Tree of Savior Forum

Help with a pelt3>squire3 tank/repairs

need help with this build, any suggestion

stats more likely gonna be 4:1 CON:DEX

this is gonna be a repair char and trying to have at least some tank capability for grind parties, i know there is rodelero and other paths but i would actually like to follow this path any advice for R8, murmillo or anything else? plus which skills would be good while leveling

Squire is a great class for money making purposes, i would not expect anything else from that class though. Most grinding parties would rather have a peltasta that can also deal damage, tanking in this game only means taking aggro, and you don’t really need more than 1 peltasta circle for that
so for money making purposes this class is great but i wouldn’t rely on squire to be my main character.
There is no real reason to get squire other than trying to make money with repairs and weapon buffs IMO.
For rank 8 murmilo is your best class choice as it increases your peltasta skills’ damage.

There is another reason to go squire 3 that doesn’t involve making money. Food. Getting to squire 3 gives your entire house the ability to bring regen cd to 1-2 sec per tic.

This thread shows 2 videos utilizing that much hp recovery.

I’ve been thinking of different squire 3 builds for a while. I know basically nothing about HL other than [crown] and [moulinet] and clonable.

I would prefer the 2H squire since it will have more damage with the shinobi (theoretically - haven’t seen in practice so be warned). [moulinet] does (“will do” when patch goes live on itos] double damage to crowned targets. [crown] is a debuff not a buff the clones are “affected” by it when they clone [moulinet] making the damage x2 ([crown] combo) x2 (half execution time - again patch so we don’t have it yet) x6 (1 + 5 clones) for damage.

As for pelt3, I have that build. It just got to squire yesterday. I went 50 CON rest DEX. Without more DEX I would always get hit. With more CON you would have more HP but absolutely no way to recover it (by yourself) other than pots and in that regard you would be the same with someone who had less CON.

To “fix” this problem (of no STR) I had to get 3 headgear with 100+ atk and lv5 red gem in shield for 110 atk. You want atk more than elem damage because your 2 “main” nukes deal 330% atk ([umbo blow] and [rim blow] with [high guard] active) which will not affect elem damage.

In terms of STR, you would s*ck without it. Your only source of damage is coming from auto atks and r1-r4 ranks. Everything in those ranks does more damage with STR.

You could choose v2 of the 2H squire for more crit by swapping 1 HL for 1 barb. I went HL3 for 100% uptime on crown. You lose that 100% uptime with barb but gain the benefit of [cleave].

There is also v3 with pelt instead of barb because 

Remember this is all theorycarft.


My first toon is a pelt3 squire3
took me a month to reach r7 coz of being a noob too and all

At lvl 225 It can solo 190 dungeom rush
butterfly is pretty strong along with langort and thrust
im planning to make it to murmillo for fun

Build is not that good str dex con😅

Better go con and dex now
for tanking physical damage
guardian and high guard are pretty good for that
but your real problem is magic damageđŸ˜„

sorry for the late reply, thanks for all the advice, btw can you link your pelt3>squire3 build?

i made a pelt2, rod1 squire, all you really need is a five hammer with level 6 or so red gems and 1 of those shields that gives elemental damage xD

Just had a thought, maybe someone knows the answer. If you have 2 squires, can you keep 2 camps up at the same time?

I am P3>Sq3 (whats damage o_0?)
Got to murmilo a few days ago
I am getting overkills with lvl 2 scutum lol

Umbo blow damage stacking is crazy as well. High gaurd buff +Critas helm damage buff +umbo thrust armor debuff . But wait it does not stop there add in headbutt strike damage boost just for laughs

I am like con:str:dex 3:2:1 and i amthinking what Murmilo rank 2 will bring us lol

So I have been tanking for a while now and feel comfortable offering a bit of advice. It should go without saying that pel3/sq3 is a pve build, and this advice is not intended for pvp. I also chose my stats and skills with Murmillo for Rank8 in mind.

For Pel3/SQ3, I started with full CON and it was a mistake. I had a ridiculous amount of HP, but couldn’t deal any damage. The only reason to have that much HP would be to soak magic damage if you have low magic defense. Physical mobs can’t even touch your HP with Plate Mastery/Guardian/High- Guard anyway.

I reset my stats to a balance of STR & CON and the difference was night and day. HP is still more than enough, tons of carry weight (you need lots of carry weight for Squire materials), and the damage is actually enough to enjoy the game and make a noticeable contribution to party play. Once you have enough HP and Magic Defense, I would even recommend a 2:1 or 3:1 STR/CON ratio.

I do not recommend putting any points into DEX for Pel3, there are some who suggest it, but here is why I am against it- High Guard.

With High Guard active for the extra block and 350% damage boost to Umbo Blow, it aslo drops your crit rate by 30 points at the 5th level for its entire duration, making any points you’ve put into Dex useless
 Guardian already gives you all the extra evasion you might need with its attribute, and has 100% uptime.

STR also scales higher than Dex for Swordsman, meaning you get much more out of your points invested. This also gives you higher basic attacks rather than hoping for a crit that will never happen while high guard is active anyway. Pel is not designed to crit, it’s a “hold your ground & help your party” style class.

For the amount of points you would have to invest in Dex to make it useful, It simply wouldn’t be worth the sacrifice to your STR and CON. (my opinion)

For Skills I kept it simple, though everyone has their own playstyle. I went-
15 Umbo Blow (350% dmg boost w/HG, 2 charges, and 25% stun)
15 Swash Buckling (The true reason for Pel3, +30provoke, 21 mob taunt)
5 Guardian (+17% phys defense with only -5%atk, +18% evasion)
5 High Guard (Block+190, -7%atk, +350% dmg for Umbo Blow)
5 Umbo Thrust (Removes enemy armor for up to 30sec, great utility for bosses)

I took the full 15 in Umbo Blow to get the most out of its damage boost and I couldn’t be happier. I’ve also seen many players only go with 5 points in Umbo Blow, and place the rest in Butterfly and Langort which can offer some filler damage to your rotation, but be aware of the high SP cost of skill rotations with too many dmg skills. Butterfly has a very short range, but has 2 charges. Langort offers pierce damage and has a chance to silence. Your focus as a tank though is to maintain agro, keep yourself buffed, and keep monsters debuffed. Murmillo will also give you plenty of other damage skills if you choose to go that route.

Take what you will from it, good luck and have fun!

P.S. For Squire, most ignore Armor Maintenance as it is such a small increase and takes so long to apply. You get the most out of max repair and/or weapon maintenance. lv15 repair gives all your gear 15 bonus durability with a 25% chance to give 30 bonus which can save a lot of time and money, and max weapon maint. will help your damage the most and will sell better than others who haven’t maxed it. Max Food buffs, but don’t overdo the Basecamp, its duration is already long and you can purchase more time if its running out. I personally ignore arrest, but it can be useful against bosses that move a lot. The cooldown is too long for me and monsters can still attack you when its casting, especially ranged and magic. Most take 1 Arrest for bosses and 4 in Base Camp, or vis versa.

A couple o thing to think about because with the way things are, STR will always be a “bad” choice. There’s the rework but who knows when we get that.

Let’s say you get 600 STR (totally possible). With the bonus atk you get 780 atk. A lv 5 yellow gem (very easy to make) gives 270 crit atk. On a budget weapon like a 5hammer with 5 lv5 yellow gems you already have 1350 crit atk. And lets say you get 3 costumes with 100 crit atk (that’s pretty low as well) each. You are already sporting 1650 crit atk (more than double what you get from your 600 STR).

Why crit atk? Well, [high guard]'s multiplier affects crit atk (my ~5k crits become ~15k). Another reason is crit atk is not affected by [guardian]'s -14% atk or [high guard]'s -7% atk.

[guardian]'s +18% evasion works with the evasion you have. The more DEX you have the better it is.

Regarding [high guard]'s crit rate reduction. You only need lv1 for the upgrades to [umbo blow] and [rim blow]. At lv1 you are penalized with -6 crit rate which is the stat equivalent of 6 DEX. 6 DEX is a small price to pay. I even have it at lv3 for the attribute and it is just 18 DEX worth of penalty.

Lv6 [umbo blow] is 296 atk while lv 15 is 516 atk for a difference of 220 atk. Taking 6 pts from [umbo blow] and placing them in [rim blow] 262 atk and 2 OH. Those 6 pts in [rim blow] does more than the 9 pts in [umbo blow].

Yes, you will never use [rim blow] for trash mobs (unless IMC gives us an attribute to remove the knock back). You will however, use it for bosses.

I still think Dex is more for Rodelero and pvp builds, for pel/squire STR is a safe bet. Like I said, its about holding your ground for the party, not so much about big numbers. Each basic attack adds threat, so unless you have a lot of dex to crit often enough, your low str attacks wont hold agro. For a Pel3/Rodel3/Murm, I would def go for around 200 str/con/dex each, creating a solid balance in damage, hp, and crit/evasion.

The reason I took Umbo blow to 15, is because of the Murmillo attribute from cassis that gives it an additional 400% damage, making it the highest damaging skill available from pel or rodel. that 516 base damage becomes 3766 with the 330% bonus from high guard and the 400% from cassis.
Even Targe Smash 15 is only 2700 with 200% boost from cassis.

In all honesty, I just didn’t want my action bar to be cluttered, so I only took the best damaging skill from Pel, and still get 4 other dps skills from Murm that are all 4k+ dmg. Thats a 5 ability rotation that is devastating (6 if you count umbo thrust for its armor break, which you would typically start your rotation with). I just felt that any points elsewhere would be a waste. It’s All or Nothing for my Peltasta!

That’s the whole point to a DEX build. You get enough of it to crit often because the damage sources outside of STR + crit >>>>>>>>>> anything STR gives.

The next point to any form of party grind is killing everything as fast as you can, hence the “nuke based” game play we currently have. This is not theory. It is “what is” aka meta. Some people may not like it, but at the same time they can’t deny it. Prolonging any fight/pull is the worst thing you can do for your party.

Now I know why you took [umbo blow] 15. You don’t actually know how outside sources of damage work with multipliers. Lets take my example of 1650 crit atk from outside sources (namely a 5hammer and costumes x3).

The damage becomes
(1650 + 516) x 730% ~= 15811 (x2 for OH = 31622)
(1650 + 296) x 730% ~= 14205 (x2 for OH = 28410)
(1650 + 262) x 730% ~= 13957 (x2 for OH = 27914)

28162 (x2 for OH = 56324)

You traded 56324 - 31622 = 24702 damage for 3766 damage

My bottomline is this. Skill damage becomes less and less relevant the higher your damage from non skill sources becomes (higher lv weapons, higher lv gems, higher costume mods) and it WILL get higher. 5 digit values for atk just from the weapon is not so outlandish that it won’t happen. What is the extra 220 atk you get for lv 15 [umbo blow] in the face of 10k atk stat from gear (that also gets multiplied by skill multipliers)?

This isn’t opinion anymore. The number crunchers have crunched the numbers and the field testers have tested the numbers. This is fact now.

My point was that with a STR build you wont need to crit to hold agro. I was saying that if you sacrifice too much strength for dex instead, your crits and basic attacks would be empty.
I never mentioned outside sources because we were just discussing the base damage of skills and their attribute bonuses.
If you want to get into outside sources, lets talk about enemy Crit Resistance
 How often are you actually critting and for how much?
STR users just have defense and block to get through, which is solved with umbo thrust and each point in STR gives natural block penetration anyway.
You made a point to add all your crit atk from other sources but failed to consider phys atk from gear/gems/enchants from a STR build perspective.

I’ve stacked Phys Atk on all my headgear and gems rather than crit atk and still hit pretty damn hard every time. It’s just a different way of getting the same result. You could say full STR is medium(consistent) damage across the board, and full Dex is low, high, low, high, low, high(inconsistent) Making them essentially the same at the end of the day.

I say fk the Meta. Don’t be a sheep. Play your own way and learn what works best for you. I explained why I took fewer skills and maxed them, and stated that it wasn’t for everyone, but go ahead and keep crunching numbers for us.

Then you should have opened with this. You should have said you are knowingly advocating a sub-par build because you want to “fk the Meta” instead of actually giving good advice. Disclaimers go a long way.

You can fk the meta all you want, but don’t go giving bad advice to people who are actually asking for help because you want to fk the meta.

Funny how you keep taking things out of context to serve your argument.
I explained myself and my advice clearly at every stage, but you didn’t answer my question. Speaking of advice, I have some for your formulas. When you crit it gives your base atk a 50% bonus to its damage, then adds your crit attack bonus for final damage. You added your crit atk and multiplied it by the attribute bonus which is wrong.
(1650 + 516) x 730% = 15,811

In reality it would be
(516 x 730%) x 50% + 1650 = 7,299
 You can also add the 55 damage from your Hammer if you really want to.
Now lets see it with Phys Atk instead of Crit atk assuming one has +100phys atk on each headgear, a weapon with at least 300dmg, and a Strength contribution of at least 700phys atk. (1300)
(516 x 730%) + 1300 = 5,066
 Not so different, now add red gems and block penetration and you’re looking at the same damage without having to land a crit.

Thank you for at least demonstrating how you don’t actually know how things work. I suggest actually using the gear before you try “correcting” already established/confirmed information.

Look it up dude. So sorry for your ego.