So I have been tanking for a while now and feel comfortable offering a bit of advice. It should go without saying that pel3/sq3 is a pve build, and this advice is not intended for pvp. I also chose my stats and skills with Murmillo for Rank8 in mind.
For Pel3/SQ3, I started with full CON and it was a mistake. I had a ridiculous amount of HP, but couldnât deal any damage. The only reason to have that much HP would be to soak magic damage if you have low magic defense. Physical mobs canât even touch your HP with Plate Mastery/Guardian/High- Guard anyway.
I reset my stats to a balance of STR & CON and the difference was night and day. HP is still more than enough, tons of carry weight (you need lots of carry weight for Squire materials), and the damage is actually enough to enjoy the game and make a noticeable contribution to party play. Once you have enough HP and Magic Defense, I would even recommend a 2:1 or 3:1 STR/CON ratio.
I do not recommend putting any points into DEX for Pel3, there are some who suggest it, but here is why I am against it- High Guard.
With High Guard active for the extra block and 350% damage boost to Umbo Blow, it aslo drops your crit rate by 30 points at the 5th level for its entire duration, making any points youâve put into Dex useless⊠Guardian already gives you all the extra evasion you might need with its attribute, and has 100% uptime.
STR also scales higher than Dex for Swordsman, meaning you get much more out of your points invested. This also gives you higher basic attacks rather than hoping for a crit that will never happen while high guard is active anyway. Pel is not designed to crit, itâs a âhold your ground & help your partyâ style class.
For the amount of points you would have to invest in Dex to make it useful, It simply wouldnât be worth the sacrifice to your STR and CON. (my opinion)
For Skills I kept it simple, though everyone has their own playstyle. I went-
15 Umbo Blow (350% dmg boost w/HG, 2 charges, and 25% stun)
15 Swash Buckling (The true reason for Pel3, +30provoke, 21 mob taunt)
5 Guardian (+17% phys defense with only -5%atk, +18% evasion)
5 High Guard (Block+190, -7%atk, +350% dmg for Umbo Blow)
5 Umbo Thrust (Removes enemy armor for up to 30sec, great utility for bosses)
I took the full 15 in Umbo Blow to get the most out of its damage boost and I couldnât be happier. Iâve also seen many players only go with 5 points in Umbo Blow, and place the rest in Butterfly and Langort which can offer some filler damage to your rotation, but be aware of the high SP cost of skill rotations with too many dmg skills. Butterfly has a very short range, but has 2 charges. Langort offers pierce damage and has a chance to silence. Your focus as a tank though is to maintain agro, keep yourself buffed, and keep monsters debuffed. Murmillo will also give you plenty of other damage skills if you choose to go that route.
Take what you will from it, good luck and have fun!
P.S. For Squire, most ignore Armor Maintenance as it is such a small increase and takes so long to apply. You get the most out of max repair and/or weapon maintenance. lv15 repair gives all your gear 15 bonus durability with a 25% chance to give 30 bonus which can save a lot of time and money, and max weapon maint. will help your damage the most and will sell better than others who havenât maxed it. Max Food buffs, but donât overdo the Basecamp, its duration is already long and you can purchase more time if its running out. I personally ignore arrest, but it can be useful against bosses that move a lot. The cooldown is too long for me and monsters can still attack you when its casting, especially ranged and magic. Most take 1 Arrest for bosses and 4 in Base Camp, or vis versa.