Tree of Savior Forum

Holy Sh!t So many of them

Eh, I dunno about that… Even if used legitimately, a lot of normal users may get upset if a player has that much power. However, from the sounds of the new system (unless I’m reading it wrong), those reported from people with a higher RII will be bumped to the top of the list for inspections. Probably the best we’re gonna get.

they can always hw ban them.

Also tosbase change the stat layout o.o

If someone has 1000 RII with a 95%+ accuracy rating, they have proven the ability to only report legitimately. That was why I included that restriction in my post.

And like I said, if they abused the power which would be very easy to check, it would be taken away.

Finally, no normal user should be upset at another normal user banning bots. The only people who would have an actual reason to be upset about this are not normal users, but bot users.

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I’m arguing with your idea more because I think it’s not enough, and also because I know that those with power, who are not used to such a position, may abuse that power (punished or not)… It just feels like not enough is getting done here. I know they’re trying, but if the bots are here THIS NUMEROUS in what is currently a Pay-To-Play (minimum $30 USD, since they took out the $10 USD option), and they STILL keep coming back, then banning alone just isn’t enough, and it’s gonna be hell once the game goes F2P.

It isn’t a bad idea, but I don’t think it’s enough. I don’t even think Volunteer Staff (restricted to level 1, cannot attack, cannot gain exp, cannot equip anything, cannot use skills or items, or loot anything), with just the power to ban, mute, hide, and teleport, would be enough to control them as they are now. Something more drastic needs to be done, something to directly remove their ability to actually bot. I’ve been pondering over things since I started playing two weeks ago, but every time I think of something, I realize there’s a counter.

Urghh… that sheer number is… disgusting

Like stepping on an ant’s nest and see them all spewing out.

What is HW Banning? Only HW I can think of at the moment is “Homework,” but it is Midnight. lol

Also, what do you mean regarding changing the stat layout? o.o

Try the starting map for Klaipeda. Literally bot army.

I was thinking more like a mythological Hydra… Cut one head off, two more appear. :sweat:

Lol at least the hydra still shares a single body :joy:

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It means Hardware ban which bans the id of the hardware your using.
Topic about it on steam.

They waste more money buying hardware or trying to spoof it, that also extend to everything in the computer if they wanted too.

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when you deal with devices - HW means Hardware, and HW ban is a ban by HWID. It is harder (but still possible) to spoof compared to IP and/or mac address and is often more reliable, but still not 100% eficient.

You could strike at “body” aka bot owner. But thats illegal.

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I’m not trying to say my idea’s perfect, but the goal is the same. To do more to get rid of bots.

I feel like people who take the time to get an extremely high RII should be given SOMETHING to allow them to take immediate antibot action.

Whatever that something is should have checks and balances to make sure it cannot be abused.

Maybe not a temp ban. Maybe just a kick off server. Maybe a “muted” debuff that lasts 10 minutes that disables z key.

But the reason IMC can’t fight bots effectively is that there are fewer of them than there are botters. Tap these high RII folk and enable them to help combat the problem directly.

The core of my idea is good. High RII folk can help even the manpower scales.

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They should come up with something like banning your whole computer (Graphics, processor, harddrive,etc) everything has an id :slight_smile: but that would be hard to work on, as you will be going inside the players computer to get that information.

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There’s wayyyy too many lol, and I can guarantee you they are everywhere around the globe.

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Lol we need someone to invent that, except it only targets the botters.
Problem solve :blush:

what makes this video 10000x funnier is that youtube determined that game is WoW.

I feel like I should’ve known that one. lol

It sounds about the same as a MAC Address, considering that’s more or less an address on your network card. If it’s anything to do with a serial number on your hardware, it can most likely be falsified. I don’t think they would consider it a waste of time, considering the RMT botters are maintaining those bots as their job, even if the bots do the work in-game. :confused:

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