I am cleric c2 btw…
@amadze @yodish92 To finish this, I will just say enjoy your sugar-coated point and click gameplay then where 90% of the game content will rely on stats and gears only, 10% room only for actual skills. I will just hope that the end-game raids will not be extremely disappointing. Then again, seeing how nothing really changed on the instances on kOBT, it’s still mobs > mobs > boss pattern, I’m already expecting another huge disappointment on end-game raids. Just hoping that IMC would prove me wrong on this one.
Here’s a good watch for those who clearly doesn’t understand the difference between Artificial Difficulty vs Designed Difficulty. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmwvwTwqvZY
The way IMC shows more favor towards Artificial Difficulty, you will just get more bloated numbers later on and on. It will look like it’s different per new content yet it’s actually the same thing, numbers just increased eg: hp of mobs, damage of mobs, number of mobs, etc.
Imo the difficult is fine the problem is the respaw rate , they respaw all at the same time on some places…
dont get me wrong, i totally agree with changing the game more towards designed difficulty, all im saying is that twitch mechanics and action oriented game play isnt the way to do it. just based on what ive read and the planned design philosophy of this game, it would seem futile to try and disrupt their vision
it will be slow paced, but yes difficulty should not be op mobs and homing missiles.
i think its too early to say anything - game is in beta stage. return in 2017, i think there will be some new features =).
Not sure if you know or recall but,
; P Now remove that image of being kind and understanding in your mind!
Edit: Although, I’m not totally sure if you’re that Sixaxis guy on AK forums
That’s why you don’t create topics on dum forums. Obviously, half of the people there don’t know what they’re talking about.
That’s part of the global problem : game is designed to be played as a tank (maybe it’s part of what made me enjoy sorc so much)…
Like Dream said, mobs hit HARD and can’t be avoided. It means that no matter how skilled you are, you’ll die if you tackle too many mobs at the same time.
Like you said, they respawn by ~small~ groups, every x secs at some predefined? places. Meaning that you’ll have to tank them if they respawn on you (argh altar way).
I don’t know if it’s still like that on kOBT but on iCBT, they’re was a hard limit of mobs that you coud aggro. Probably something like ~10… Which is fine if you are not full support tank, since the idea is only to aggro the mobs in front of you and not all the map (you have Swash Buckling for the support role). So yeah, going back to the limit, it basically means that you CAN’T play aggro-MT. And I’m not talking about the fact that mobs de-aggro you if you leave their zone, even if you keep hitting them… “It was nice to follow you around but I have to go back, mom absolutely forbade me to go farther than here”
And when you add all of this, it’s funny to see how, despite the very interesting class/skill system, the game(play) design is very narrow-minded…
For the record, that’s where I learned to play (not my video) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mQR5gldm_4
i think part of whats forcing people to play tanky is the atrocious flat scaling of armor and magic resist
at the upper levels where elite mobs are way overturned you need to prioritize evasion or block to deal with physical damage, while magic damage is purely unmitigated if you play without con and specc your defences on effective hp or if your playing a rodelero
armor and res are all flat, so equipping armor for its defensive properties is useless when the mobs start hitting you for massive damage, early in the game it isnt much of an issue since the mobs arent as ridiculously tanky and defensive gear actually scales well with monster damage but as the game keeps going the discrepancy between armor and monster damage gets so large that armor becomes obsolete for defensive purposes.
things like flying pumpikins, wendigo searchers, wizard lizards and goblins at 170-200 are also much more difficult due to their bulk, meaning you’ve gotta come with damage to actually take them out, this where dex comes in as a dual purpose offensive and defensive stat, meaning you just grab it and most of your problems are solved, for magic based attackers con is the meta because int provides so very little and mages already have large amounts of base damage on their skills.
i think the game will really come to shine when they fix this, gearing up properly for bosses and zones is something that involves knowledge and skill imo, of course dodging and being generally good at controlling your character will also come into play, but it shouldn’t be the main way of reducing damage or making the game easier, correctly chosing your stats and gear for different situations should be a big part of the game play, there are already small glimpses of this in the stab,strike and slash system they have going on, and the elemental property damages on gear and other specific affixes on items which can be utilized to make your character feel different
as for the agro thing, i dont really mind that the limit is bigger, the only problem with it is for ranged mobs, ranged attacks from mobs should be given a penalty like what archers have and they should all be linear skill shots so you can atleast avoid them with a quick sidestep, they could also fix this by giving your character a short invulnerability frame when you get hit (blinking characters), like 0.2 or 0.1 seconds so you dont eat 100 hits instantaneously from all the mobs you’ve gathered, some other issues are also from unmitigateable CC, especially mobs which use ice pike, ridiculously hard for no reason, CC on mobs need to be short and not so punishing 5 second freeze or sleep is just insane…
That one of the Spion Archer also happened on the Closed Beta 2, my wizard were once 1 shotted by Spion Archers spiral arrow.
Hmmm, that is wierd. Maybe I was just too lucky to never experience it even though I actually have like 2x Lv200 and a bunch of Lv80-120 characters. I’m not being sarcastic btw. I’m just really finding it wierd to only experience on kOBT but never on iCBT2.
Maybe you passed through them too fast, or killed them too fast.
When that happened I were trying to defend the damn voodoo doll a npc gives you to
destroy the totems.
Yea that’s how it happened for me on kOBT. I was watching out for mobs who might attack the voodoo doll but instead what I got was a random multi/spiral arrow to the face which reduced my HP to a mere 100.
if the mobs take 10x more to kill and still gives 0.1% so its not a good change
Monster is too strong or some players are playing with nothing in CON ?!? I had no problem with monster until Lv 198
I agree and I should also say it’s not worthy arguing not only because of the kOBT content but also about the content of the posts from that person. But I want to write a last post here. :x
Did you play as a Quarrel Shooter? The stun won’t work at 100% rate and it shouldn’t. You can get tricked by RNG and get killed before being able to stun the enemy. They skill is single target, it won’t help that much if it is a wave from that monsters. It is expensive. It requires a class that most of people don’t want. And by the way I love using QS as my Rank 2 class because there are some tricks you can use from time to time. It works but I can’t imagine that is something like “omg, archer should stun and kill”, it should only be a utility skill for who want to use it.
About the difficult you claim as the “omg, high stats, get party” - if you think this way then the entire game should be easy with 2 maps with insane stats monsters? The game still easy. So use your method and try to imagine the entire game being harder. You will get killed by one hit from a Kepa at the first map you play because the game is hard and you should come with a party.
To say the truth the number of characters you leveled to 200 says nothing about experience (about 5 days or even less to get lvl 200 on iCBT 2 rushing everything with parties).
Egnomes aren’t insanely-high stats monsters.
Situation with insanely high stats on monsters will bring another situation in the future - in high end instances you will have to spend 50 revive stones which you paid with real money because every monster in the dungeon hits 50k AoE magic/elemental attack with a cast time of 0.
This is why I said that leveling 4 characters to 200 means nothing. Maybe Dream likes a low-tempo game. I do like a slower game. But slow-paced game =/= monsters “cheating”.
This is so true as even some monsters/bosses are the same with different names but “stronger”. This is another thing that should be kept at a minimum imo. I hope it won’t continue this way with newer content.
Another topic that can be improved are field bosses (vs quests bosses) which appears to be following the same artificial difficulty thing. :c
thats my point m8…
dream was calling me out for being elitist because i shared some tips, then said:
dont know why i got lashed out at honestly, this useless babble, put this to rest.
if you read my other posts youll notice that im against this too…
what i disagree with is the proposed solution of making the game be more action based and have twitch mechanics
i directly referenced why i disagree, as said by IMC themselves via an interview they want a slower paced game,
this has nothing to do with making monsters op and giving them homing missiles, the game can be slower and can still be balanced around play that doesnt require instant reflexes and quick movement.
I don’t know if it was your intention nor what Dream understood. But after reading amadze posts and then yours I was like “lol, he’s ignoring the topic and saying Dream should learn to play so the character won’t get one-hit nor get very high damage by those monsters because he thinks he’s better and tested some tricks”. If it wasn’t your intention I should apologize even for thinking this way, lol.
I did and I agree on some points. Just was a bit lazy to quote everyone on this thread. Sorry :x
Especially this part:
I would love something like “let me change my equips, we are going to an area with monsters which inflict a lot of poison damage” or something like that. Even better if there are “hidden” tricks let’s say… instead of using anti-poison equipment a player could chose a general anti-debuff set which reduces only the DoT.
As the game will have roles there could be mages that do elemental enchantment on weapons and armor so you can use this as an expensive alternative to switching between equipment.
There could even be places that a class should avoid because it won’t worth killing monsters there. There are a lot of perspectives from other games and some room for innovation.
As if they couldn’t just give monsters more skills that hit in multiple directions randomly or something else that makes you move around more. The homing missiles that can’t be dodged are the most annoying thing in game if you ask me.
Open your hearts and accept us, FS’s
Did you mean “Trolling him”? There are no grils on teh internets.
And exchanging opinions =/= trolling.
Also if @Dream is so flammamble then he shouldn’t create a topic just to call people dumb
and redirect them to some mythical “strong points”
after trying to introduce some kind of feature that isn’t suitable for such “low-tempo game”.