Tree of Savior Forum

Hints for those who have FPS drop issues - i'm trying to help

To do that, change the DrawActorPersent=“XX” to a lower number, like 10 or 15 for XX

Update to Windows 10 … you’re so missing out. Windows 8.1 holds nothing to Windows 10 sleek, performance and upgraded OS. I’ve had several blue screens a week on this behemoth computer (4770K, 32GB @ 2400Mhz, GTX 970 4G OC, Samsung EVO 250 + Pro 250) and I know it’s not my hardware … I thought it was the software, but it was the OS (Windows 8, and Windows 8.1). With Windows 10 … I had 0 blue screens for the past 3 months and the performance not only in gaming but in general is incredible! Everything is always snappy, super fast, no lag, programs work perfectly even for days and weeks to come.

Anyways, my two cents. You can buy a legit key from a guy on reddit. I forgot his name but I can get you his workpage. He’s famous.

I can update to Windows 10 for free but I did once before and I just didn’t like it. It actually gave me a performance decrease imo. I just didn’t care for it.

There are three options for Windows 10. One is clean-slate (fresh install), one is clean-slate but you keep your personal files, and one you keep all your files and installed programs/apps. The third option is no good, I tried it just like you and I had issues with it. I tried the second where I kept my personal files and it did just that, but all other apps and programs were removed. It’s not Windows 10’s fault, it’s just those programs or/and apps are the problem. Anyways, that’s my two cents and I was one of those who rejected Windows 10. I gave it a try because of the amount of blue screens and performance issues I had with Windows 8/8.1.

They should’ve prioritize fixing this issue when it 1st came out. God damn bots taking up their time

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And switch to:


From 17-20FPS, my FPS now 120!! (GTX 970M 4K resolution)

Special thanks to people from:

sadly i got and error while trying to star tthe game if i change my bitperpixel to 16 :C

Bump. Very helpful thread. Thank you. :heart_eyes:

So this only works on Fullscreen Mode? :evergreen_tree: :slight_smile:

My laptop is the same
Now i play with 60~80fps in 1080p
Thanks man, i aprecciate it. :heart_eyes:

also try to un-park the core of your CPU this might help you on hiccups and some FPS boost


I’m getting this:

Failed to initialize 3D Device. [errortype : 10001]

I tried putting the same resolution screen but my “true full screen mode” isn’t working, pls halp!

I have to write exactly “dx 12” or i have to write dx 12 without the “” ?

Without it. [-DX11] without the [].

Thank you. Youve help me more than the usless IMC staff. They should be paying you instead of the actual staff which not only did nothing but aggravate you. IMC cant feel shame.

TOTAL MISLEADING - The game does not support directx 11.

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this help a little bit… but still lag in cities. :cry:

@Phirox Este es el thread

I am going to post this here from another thread I replied to. I hope this helps people with FPS drop issue especially when it comes to the text box. Because if you have this set wrong, you will lag a lot when it comes to the chat box because your computer will try to resize every single text that gets displayed manually. I hope this helps.