

Right now I’ve been working on my little bokor. Super excited over the changes for it. I’m just starting to dip my toes into the cleric tree and there’s a ton of builds I want to try for a pvp build too. /o/ Yay theorycrafting. @_@ Really need to get that sorted out before tomorrow. My nub is ready!

Costumes /o/
Pvp /o/
Events /o/


I don’t care, I’m excited.

Also yay contact lenses, though I’m not sure if I want to put those on my bokor since the soulless brown eyes kind of fit the feel.

STUFF & THINGS. Happy Rabbit is happy!


Spawn rate increase… that’s about it =_=

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The blessing buff for my spr chaplain


Oh yeah I forgot about that one, and the 30% increase in some dungeons for exp. I plan on grinding out any alts I make the next couple of weeks to test stuff out while I figure my build out.

The undocumented changes natively part of kToS that close one or two more of the catastrophic exploits that have ruined ToS.

The pouncing buff

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Loading screens and bugs

just pvp
but in be4, tree of bugs coming

I’m hype about hamster no longer having a lifespan, its a shame to see those cute little creatures pass away after 45 days.



I keep wondering if those buggers work with hunter skills. My hunter needs one if they do xD

necro 2 boosts, skelletons getting more hp, and corpse tower doing more damage

pyro boost, debuff on hellbreath + fire pillar dmg increase

Haha I’m sure they do! You can event mount on it if you’re a class thats able to mount.

I’m not sure with the latest patch would the lesser panda being able to be mountable by all class apply to hamsters as well.

We’ll have to wait and see!

I know the weird derpy penguin can, and works with hunter. There were some photos and vids of that around XD… I’m not sure I want it… but I’ll be zerging for that red panda asap.

Haha good luck! I’m sure everyone is pretty excited to get that panda.

Once I get it I’ll stop grinding, rushing, probably stop socializing as well and just gaze at its beauty 24/7

lmao I actually understand. I’m still trying to choose a build. I really want to do pvp support as it’s always entertaining, but I just keep secondguessing my ideas.

It just looks like the perfect road companion. Plus irl they are magical wonderful balls of omg.


HOPEFUL fix for the party stuck bug.


(and everything)


Blessing buff for my P3


Party my corsair … pretty please … make my dwa useful

I’m Excited about Butts, i mean buffs