Tree of Savior Forum

Holy Sh!t So many of them

@staff_john @STAFF_Ethan @Staff_Julie @STAFF_J @STAFF_Ines

Server: Orsha
Map: Crystal Mine 1F
Channel: one

Can any mod move this here


I just did this 5mins ago.


I don’t have something to summon

I’ve seen bots… but this is… an army…

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They took down my summon :cry:

Here’s some more.

Gonna hunt some harugals later for their red orb.

That’s interesting perspective. I lvl’d an alt recently in Klaipeda server and there are few or non-existent bot I’ve encountered so far from lvl 1-108. Maybe I’ve been in wrong channels but I’ve switched quite a bit on crystal mine area.

wow, i have yet to see a bot in klapipeda today… i guess most of the bot accounts are in orsha… thats crazy

Lul, banned thousands of paying users’s ip because of region restriction, cant do a right thing about this
See the irony here?

I’m from Klaipeda btw. :>


They will be Ex-Ter-Mi-Nated.


Do you guys ban them by hand or do you have a program that does it o.o?

Gonna use the T-800, T-1000, or T-X? :stuck_out_tongue:

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thank you, @STAFF_Dalek :wink:


Then they will say, I’ll Be Back
Like i said its irony they banned thousand paid player’s IP address even whale’s because of restricted region but for this? Only a necessity campaigning like when a politician runs for office,its all for show buddy, when they can ban their ip they dont lol,finallt when all the bots say “IM bACk” imc will call all the media to broadcast their campaign more
Vote for IMQ Games, Q stands for Quarantine gameplay experience , remove that Connect would ya?

Isn’t that shot from Commando? o.o

IP bans never work. MAC Address bans wouldn’t work, either. False IPs, and multiple network devices. Blocking emails and names is beyond useless.

Combating the bots directly is about the only real solution, but there’s no real way to do it without affecting everyone.

They could start by giving us the ability to report via chat (which is a feature rumored to be coming soon), limiting Shout use to 60 seconds, preventing sending the same message more than once (in all chat channels) by making it detect similarities… I think the forum does this already (not allowing similar messages, considering I got a notification after deleting one, then remaking it, though yeah, coulda just edited it), so why can’t the game? Also making it so that usernames cannot have the same character used more than twice back-to-back. Though, you’d just be seeing aabbcc names, so this isn’t gonna prevent much, but it would remove their random name generators, and their smash-the-keyboard-for-usernames tactics. Those things alone would prevent most of the annoying advertisement, though, they would increase their advertisement bots to counter this, most likely.

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how about once someone reaches 1000 RII with say a 95% successful report rate their report is a temp ban while the account is investigated

get 1 wrong, and you lose that privilege for a while to prevent abuse