Tree of Savior Forum


Hello there! I alread have 2 characters wich are not PvE focused.

I created a Wizard yesterday and i want to know from an expert what is the best choice for aiming to the MAXIMUM damage output on world bosses or bosses in general…it doesn’t matter if the skills are AOE or not…being AOE is just a Plus but again: I want to be FULL INT and fully focused on target damage no matter how.

I have saved this build on the Skill Simulator, I jut put lethargy because it is the only skill i have but i’m alread job 15 so we can make this build together!

I will update the build as You feed me with more info.

Here are some subtópics.

1-GO or not go Wizz c3?
Wizz c3 have magic amplification by the atribute from quick cast. Also quick cast is very useful intercalating with Surespell. I think C3 is really necessary for a good late game damage output support.

If not:
I would probably go as Pyromancer but thinking on later ranks pyro mancer could end as a forgotten rank on my build for focusing on damage.

2-on rank 4 as wizz c3 is Elementalist the best option for damage?
I have seen some builds DPS and all of them go for Elementalist but i’m not sure about its damage…i just see that elementalist have a lot ofAOE, but does him lacks on damage? or not?

if not:
Them what other class could bring the best damage to the battle field?

3- If choosing wizz c3 and elementalist c3 what rank 7 to choose?
?)Featherfoot needs to get close to the targets and that i canno’t do with a full int build.

Needs to get enemies killed so you can use one of the skills.
Have a good skill that protect you from enemies and deal damage at same time.

I wonder if it is Wise to put this rank while I will only have it as C1 on rank 7, and there could be a better rank 8 latter on so pyromancer can get forgoten again while i invest in new classes.

Can sorcerer and his summons help me deal decent damage with them at same time that i get some buffs from them or from the class?

Same as Sorcerer

e)Is there any class that can give me magic amplification or something like that to fill this gap?

4-Wizz Skills:
I see people complaining about it being useless but i can’t see useful thing them this skill

sounds good for some controle.

c)Energy Blast
Have charge and is a R1 C1 damage skill so its not on my wish list.

Can do some debuff on easy to get killed bosses IMO

e)surespell and quick cast
Is must have IMO

Please try to explain Your answer on this one!

So this is it!! Let’s build the ultimate DPS wizzard !

Thanks in advance for the help!

You can watch the progress here later on!

@edit Somebody told me that there is no other HIGHER dps build them:

Can You guys confirm this? I don’t want to build a role character just to make a icewall shatter some fragments…

@update 06/05/2016

Well…from what i can conlude here.

1- Combo PP/IW is still OP?

2-Having multiple good still may be best then having just a good combo because You may miss or whatever…also with the cd of the combo i could do other good damage with elementalist AOE skills…

SO I think for now I will lock my build on wizc3>elec3>RC

But I still apprecciate any commentss or may be videos of anyone with any of those builds so we can have a litle comparison.

there’s really no other build for this purpose but wiz3ele3warlock. and you said the ultimate dps wizard like it’s a rare thing while infact almost every single wiz player do that. XD

When i posted it on facebook at Brazil community someone came with the Cryo/Psychokino.

Not all wizzards are HIGH DPS. I can think on a infinity of support/control builds or either hibryd builds. Also some builds that use skills to survive wich is not my case… I want to focus exceptionally on DPS.

This cryopsyco combo sounds really op…

THe guy said that there is nothing even close to get to this DPS on any other builds.

So what now??? Is this really worth? or elementalist still the way?

This was on iCBT, it got nerfed, even then, WIZ3 ELE3 Warlock was better.

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and this?

and this?

He said that the greatest nerf was on PVP and this still the highest damage i can get.

Can You show me he is wrong?? i really don’t want to do this combo…it is too ugly to see…

In CBT my lvl 200 Pyro 2 > Ele 3 could solo kill bosses in lvl 190 dungeon before they could even react and start doing something (a couple of seconds).

Was getting cubes from world bosses every single time as well.

Coincidentally recently I saw a topic mentioning that top DPS player (against bosses) in kOBT using exact same build.

dude trust me, that cryo kino combo is not as strong as those youtube vid shows you. i don’t want you to fall into that trap which is why i’m telling you all this.


Tbh, this Cryo-Psychokino combo most of the times doesn’t even go off, so if you want the most reliable DPS, you should go for Wiz3 - ele3 - warlock


Cryo/Psycho is for PVP


Check this thread: Stop that bullshi.t "Build of Kings" Cryo-Kino-RC
The OP may sound harsh but all he said are true.

Yeah, the OP may sound harsh, but he’s telling the truth… I ran into a few guys who had this Cryo 2 Psycho 2 RC build, and they did nothing in the dungeons/missions. Most of the times, the boss screwed their combo, and they just stood there doing nothing hahaha. I ran into one guy who was Cryo 1 - Psycho 3 - RC and he was doing fine, because he had the Psychokino C3 skills. (The wall combo, he didn’t manage to do against the bosses)

I have no doubt of it. i just replied Your statement about the iCBT thing.

@Sushifox so No Wizz c3?What about quick spell?

And what Pyromancer looks like on a boss fight?

Skills say that DOTs are aplied but no mention on how those DOTs works(in damage for how much time?).

Does Pyro worths more then quick cast amplification for elementalist skills?

Also You could take Rune as rank later on instead of pyro C2. Would this be better then Pyro? I think it could but it depends on the DOTs questions…

Thanks for the response!

Rune caster woudn’t burst elementalist further then Warlock?

Plus i heard people complaining about warlock.

@Endurance thats what i tought… really appreciate your feedback.

I mean, thats the only good time youll have nice dps, you know?
One minute cd just for that single combo, with elementalist you have 100% uptime

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Tbh, after Wiz 3 > ele 3, you can go runecaster, warlock, featherfoot, it wouldnt make that much of a difference.

But warlock have the spirit thing that protects you and hits like a truck in pvp.

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But focusing on MVP as the thread says It is probably much better Rune caster as 300% more damage on elements sounds really cruel…the defense is OK for warlock but the only thing i could think that can make me change idea is this DOT skill of Warlock…but i don’t know how good could this be on MVPs.

as i said on the thread…FF needs to get do much close i don’t want to put in CON, i don’t know between warlock and pyro for DOTS or RC for damage amp.

MVP only definitely Cryo + Rune caster just for that single combo.

Theres no way a elementalist overdamage that.


So everything they said here about it not being worth for boss because its the only decent damage You have is al BS?

No, its very strong but only for boss and you’d suck at everything else. And its also not easy to pulloff and can be interrupted anytime like getting hit, boss keep moving around and especially in world boss there are some psychokino trolls who love to swapping boss around and ruined your whole combo.

For boss is the best for sure, ignore everything they said if your build revolves only to fight bosses.

You wont be good for other stuff tho