Tree of Savior Forum

Hello from the other side I must have called a thousand times

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Vote For ToS!!
we can win if everyone vote i not Believe only 2729pepole play at beta and like i sure over 10.000 pepole like the game !!!
so why only 2729 vote!!!
we can get more then 5000 if pepole not be lazy!!!

Meanwhile people lack faith, but that ain’t new. But honestly in the end, just vote for what you want. Most of these MMO polls have absolutely no protection, so honestly it’s which side is more pitiful to out-bot the other.

That said, I voted in ToS because I like it more than BnS. My hype for BnS died out so long, but it depends if you like your old, refurbished MMORPG with a Fighting game core at heart, or the new yet experimental opening that ToS brings, vintage and even mechanically wise.

I’d be a traitor if I actually liked BnS more, but I simply just like ToS more. :v

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So if you do not vote in the TOS you are a traitor, but if you vote is not a fanboy? … Clearly gives notice to the level of things here in this forum.

Poor childrens.


It’s called a joke, but I guess language barriers make that hard to recognize, even when done through the form of a Toy Story meme.

“Poor children.”


I had no idea that site was like that :confused:

It is, I mean that other MMO site, forgot its named, actually voted ESO as MMO of the year, when its still plagued with so many drastic problems, when in a fair poll, it would have been FFXIV that got MMO of the year.

trust, we can win ;d

In term of both games’ current stances, bns has a pretty solid foundation than tos. Obviously, they are incomparable in term of mechanic similarity but playability, there is a significant gap among both. Somemore, voting for something that isn’t really clearly define yet isn’t really a rationale voting (consider both games still yet “official” release). Somehow, the vote itself is nothing more than fan wars instead of real vote for a good game. Just too sad to see beta games have to do this for publicity while latter on, might not deliver as per the credits pre-given by the fans, becoming a laughing stock for future.

Just a side note, bns bots are far superior as well… to the extent, certain bot studios can develop extreme advance AI that given the same gears tier, human merely stood around 10-30% winning chance against them in 1vs1 PVP. And, bots’ precision farming and kill steal avoidance of bns are just jaw dropping impressive.


Thanks for the link, I forgot to vote for B&S.

It’s people like the OP that give ToS an even worse name than it already has. You have IMC/NEXON who is running the game into the ground, and the community who rage, and are ignorant of anything that is blatantly in front of their face. Yes… there is a conspiracy going on over votes for a game, which have absolutely no weight on anything! The illuminati are here people, careful of what you post, or say they’re always watching. (Probably voting for B&S to get this kid to rage more)

So if ToS wins, what does it do for the game? Are you going to jump in the air like a Ninja Turtle, and freeze frame? Do you get something out of a game winning a fan vote on a website? Does it make the game better, and fix the issues it currently has? Or does it make it worst for the game, by making a company believe they are doing something right, when in reality they are not.

When a company MAKES POSTS begging people to vote for their game to gain popularity, it shows desperation for acknowledgement for growth; that imo is a terrible way to advertise your game. If a game is good, its gameplay and content is what will make it the “best” not what a vote on a site says. Just because you advertise a game, and bring in new players, doesn’t change what a game really is. It comes down to the quality of a game, and what it has to offer to keep the players, and currently the game has nothing besides a satisfying combat system (even with half the skills not working) That alone isn’t nearly enough to keep current, and old generation gamers playing an MMO.


Didn’t vote, because i don’t care (about mmosite)
game is fun though

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Sadly, the rushed release at Korea pretty much killed all chances. Shame. I mean BnS aint bad, its honestly mostly fan service, wow cloned, lacks any real depth but its been around alot longer, and is way more polished right now. Honestly if ToS wasnt rushed for release in Korea it would had better chances, but all the negativity brought it down.

Maybe if they let more people in the beta they would have had more votes. Or an iobt would help. I mean why vote for a game that isnt even released yet.

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@hitokagex it’s clear you’re here to spam or falsely represent that TOS community is cheating, your account is new.
post 3hours ago, joined 3 hours ago. coincidence?

@staff please do something about this person


Wow that was hilarious.
So if my account were to be created long ago, your accusations will suddenly be invalid? Interesting logic.

I just stated what I did as a fact, and I contributed around 300 votes, meaning the other 2700+ are all others’ efforts. I only posted the script right when the competition is about to end, so it means only I am using it (it’s also a rather personalised script anyways as mentioned). I don’t see why I need to imply / frame ToS of cheating in ToS own forum lol, especially when ToS lost.

If your post is about how I shouldn’t have cheated, then there’s at least things to talk about. But with such accusations, especially when reason is because of ‘new account’, then all I can say is, thanks for the chuckles lol.

Whatever floats your boat, it won’t affect me in any way.

Yes, because asking your fellow community members to take part in voting, something that has been done for centuries, is a bad thing. Apparently IMC/Nexon is ‘running the game into the ground’, meanwhile we have people not even from Korea or playing that version or even keeping up to date with changes, over-exaggerating things like every update and action done is making the game worse.

[quote=“zetsuei13, post:50, topic:126445”]
So if ToS wins, what does it do for the game? Are you going to jump in the air like a Ninja Turtle, and freeze frame? Do you get something out of a game winning a fan vote on a website?[/quote]
It brings more attention to the game, which in turn brings in more revenue. Funding towards website Ads don’t usually start until the game is at least in its final CBT (As determined by the company that it’s close to release ver), so winning things like these help to spread the word much earlier for an increased playerbase on release.

It does neither of those things, because a Western-hosted F2P gaming website running a voting poll/contest is not going to decide what the Korean Developers and Korean-giant Nexon does to the game.

Then I guess that makes League of Legends ‘desperate for acknowledgement for growth’, because their company representatives have done this multiple times before on their official forums despite their games much higher standing throughout the years. Your definition of ‘begging’ is understated, by the way.

[quote=“zetsuei13, post:50, topic:126445”]
If a game is good, its gameplay and content is what will make it the “best” not what a vote on a site says. Just because you advertise a game, and bring in new players, doesn’t change what a game really is.[/quote]
Correct! Although you’re forgetting something: The whole thing was simply a community contest with free advertisement, albeit small, as the prize. We are aware of what the game plays like and where it currently stands in KR (Well… most of us). There’s nothing wrong with the community managers making a thread about it, there’s nothing wrong with us making threads about it, and there’s nothing wrong with us voting on our favorite game regardless of its flaws.

What IS wrong, is someone else telling us that all of those things are wrong or counter-productive, and we don’t need to hold a vote to decide which person here falls under that category.


Sadly. yes.

But any kind of poll is useless in the internet.
If someone wants to it either:
-gets manipulated by voters
-gets manipulated by entrees
-gets manipulated by host


Look at our Language poll for ingame voice.
Was half/half … until someone spammed 1mio votes in a few days on it xD.
Brazilian Ip ^^.

And if you look at mmosite history… they somehow got lots of votes for years to come.
But misterty … nearly no one votes.

Your only posts have been in this thread, I don’t care if TOS lost, I just dislike cheaters & botters.
Would rather that TOS lose fairly than someone trying to cheat their way, It’s not something IMC would be proud about.

What gave you indications of me raging just because BnS wins or not ? Hahahaha, you need to take a chill pill in life, I mean, all I did was create a post asking the Saviors to keep up the support for the game.

No, I don’t win anything, again there is nothing wrong with supporting something. I don’t understand why there are so many bitter people on the internet like you.

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Everybody needs to…

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