Tree of Savior Forum

How about rebirths instead of resets

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Aren’t tomes already “nerfed” due to Map bonuses, anyways?

It only ever feels worth it to Tome for exp during mission runs since the map multipliers of higher maps vastly overshadow tome multiplier from monsters on higher maps.

I see in your argument that you’re talking about a final x2 multiplier to existing values. It still wouldn’t feel like enough of an increase. Instead of getting 1 level per day on missions, I’d be getting 2 per day at the 150-170 range. Whoop-die-doo, not a big difference. However, with a x11 multiplier, instead of spending 1-1.5 hours per level grinding mobs in a place like Demon Prison, it would only take around 4-10 minutes per level, depending on spawn.

I guess I wasn’t clear when I said 1000% increase because you assumed I only meant monster values. I meant for all exp contributions until the individual with the reset reaches their level again. This way, it would take less than a week for someone dedicated to get back to the level they’ve reset from, assuming they are 300+ and have exhausted most of their cards.

Just fyi, I am under the impression that a reset should be fast and should return a player back to their level within a very fast amount of time. x2 multiplier seems too slow, and maybe x11 is too fast. I don’t know, but some kind of appealing middle-ground should be found for an implementation like this.

Not really, then we would have the option to have max 280 on character creation for pvp purposes. Its up to IMC.

Im getting really tired of this reasoning. Nearly everyone works. If you dont have time for an mmorpg then dont play one or deal with the fact that its time consuming.

@xinronyr Twice as fast as leveling a new character is a middle ground imo. 10x as fast is almost as bad as tp to reset. If people didnt suggest this then maybe they could get more people on their side. Its like asking for a mile when only an inch is acceptable.

There is a difference between making something worth it and making something the only way to do it. I know i wouldnt level up more than one swordsman if i could just remake the one i have 10x as quick. If it was 2x as quick id have to weigh my options. If i wanted to make an alch3 i wouldnt level one up from scratch, id level an easy one, then make it with my 10x xp bonus and im pretty sure this would be the only way people would do it.

Meh, I’m kind of getting the feeling the community is dead locked on this one. And people are going to hate no mater the implementation. Too little and people bitch too much and people bitch…

Pleasing them is going to be impossible. It’s hard to gauge what’s a vocal minority and what isn’t.

As someone who has always been strongly against class resets, I’d be okay with this.

Well thx for the support.

I think ideas along this line will probably become more popular once R8 hits.

I think the majority of core players will someday find themselves at a point, that if they had a slightly different variation in class picks they would have a much better experience. Even if they went to great lengths to be as future proof as possible.

I mean even with the introduction of R8 we’re seeing stuff come down the line that invalidates old builds that were considered perfectly viable before. Examples include support Krivis with high SPR. Scount 3s that just don’t have a good option right now. Corsairs that also have no options. Many variations of tank builds that all just got kicked down into the bin because of the introduction of Murmillo. It’s putting a lot of players in hard spots.

This is a way out that’ill take work but at least you wont be redoing every quest again. Your achievements. Your titles. Untradable gear. At least they would stick around. Potentially millions of silver spent on attributes that depending on if you picked similar classes or not could be gone never to be used again.

Implying tp reset is bad is subjective and your opinion, not a fact.

You keep forgetting that most people have leveled with cards, so x2 from dungeons and grinding simply won’t be enough of a multiplier. It’ll probably take people longer to “rebirth” back to their level than it was when they played through initially with cards.

x2 multiplier simply isn’t acceptable in this case.

I guess it will be up to IMC to decide what the middle ground is if they decide to implement this. You may be right about the cards. I usually skip alot of zones and quests when i make new characters and just grind the dungeon zones, but i do rely on the kill achievements and zone explotations. So maybe x3 would be the best option without being too much.

Re:birth System? it’ll be out after Rank10 and an update:

Tree of Savior Season 5
Angelic Fall -The Celestial Betreyal-

Cos’ we all know demn Gods/Goddesses(Nexon) and Angels(IMC) are the real evil here.

I mean currently holy element is most potent and yet dark is aquirable ingame we’re bound to fight those holy piece of ■■■■ sooner or later.

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So i thought about it more, and i still think 3x would be good, but they could have events to increase this bonus occasionally. If they did a double rebirth bonus event to make it 6x bonus it would get more activity during those times and it seems like it would be fun. Thats about as middle ground as you can get.

Now that i thought of this, why dont they just have double xp bonus events now? When the new ranks come out it would be the perfect time. They could try it at least. Someone should make a thread on it.

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don’t compare it to Dota 2, they’re 2 completely different styles. Dota 2 is a MOBA, ToS is an korean MMORPG. It doesn’t have to focus on “competitive tourny” or something like that

pending for test server. For all of your theory crafting and wierd build.

I support this kind of reset if the grinding takes around at least 30-45 hours to grind back. Around a week or so, 6 hrs of grinding everyday.

That’s roughly around the same time as a new character to get to 200+?

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want context? start by not comparing a rpg to a moba

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You clearly didn’t play closed beta. The grinding was actually much worse. You had to spend half your life in demon prison, mob density in every map after it was awful including some of the most dense areas now like bee farm.

Didnt CBT have acceptable spawnrates that made grinding somewhat enjoyable? I remember a video comparision of the bottom right part of Tenet 2F, CBT and Early Access. The CBT spawn was so good that you didnt need to walk over the map to get decent exp. It is not really mob density, but spawnrate that makes grinding the unrewarding chore it is. Walking between the rooms of Demon Prison is tiring. And channelhopping in Alemeth is even worse, cause players with bad loadingscreens suffer from having to walk behind. In addition, this makes players avoid each other even more, cause any sort of competition for limited ressources is undesireable.

Having to grind all the way back to 280 without the boatloads of exp tickets you earned and used during the first run seems quite problematic to me, especially in the 165-210 region. You graduated from Demon Prison and got nowhere to grind cause the game lacks decent spots until Alemeth. In the first run, I cover this lvlrange by doing pretty much every quest and 100% explore. You could throw in 175 and 190 dungeons, but that would be a lengthy work cause of limited runs per day.

Of course, we could demand more decent grindspots with spawnrates close to CBT, but… I dont think I need to describe how Dina Bee looks like on every server every channel, right?

And another factor has not yet been addressed. You talk about the untradeable 240+ gear your toons are using pre-rebirth, but the way back to 240 would involve getting loads of lowequip again. I am pretty sure you did not keep your old stuff.

Really, what has been said goes heavily into the direction “Tree of Masochism”.


Rebirth…yet another RO concept thrown into TOS. lol