Tree of Savior Forum

Holy Sh!t So many of them

how do you know what 1000 RII actually means?
if they’ve actually explained in detail how RII is calculated, then ignore the rest of this, and provide a link.

maybe 1000 RII means 1 accurate report and 0 false reports. each accurate report being worth 1000 points… but each false report is -2000.

but from the way they described it in the announcement, they aren’t measuring in terms of specific accuracy. it sounds like more of a ratio.
FOR EXAMPLE (aka, just speculation) perhaps it’s a direct ratio. if you have 45 accurate reports, but 3 bad reports… you’re 45:3, and your effective RII is 15.
if you had 1 more false report, it would be 45:4, and your effective RII would be 11.25 …

[done with the “you’re just making numbers up” rant]

as far as actually allowing Players to temp-ban, there is no case where this is really acceptable.
if someone wanted to cause havoc, it wouldn’t be too hard to create a series of their own bots, and report them. and then once they see that they are auto-banning targets, they simply go around banning EVERYTHING THEY SEE.

is this likely? probably not. but it is possible.

i would suggest that perhaps players that have at least a 99% positive report rating might be -considered- (not automatically accepted) for some kind of Volunteer GM position, where they could assist in investigating potential botters, making the job of GMs easier… but still not giving them the power to ban.

i agree with this; using the effective bot reporters might be a good resource. but at the same time, giving them direct power over other players will -eventually- get abused, and then the GMs have to take time away from their normal jobs to solve it.

They try to get your hardware ID they are liable to lawsuit. They are simply not allowed to check your IDs and especially gather that data for identification purposes.

And @PrinceMark the last company that tried to gather which files are being used got pummeled by the law. I think it was EA, but I am not too sure on that.

saw like 10+ bots all archers at miners town, left side. crazy…

the modern Hydra dont need a Body.
Its like in Cap Movie 2…they everywhere.

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Very smart. You suggest a company violate all privacy matters in the hopes of not getting caught meanwhile becoming liable to reparation payments towards the botters?

See the difference is that goldsellers and botters are legal, what you suggest is illegal.

EA is doing, Xbox is doing it, sony is doing it , hell even the wireless companies do it bad ESN. It is legal as long as you don’t go in get nudes or other private info where they live and what they do. Also, US government been doing this behind your back o.o.

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It is so legal that EA had to pull that very system back on Battlefield 3 before it escalated further. They changed that system so what EA does now is not the same anymore.

Do you see all the cookies you are asked to accept now very visibly? Give that a spin in your thoughts and you will notice something.

For that matter I am done with it - I won’t argue with people that have not enough common sense to run a business.

Edit: I should also point out that under any VM scenario you can forget the thought of banning alltogether. All that would remain is the CPU-ID which is changeable. Mac etc are already changed automatically since HDs etc are virtualized to begin with.

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It should be legal, lets murder some Botters irl

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I give up reporting them bots now, they became a legion and the bot situation is getting worse everyday, every hour now.

One word. Skynet. It’s happening people.

Prince you simply have little clue, but lets work through your bs one by one:

Your telecommunication argument: You are in a contract with them - by definition they have to have your data. They need to supply internet to you and not to a random house in the city, they need to send the bill to you and they were made to assist law enforcement. What they do is temporarily storing data and then delete it. The data they store though is what you do through the service they provide you.

I go watch my newsfeed thanks to their service - it is related. IMC checking my HWID is related how? How does it help them to have my CPU-ID?

Why you have to give your fingerprints etc to your communication company is unknown to me. I never had to give more nor do I know anyone that gave more than date of birth, adress, name to the company. People from the US of course may speak up if they have to give their fingerprints or photo to get internet :smiley:

The short startbucks remark: The second you enter starbucks you enter public space by default. Another ruleset applies there (and btw starbucks again doesn’t gather your home computer data either - so drink coffee there at your leisure). I can go there and drink a coffee and they know dipshit about me.

Now your fantasy of property damage: How exactly does a botter cause damage and where was it prooven? The best defense mustered by blizzard so far is that botters make people leave, which was opposed by bossland and an expert. Outcome still to be determined.

For IMC to sue a goldseller they have to proof that HE caused damage specifically. That the presence of his bots made people leave - not the bots in general but his. He can of course only pay for the damage he caused.

Now IMC could argue that they have to hire staff etc to combat the problem in general, which is then calculated down (if that is even accepted since IMC still has to proof that bots actually damage anything) into nothingness.

They will have a hard time to proof that a bot causes any damage at all since it can immediately be compared to a person doing this manually or 100 persons doing this. This is the reason no goldseller was even in court after 10 years of RMT.

Trying it will likely net into a loss anyway creating a dangerous first case.

You can google it if you want the only thing you will see is bossland anyway and they are not gold-sellers.

The Eula of ToS itself will not even hold in most european courts anyway so I am not sure why you think they have any right to gather data to begin with. They are entitled to some business related data of course, but HWIDs as per this topic are something different entirely. Furthermore you have to understand that breaching the EULA is not illegal in any way shape or form. You go against them and you waive your rights to access the product, however this only stands if you have been properly told about the eula before you purchase it.

Also that MMO companies can ban without any reason is a myth. There have been several losses in actual court already. Can’t be bothered to find the case where a guy had his wow accounts unbanned via court.

For example if I make an account in germany it is considered to be mine to begin with - not IMCs anymore and they cannot restrict my property without reason.

Could go on but I don’t want to run more circles around you. So no I don’t want to discuss legality, because there is nothing to discuss actually. It is legal.

Mein Gott.

Inb4 they start making bot guilds and win everything.

I just noticed that bot archers are attacking faster than normal with auto attacks not even in rank 2…

It’s a game of patience, didn’t IMC just banned a bunch again

If only they make it b2p, this constant banning might just work… in my fat dreams with pantsu and cat girls.

Hello @MirAlex @Falle,

I’ve taken care of those bots in question. Thank you for your report. :slight_smile:

Is there something in works that slow them down? As we are reporting more than we can in-game.

Unfortunately IMC staff doesn’t work 24/7.
There are more botters and spammers and they work overtime cos they have no life.

IMC staff is doing their best but there are more people complaining than the number of staffs so obviously it looks like reports can’t be kept up with.

Report, then move on.

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