Tree of Savior Forum


2 friends.

1 Wiz 3 > Kino 3 > RC

1 Wiz > Cryo 3 > Chrono 3

That would be cool.


You won’t be doing bosses only, go Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > Warlock for a safe route.

Also you could solve 90% of the combo problems with Wiz 2 probably for Surespell.

Even for bosses the cryo-psycho build is kinda of baaaaaad. a friend of mine did this build thinking that he would REKT the boss in 2 seconds, and 90% of the time he didn’t even get the combo off, because the boss moves, cc’s him etc. (and all of the psycho-cryos-rc I saw screwed their combos too)

IF you land the full combo, then yea, best boss killer…

Its good but not the best for a number reasons. Reliability, setup times, and cds really drag the combo down when compared to just stacking deployment spells over the same span of time.

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Well…from what i can conlude here.

1- Combo PP/IW is still OP?

2-Having multiple good still may be best then having just a good combo because You may miss or whatever…also with the cd of the combo i could do other good damage with elementalist AOE skills…

SO I think for now I will lock my build on wizc3>elec3>RC

But I still apprecciate any commentss or may be videos of anyone with any of those builds so we can have a litle comparison.

What you can conclude its that you dont want to do Cryo/Kino build and you will looking up reasons to not doing it until you find a way to convince yourself.

What you can also conclude its that people are butthurted because Cryo/Kino kill their bosses Solo in few seconds whenever it pulls off, so whenever it fails they cling to that and say its is bad so they can fell better.

CryoKino its not useless when its not on bosses, this is bullshit as well. But when its not on bosses, it fills a cc role of protecting the party with freeze and stuns while doing dmg, instead of maximum output like an ele would do.

CryoKino its the strongest for bosses, as every one trick poney will always be the strongest to that particular cenario and will be hated because of it.

Cryo2 Kino2, its not what define cryo/kino, there`s A LOT that goes Cryo3 or Kino 3 and have lots of cc spells at disposal because they too are concerned about their own combo failling.

Ele build its ofc more consistent, sure dps that keeps relevant for the whole run, while the CryoKino can only combo once per minute.

But realy stop wasting your time, and do what you want already, no use making thousands of posts only to confirm what you already wanna do and will obviously end up doing in the end.

You someone to confirm your wishfull thinking that ele its better for bosses?

Ele its way better at everything, Cryo/Kino its for noobs!.

There you go.

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PP/IW is good with RC for bosses, but i don’t think that’s the case for higher level world bosses. They have upwards of 10m+ HP - if your damage isn’t consistent enough through however long it takes to kill it you’re probably just not getting jack. Feel free to correct me any RCs out there (with receipts, not theorycrafting).

Also, RC will do nothing for that build. If bossing is your aim just go Warlock.

In my opinion specifically against world bosses Pyro 2 should be providing more DPS over time in comparison to mere 50% dmg boost from Quick Spell. The only Elementalist’s skill that can provide stronger DOT than Pyromancer’s DOTs is Frost Cloud which lasts 10 seconds and has 30 seconds cooldown. Skills like Meteor with just 1 hit and 90 sec cooldown are not too useful against bosses.

And then for 20 seconds you don’t have any other good DOTs as Wiz 3 > Ele 3. Pyromancer’s Fireballs scale quite well and combined with Flame Ground they are still amazing at high level and doing a great job filling that 20 seconds gap. If you’re going for Rod+Arde Dagger as your weapon choice all the more you need as many decent DOT skills as possible, which isn’t the case with Wiz 3 > Ele 3.

I can’t give you exact numbers because my character is gone after CBT wipe, but hope you got the idea. Please keep in mind though that I’ve only played this class in CBT where we had 6 ranks instead of 7 and max level was 200.

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Problem without having wiz3 is that picking any future dps classes puts you at a fundamental damage disadvantage, and 50% is quite significant.

Builds like wiz cryo3 chrono3 or wiz cryo3 kino3 have their own strong points and are great as secondary wizard in a party. Cryo3kino3 especially can be good on bossing and very good in pvp. For future scaling tho, wiz3 builds will become stronger and stronger unless IMC wants to make the dps classes themselves lackluster in damage without wiz3.

chronomancer outdamages cryokino because he uses stop on boss when you make icewall heheheheheh

I believe the current top boss killers are clerics. Low con, high Int, Cleric2/Krivis3/Druid/PD is the build if I’m not mistaken. Cure(30matks CD27) and Zaibas(20matks CD2x30sec) both double dip on Int. Then you got the Druid(32matk every 30) and PD which I’m not going to calc the matks for cause I don’t want to add up debuffs. But you get the idea very high single target with double the effect of Int on the low tier spells mean high scaling even for the low rank skills. They also look cooler then us doing it. :frowning:

This weekend I got trough plenty of cryo/kinos on mercenary post…and none of them could do the combo right…the ones that could do the combo made just a scratch to the boss HP and could do nothing else until the combo come back due to boss range and the possibility of getting HS.(I am Squire/peltasta full CON so i know what i’m talking a bout and I have much time to watch the others while tanking)

The one who is locked into one line of thinking is just You. I don’t need people to tell me what I already know…If i needed I would just do my build.

This tópic is not just for me is for anyone trying to CHOOSE between one or another. There is not enough info to choose 100% correct and the most wisely i could get is for wizz c3> ele c3 for now…so jst relax and enjoy the discussion…

As I said…do some videos and show us what You are trying to argue…videos are better then anything…and It could help anyone reading this on the future.


what the hell are u arguing … if its only single target dps kick all wizards and build a fletcher …

But Pyro DOTs have element damage? I mean…those dots will have same effect independent of boss element? Or they could be higher/lower?

Plus if Pyro is best choice and the DOTs are the way, (even if the boss walk around) the magic amp from wiz c3 can make those skills better? doesn’t worth so Wizzzc3>pyroc3>WLc1?

I don’t like archer evos as I like wizz.

Never said i want single target…i said it doesn’t matter if it is single target or AOE the important thing is to be strong.

But how would You activate the ice barrier? I like chrono but can’t think on abuild not being support/cc build.

well i can say before the server transfer it was pretty easy to get cubes (fedimian)
with a wiz 3 /ele 3 / rc … solo or with whatever grp… ( after that i stopped playing so never checked)
But if u read the treads about grps dominating the bosshunts its obvious that only the best optimized grps can achieve rewards there … and if u theorycraft for endgame hunting there will be only fletcher grps that can get cubes at the end xD (if there will be not a rebalancing only around that …)

What means GRP?

Do you know if quick casts is actvated every time I cast a skill inside the buff time? Or is it one time use only? Same thing to the atribute…it aplies for the skill duration or only for the next skill i use?

For the skill duration

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it applys for the hole duration the 50% dmg buiff and the faster casting …
Grp means = Groups obviously my statement count in supporter to boost the dmg…
And that somehow assume that their dmg can be buffed at the best rate too
i dn’t know if u could perma cloud frost outdps everything with 2 cronomancer in ur bosshunt grp …


Yeah they’re all fire element, which gives extra damage against a number of bosses. I don’t remember any fire element bosses apart from the ones in lvl 190 dungeon, but even these will still take a good amount of damage from fire, it’s not like they’re immune to it.

As for Wiz3>Pyro3… you definitely shouldn’t pass on Elementalist C3, Frost Cloud is probably the strongest DOT in game. Pyromancer is just there to stack even more DOTs and to keep doing good consistent damage while Frost Cloud is on cooldown.

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