Tree of Savior Forum

Hype: What are you excited about from the update?

It’s going to be interesting to see what happens. I’m avoiding anything with GvG–I don’t know what server you’re on but I’m on Klai and just @_@a… I’ll stick to team pvp. They’re scary over in those threads.

But yes, red panda. <3 <3 <3 Those lens too. I wanted the maid costume but I’ll continue to hold out ;_;

@Alkaid I’m excited for the red one XD

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IKR… and oh yeah, I remember that guild drama though :joy:

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I don’t even play with swordsman but i really want to see more dps swordies :sweat_smile:


I was excited about 3x stronger zombies but my excitement shattered when I couldnt find it on the patch notes. Now just the penguin looks appealing to me along with the blessing buff.

Interesting : BOTs ( Priest/Chaplain ) get buffed Yeeeeeeeeeeee
Not interesting: BOTs ( Priest/Chaplain ) get buffed …
Okay =]] Now BOTs can do huge damage by normal attack

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Everytime you say shoo a kitten life will be a sad one.

Dyes & Costumes.


I’m over 30, I can say shoo! XD

The real hype lays within the hidden bugs that will be implemented in this patch.

Hair dyes, more quests/maps.

I was really banking on wiz3 being released but sighs MAYBE

OH UHHH chat change to classic style too!

Barbarian buffs <333

Penguin? What else is there?

more bugs and exploits

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I’m all happy with the swordsman class buff,glad i build mine with str instead of dex xD

There’s more costumes for every class, eye lenses, and hairdyes as well in the TP store coming.

Tons of other things coming with the patch as well though. It’s worth it to go check out the notes!

@IMCisGreedy I really mean this in the nicest way possible and am so not being sarcastic or snarky. you’re startin to remind me of a cranky ol grandpa. I really don’t mean that in a bad way lol ;_;

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^ ^ I remember that post now. laugh I think you have a lot of important reminders for people when they get too white knighty. I just don’t always agree with ya. You sure there’s not even on tiny bit of somethin you’re a bit lookin forward to?

That’s the beauty of the game! Mixing and matching classes! Whats your current build at the moment ?

I had been planning to take up a diev/doc.

Considering cleric > priest > diev 3 > oracle > pd

cleric 2 > diev 3 > druid > pd (i’m less keen on this one)

or maybe cleric > priest 2 > diev 3 > pd

I’m really wanting to use it for pvp/support though plague doctor gets quite a few debuffs to set things on fire with, with most of those builds. scratches head I know oracle is a little repetitive when stacked with it, but I thought it’d be a nice utility class since that entire circle is kind of open.

Normally I’d want cleric 2 for the extra heal tiles, divine might, ect. But with diev’s ability to CC and invulnerability from rank 3, I think it frees up your build a bit more. ^^a I like a pretty active playstyle when I’m supporting, by doing other stuff (carve, owls, priest skills, oracle). Plus… I want to set things on fire lol.