Tree of Savior Forum

Hunter Overall Guide [Last Update - 10/12/2016]

I’m wishing to try Archer2 > Hunter2 > Fletcher3. It’ll be a pain until r6 but the end seems worth.

I’d advice against hunter -> fletch as they don’t have much synergy. Save yourself from the misery

This is coming from an A2- Hunter 3 -> falc 1

You can CC 100% uptime 1 target and you say it has not much synergy? Do you even know skill of fletcher? The one called Magic Arrow

what can i do in arena ? if i cant heal pet, but sorcs can heal his monsters ?

We don’t heal them we recreate them.

The pet does gradually heal overtime.

Yes, but you can’t lock down anything important (none of it works on bosses)

Retrieve is bugged with hounding where it ends prematurely

Coursing is bugged where it lasts the whole duration

You need hounding to reset pet AI or it will get stuck often.

So really all you have is being able to lock down 1 random elite mob. Whereas you can just kite them into MA

Ask yourself, is this worth it?

it heals if i put it off ? cuz if i die he still recive damage and cant recover

That’s exactly my build (A2>Sapper2>Hunter2>Falconer). Still works pretty well and managed to get it to 237 completely solo.


Mobs are freed from Retrieve when you go right next to them and they’re able to attack you. When you use Retrieve while your pet is using Hounding, it drags the monster like crazy right next to you so it ends right away. You can avoid this problem by continuously running. If your pet isn’t Hounding and you use Retrieve then go right next to it, it’ll end the skill for that same reason.

Using Coursing while using Hounding seems fine. The dog stops using it when the mob is dead and continues to follow you, at least most of the time I think it does. I hardly use Coursing.

Problem with running is that you’re not putting out DPS which has been a problem lately with 100k hp mobs.

Reset to max coursing for now and pray they fix it

`Get a penguin. Cancel coursing by mounting it. Edit: not guaranteed

You can cancel it, but it the coursing bug is still there. What I mean by this is you can unstuck your penguin but you have to still wait the full duration of coursing

anyone know if there is gona be a way to cancel growl ? , the skill is usefull and all, but his gameplay is total unintuitive having to go far from it for cancel.

Change channel, relog, change map.

so there is not a real way, and now hunter have a new issue freezing while feeding pet.

no, you dont need change the channel…just move further from the pets, and the pet will be in neutral state again

Rejoice my hunter friends! KTOS now has a patch that allows companions to equip equipment!
As well as some Companion commands.

Can anyone tell me if falcon takes character slot? So to play A2>H3>Falc2 I need 3 slots? Can’t find any info about this.

Yes, it takes a character slot.
Each companion takes one slot.

Thanks. I guess I will give up on Falconer and choose another route after H3

Just need same as snatching… aply only damage without CC.