Tree of Savior Forum

Help with a Mage Build

I was wondering if this build would be feasible for partying with my friends.
Any advice, tips, and criticisms are welcome. Thanks! :smiley:

and post the link apart to show it like that ^

I would say, donā€™t waste points on energy bolt unless you go for 5ā€¦

am not sure about having more than 1 point on swap and telekinesis is like energy boltā€¦ useless at low levelā€¦

The class choices are very good but the skill choices could use some work. Here is my suggestion:

Iā€™ll try to answer any questions about it tomorrow :sleeping:

what with people and level 1 energy bolts :confused:

that skill is your :mute::mute::mute::mute::mute: go all in or donā€™t go :\

at least thatā€™s the way I goā€¦ :yum:

At level 1 if you start the charge and cancel immediately doesnā€™t it still cast?
I get level 1 because adding more points kills your damage to SP ratio.

I was thinking of a CyroChrono combo too, but does it deal enough damage?

Instead I ended up going for this:

with the other one being for the Ice Rune:

All levels of Energy bolt have 1s cast timeā€¦

the skill is ready as soon as it show the level above the head of it caster

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Iā€™ve planned a Wiz-Cryo c3-Elem c2-RC with the Tree+Meteor combo but in the kOBT i stopped before Elem because of lag/ping issue (iā€™m from France ā€¦).
I still think this build can do the job even if Meteor doesnā€™t get the Quick Cast bonus like everybody love.

But will RC add to the overall damage, or better on getting Ele C3 in your opinion?


  • Energy Bolt
  • Good for filler between cryomancer spells CD.
  • Reflect Shield
  • Good for preventing Interruption.
  • EarthQuake
  • I donā€™t think itā€™s a good skill to have with these classes. I reccomend the points into sleep instead. ( Since you have elementlist, having more CC will help you have time to channel /target)


  • Ice Bolt

  • Another filler ( basically a water energy bolt), You can have this skill at lvl 1 if you choose since the freezing rate is flat rate and duration. ( Also another way to proc ice blaster if Ice wall, Pike on CD)

  • Ice Pike

  • Very good burst spell. It would be good to max this ( If not, get the attribute for Enhance up to around 50% since it is going to be a strong source of damage from the start. ( It should be strong enough to 1-hit several monsters with all the connected hits.

  • Subzero Shield

  • ( I have no idea )

  • Gust & Ice Blaster

  • I think you should pick one of these skills to raise the highest, and leave the other one at a minimal level and re-distribute pts into another skill. ( I.e ice wall, or pike ) Mainly because both remove the frost effect so you canā€™t use both consistently but only alternate. ( Ice blast has a chance to remove frost, Gustā€™s is 100% however it deals more simultaneous hits IIRC) Hard for me to give you a simple direction since both skills were buffed / altered, Iā€™d personally say that Gust is better - but it may be due to ICBT2 Bias since i had leveled that and left the Ice Blast at lvl 1(2 with the ice rod) due to it being a very determinant skill at that time.

  • General

Since youā€™re going to be a cryomancer for a while, iā€™d definitely recommend creating / obtaining an Ice Rod ASAP. It adds +1 to ALL cryomancer skills that have at least a point in it, So your Frozen Pillar / Snow Roll can be LV 6 for an extra seconds worth of control. As well as increasing your overall damage. You can definitely keep this weapon until you get R5/6 ( provided you upgrade it )


I canā€™t really help you with the Elementalist stuff since i know very little about them outside of their skill kit. The Electrocute Freezing Magic Damage looks like a cool attribute, but i donā€™t even know if itā€™s any good. :frowning:

Hope it helps a little.


Thatā€™s what i meant by Quick Cast bonus ^^

Oh, my bad then. Just ignore it.

With this large amount of people going c3 wizard ele and c3 cryochrono I think Ill just get linker2 ez support and buff sharing

You get most damage from it per sleep attribute bonus.
Max energybolt is a waste of points xD.

Might help early, but you wont stay early more then a few days xD.

Everybody are going to build one of those 2 because they are the easy ones.
I personally prefer to wait for the mimic and ohters (or at least some informations) and then iā€™ll decide.

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Its really hard to decide knowing rank 8 classes might be the one you like and might screw up your combination, like when you think this combination is viable then suddenly rank 8 might completely nullify it

Same here, gonna go linker 2 and find someone with wiz3 to party with.

Just so you know, the attribute on Quick Cast that gives you an 100% uptime +50% Magic Damage increase is not shared by Spiritual Chain (attributes are character only).

I guess from what I remember if you cancel the charge immediately you just cast level 1 energy bolt. So you put levels into it and charge fully youā€™re simply wasting SP for negligible damage increase. Damage is coming from your stats and equips. The skill doesnā€™t scale well, hence level 1. Its good to have because of the AoE.

CryoChrono DPS is pretty low, but that is okay because the build is based on supporting a party, which it does incredibly well. For your first build, it could work but it would lack a lot of DPS vs. a Wiz3Ele3 and lack utility vs. a cryochrono. Jack of all trades is fine though. (Listen to Gwenyth on the skills)
Your second build is really interesting, but I would change the skills to be this:

To me it is a ā€œsleeper pickā€ to be a really good mixture of damage and control. Common knowledge is to go Elementalist C3 or go home, but Isa may prove this wrong. I like it, very creative.

That is good to know, thank you very much for pointing it out.

best to swap the elems for psycho. ice pp rune is quite popular