Tree of Savior Forum

How to get started on helping with translations?

I’m interested in helping with translations and proof reading for the game. I don’t know how the status of translations are and whether there’s a need for more Korean-English translators but right now when I look at the translations section, I’m a little confused as to how I can look at original text and make translations and/or suggestions to already translated material. I took a brief look at the github page but frankly, I know little about github and less on how to use it. It’d be great if someone could show me the ropes. Thanks.

lol same.
I tried to look at the github stuff and i was confused.
also i didnt know how to look at the raw text and got frustrated with the google translated ■■■■ that people put in there that i kind of gave up on it after fixing the grammar on a few stuff.
I ended up settling for translating patch notes.
if you want some help with github and stuff, this might help… hopefully =w= (there is a thing about how to use github around the bottom of the page lol)
Guide for the New Translators
How we can Provide Ourselves with a Better Translated ToS

good luck with github TwT/

Hi Curryman,

One of our contributors from the Github Translation Project wrote a post about the status of Korean-English Translation of ToS. See link below: :smile:

And to answer your question about git, here’s a post on Github by @Ragunaga about how to use git to keep track of your edits/ push edits to the official repository.

You may also read up other guides on git to learn how to use it. Google is your friend, StackOverflow as well.

Be sure to check the readme on the front page of the Github repository. First, never delete the timestamp from any lines, they are the “addresses” that the game references for displaying the appropriate text. Another important note is that there are lines in the files that have {memo X} before any text. Those lines are labeled by IMC as lines that are not used in the game. Some lines that appear google translated may actually have a {memo X} in front of them, meaning the game doesn’t use them at all, there is a new line that replaces it. :wink:

Finally, the lines themselves aren’t particularly well organized by IMC. There are places where the lines from one NPC are jumbled with lines from another NPC. The best way to deal with this is to translate via ToS’s RTT (Real Time Translation) system. If you have Notepad++ installed, get the init file from the Github repository and place it in your LanguageData folder in the game folder (within Steam). Having the init file with enable you to edit lines while you are in game. Just press shift+ctrl and click the line and Notepad++ will pop up and autofocus on the said line. Makes it easy to translate lines from a specific location.

Well, this was a pretty long post, but if you have any other questions, feel free to jump into our Discord channel and we can answer any other questions there :stuck_out_tongue:

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