Tree of Savior Forum

How to enhance items to +16 with high probability

I used to do the same way you did but i stopped it long time ago. now i just use my pure luck and i get a better success with all my items. :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

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This is pretty much true as well. By trying to find good moments to anvil you can actually fail more than betting on luck. Just make sure you know when to stop and what type of gear you’re risking on.

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Well I learned new things today and it just made me hate the anvil system more. And again, it’s just my ideal that it’s a true 50%, or at the very least client based and player contributed factors do not influence the probability of a success or fail. That there are rituals like these going around simply means there are signs that it can be influenced, we don’t actually know for sure which of these affect it more than the others but it’s still a very sad thing to even think about.

They don’t affect. You just try more in a lower window and avoid bad luck when you notice it. lol

You’re not forcing the server to give you a success.

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i just wanna show you guys but …hahahaha maybe not. good luck for everyone ^^

Well you can avoid a fail period or take advantage of a success period and that’s already enough of an issue for me. As you said people can take it as it is but it’s definitely a demotivating factor for me.

So not playing numbers in lottery known to be drawn in less occurrence makes lottery unfair even though it won’t give you the prize for simply doing that?

If the participants can have a feel of those chances then yes it’s unfair.

So well, even real world true RNG is unfair for you :man_shrugging:

All forms of playing the odds have their rituals. I.E. I have a friend who swears by the the number ‘32’ in roulette and has won tons of money on it.

There is no rationale to it, no exploitation, it is just his number. lol.

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Inb4 that’s unfair because “I win mostly with 32”. He should intentionally play other numbers just to make it fair for the others.

As I said, you don’t need to go too deep. Sure you don’t expect to get hit by lightning if you stand away from stuff that attract lightning but I at least want it to be more of being forced to choose and hug between two lightning rods in a large flat plains where there are a lot less influences to which lightning rod will get hit.

Then you can go read and learn and make a big suggestion to IMC and to the other games how can they prevent players from being too lucky and limiting enhancement tries if the players uses multiple weapons/gears lol

Or you know, they can do that themselves to keep things more fair, as the people who made the game?

May you explain how then Mr. Know-It-All?

You already mentioned cooldowns and what not. Are you saying they won’t work now? I’m not even trying to be a know it all, I’m just saying players decision on when, where, how to upgrade or not should have no bearing on the success rate or at the very least it should be impossible to tell.

Then you can simply go and make a suggestion. Their decision as game dev is just as simple as:

Each try to the anvil gives the same enhancement chance which is determined by checking if the result of a random number returned from the random number generator is lower or greater than a certain number.

It’s technically not their fault the random number generator can give out 100 numbers higher than 50 one after another - it’s random after all. If enhancing your weapon faster and being away from people makes you get more >50 numbers than <50, that’s also not technically their fault. Just as other games.

Unless there’s a clear bug or the seed value was being leaked or able to be predicted.

If they think your reasoning is worth as a feature change request that would imply reworking most of the enhancement mechanic and that the cost, time, money and risk are viable, it might get added to a queue to be developed later when they’re less busy with content or current development schedule.

And if you’re not satisfied you’re probably welcome to study and later submit your srand() and rand() improvements to the libc code (or other libraries if the server doesn’t use C/C++) :man_shrugging:

P.S.: You can also suggest them to use another number generator algorithm/library if you think that’s really the problem.

Sheesh I’m now supposed to study for the greater good of ToS now. They should just copy other games that do random well, there are probably ways to make random even more random so if they make it more so to the extent that any combination of factors contributed by the player don’t affect the tendency towards success or fail then that would be great. (you edited this in)

Then again they copy a 40+ year old game called minesweeper and they couldn’t even be bothered to make the first “click” always be safe.

I don’t trust IMC to make things as fair as possible, and if any of the rituals mentioned here are true then that just means they didn’t do a good enough job of giving each upgrade attempt an RNG code that is closer to 50%. Wouldn’t it be nice if no one out there is succeeding or failing because they did something and that the code draws numbers in such a way that it’s a clear slate every instance?

Seems this guy managed to do it on the 40+ year old Minesweeper? :thinking: Dunno details though.

What if they just didn’t want to. It’s not a “bug”. It doesn’t affect Minesweeper mechanics other than that.

No. I’ll be clear with you: I want things to be as fair as possible.

But there’s something else: If you start talking about stuff you don’t know about as if you knew I’ll come and answer you and ask where are you getting it from and why you think that. If you can’t give a good answer guess that came from nowhere.

The meaning of other players just means you can anvil faster. Lot of other games can allow you to enhance as fast as you can click.

It also can mean the rand() function might be called less times depending on what server you connect altho I’m quite sure that wouldn’t affect the result too much.

Players aren’t affecting the tendency or success. They’re simply using anvils if they feel they’re being lucky and stopping if they’re unlucky and/or using alternative/fodder weapons if they want more accurate testing of what’s happening.

Then you’re going back to what I was just saying. Fugging try to know what you’re talking about or don’t try to pretend you know it, period. Have a nice day.

Btw, read this:

not even yourself