Tree of Savior Forum

High DEX build?

This what i concern…

Does str really needed to increas broadhead bleed damage?? I know it depends on str and phys attack and its lvl…

But is it wise to sacrifice dex and other fletcher’s skill damage to Increase Broadhead bleed damage??

How significant is the difference of Broadhead bleed’s damage between high STR and high Dex??

very significant, imagine that having 400 str adds more than 600-700 damage to each broadhead tick.

Never go Full Dex. Hybrid is best. Get enough crit rate + cons then the rest into STR.

whats the difference about siluai and crystal mine?

Crystal Mine drop mats for new weapon (ores) + werewolves card if you are rogue.

Siluai mainly for glass mole

Don’t worry, I’ll never follow a full DEX build. Just asking him what is “dex builds” for him and in which content they are working.

You need to stop man, you are embarrassing yourself.

You need to look at IMC’s game design as well as the lv315 weapons. They have mass attack built into them which is multiplied by trancending.

With a 315 trancended weapon every physical skill in the game scales better off crit. End of story. The entire goal of the game is to now reach 100% crit rate and then put excess into STR or CON.

A non-optimized vs fully optimized gear build with just the trancended weapon will deal very little difference in damage once crit cap is reached.

It’s simply easier to reach the cap by going full dex and allows you to use your money on attributes instead of crit gear, dealing more damage in the process. (At same attribute levels, 100% crit + trancended weapon, the builds damage difference will never be noticed in gameplay) The extra damage from being crit geared to squeeze out some more STR is just not worth the time investment or the silver investment for the few hundred more damage when hitting for 150k.

TLDR Reach crit cap then invest into STR. If you have money and time you can have more STR. If you dont want to invest that time go DEX and you will deal just as much damage without the price tag and time.

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DEX is cool. Would not go all STR or all DEX but definitely would NEVER go all STR.

That’s what I keep telling him but he won’t listen :confused:

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Yeah ok after reading his reply its like talking to a brick wall, his posting math that counters his own argument.

Try adding the lv5-10 trancendence to that BiS weapon (Choose a lv315 one from the ktos patch notes first) and see what happens.

Yes, STR gives slightly more DPS if you get all the BiS gear and crit rate gems. However dex reaches that damage potential much sooner and costs you nothing. The difference will only be a few % for all of that effort to go heavy STR.

But do what you want, it’s your own mistake to learn

from.[quote=“seifer0692, post:71, topic:326942”]
maybe is just you guys first timers to MMO and total new to the conecpt of PVE good foor PVE only

Good one, I wasnt one of the top theory crafters for WoW and FFXIV when they were relevent games :slight_smile:

I won’t reply to you again because it is clear you don’t actually understand what we are saying. Maybe it’s a language barrier.

EVA is good all-around. WTF are you smoking? I want some lol. With high evasion your healer doesn’t need to focus on you since their main priority is too keep the tank alive.

Yes for high STR you will need higher Cons…good luck with high STR glass cannon. It’s logic.

I’m assuming you didn’t see or care enough to check out new weapon with high base attack? STR won’t do much here, nope sir. Dex scale way better here. Prove me wrong otherwise.

You need to get it straight without Evasion you will get hit more = you lose more durability, again simple logic.

cool if you can manage to get 100% crit in ‘perfect’ party. But good luck solo/wb etc.

High evasion doesn’t lose value in any PVE/PVP aspect of the game. I’m not sure if you play many RPG but evasion is an amazing stats. Taking 0 damage and not getting knock down. Seems like a win to me.

Seems like you are new to ET. With our previous discussion about CryoChrono. You claimed that CryoChrono is bad in ET. [quote=“seifer0692, post:13, topic:326942”]
if you’re a support and you already can link mob gather them ecc ecc. so as long you dont mind solo game cyro is bad for chrono) if you mind to solo game than linker chrono is not for you.

Cleary tell everyone that you don’t know wtf you are talking about.

Do you even know what ‘END-GAME’ contents are?
All you said so far is ET this and ET that. NO.

Dailies are the end game content
Merc Mission
World Boss

Not just ET.

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He will just reply with computations.

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All physical skills scale with crit with a trancended lv315 weapon. Your information is out of date, its not just R8 skills.

Tell you what. Post a video of your archer with only 100 DEX. I posted mine but if you need any more vid to prove my points OR need my formula please don’t hesitate to ask.

Yes sleeping. Lol ET is not t only end game otherwise they call this game tree of earth tower. As mentioned by @Nicola, you have saalus, farming etc…

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