Tree of Savior Forum

Hello from the other side I must have called a thousand times

You clearly havent played ESO in a very long time

Actually I have my naive ignorant young friend. And here are its current problems I will spend my time, listing for you, since I hate ignorance.

1: Bad lighting performance still hitting the game and cyrodiil hard, they still have yet to optimize or fix it and players with 1000 dollar graphics cards are STILL getting 15-20 fps or worse during heavy sieges.

2: Content as well as new is still difficulty based around players actively using animation cancelling which, before you even think it, yes it is an exploit, an exploit that Zenimax ADMITTED was not intended, but since they could not eliminate it without completely revamping the entire combat system, thus would cost them tremendous money, decided to try and cover their arse and pretend it IS intended.

3: Content that has itā€™s difficulty based around players who has 400+ Champion points, and near cutting edge gear. Even with the exp requirements for points lowered, it still takes a very long time for most players to reach 400+, especially if they dont take advantage of any of the exp bonuses, such as Mara, duo group bonus, ESO Plus, Exp scrolls, 3/4 of em requiring you pay money, which can be argued as P2W. A fine example of one such content is the new Arena in the latest DLC expansion.

4: Horrible class balancing, certain specs of Nightblade and Sorcerer are still OP as hell, Dragon Knights are still suffering so greatly, that nearly all viable PVP builds of the class utilize at MOST, only 3 actual class skills, I seen builds that does not use a single, Dragon Knight, skill whatsoever. Infact that single player arena I mentioned earlier? Requires that to get the best score, that your using a Ranged Build, or simply have maxed out champ points and the best gear possible if your gonna melee, otherwise its up to how lucky you are.

5: IC is now done a whole lot less. No need to really do it, The new DLC Ornisinium has equivalent if not better armor, weapons and equipment, the only reason to do IC content at all now is for the Jewelry pieces which are still best in its class. Such as the Agility pieces.

6: You can now no longer train each of your individual characters mounts. Its once per 20 hours per ACCOUNT only. Zenimax obviously did this to get players who has multiple character they actively use, to buy more Training scrolls via the cash shop.

7: Still plenty of bugs to be found in the game.

So in reality Hadex, I have been playing it recently, maybe its you who hasnt played it in a very long time, hence your blind ignorance, I started playing it again because a friend from my job asked me to. But I cant seem to play the game for more than 5 mins due to nausea. Which only happens when I try to force myself to play a bad game.

Here is what FFXIV beats ESO in since ill throw that in for you.

Story-Telling Winner: FFXIV
Sound Effects : FFXIV
Music: FFXIV
Gameplay Variety: FFXIV
Content: FFXIV
Housing. Heh : FFXIV
Challenge and Difficulty: FFXIV

Combat though? Ill give that to ESO, since honestly I hope FFXIV is the last of the tab targeters, Full on action or psuedo action is whats in style now and I hope 4-5 years from now when the next FF MMO comes out if ever, it keeps to the medieval fantasy roots, but has true action combat, content difficulty relying more on players individual skill than having to move to the right friggen spot at the right friggen time hitting your needed precious cooldown at the right friggen moment.

So now that I curbstomped the ignorance out of you, feel free to ask questions, but please, dont try to argue with me concerning MMOs, I played more of them and for longer than 99.9 percent of the players who frequent this board. So ill point out everything you said that is wrong, every, single, time.



Your senseless wall of text just confirmed what I said, go back and play it

Yay letā€™s vote for a game that got not a single fnished version, sure that helps the gaming industry ā€¦ facepalm

The only senseless one is you ya ESO Fanboy twit -_-, though, your one of the more idiotic fanboys, the smarter fanboys would even confirm and agree with everything I said, hell ESO is one of the few rare mmos where even its own fanboys hate alot of the things about it. Whats confirmed here is that your an idiot.

That and you made no effort at all to try and dissuade anything I said, further proving everything I said is of course, correct.


Calls someone stupid, canā€™t tell the difference between the proper usages of ā€œyourā€ and ā€œYOUā€™REā€.

Come on now, if youā€™re going to ridicule someone, at LEAST have the common courtesy to have your own ā– ā– ā– ā–  straight.

Tries to correct someone for grammar usage no one cares about, fails to understand and realize no one gives a damn especially on a international forum board.

Come on now, if your gonna be an ignorant halfwit, at LEAST take the time to know who and what YAR dealing with before you get YAZ arse handed to you.

See what I did there? Oh btw, grammar correction on ā€œyourā€ and ā€œyouā€™reā€ is usually done by idiots, either can be used either way and clearly, YER behind the times, that kinda crap is so last 10 years ago. But please, keep talking, as I proceed to making you look like a clown.


This is the guy who went in a rant that can be basically boiled down to how heā€™s superior over everyone because we donā€™t know Mandarin, that should tell you enough.

Oh look, its the patriot who is blind to everything outside of the good ole U S of A. So did you finally realize that Mandarin is the language of the future yet? Or you still putting your fingers inside your ears going ā€œlalalalalalaā€?

Yea, thought as much.

Aaaand there you have it, thank you everyone. Letā€™s just move on.
And Chinaā€™s economy is going down the drain just as badly as everyone else, the future has yet to be decided for anyone.

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Here are your points so far:

  1. Iā€™m a spammer
  2. Iā€™m accusing ToS community
  3. My account is new
  4. My posts are all in 1 thread
  5. You dislike cheaters

They are all over the places. So exactly what is your concern? Present your arguments properly rather than blabbering whatever that comes into your mind. Come back to me when you know how to do so.

@staff Teach this person some ethics of using the forums =)

You guys this post was just to encorage the Saviors to vote, donā€™t keep arguing about this and the contest is over anyway



He just wants to needlessly drag out an un-important matter, attention isnā€™t necessary for this topic anymore.

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The irony is so strong in this one, for someone who suddenly jumped in and accused others of whatever pops in his head in the most random way possible without even the slightest logic, and still unable to provide any in all follow-up replies =)

Iā€™m not sure what youā€™re looking for, there isnā€™t anything new here to talk about.
The voting for MMOSite has ended.

Hmm? You are the one who seem to have something to say after the competition ended.
Iā€™m so kind to give you a chance to get organized exactly what you want to say.

So can I now treat it as you have nothing to say in the 1st place? Iā€™m alright either way. Anyways, if so, I would just leave a piece of advice here: think twice next time before opening your mouth.

If that sort of logic and approach of a code actually works on that MMOSite then it truly is pointless to compete within said site .___.

Haha well, the 2 most common things they donā€™t do: email verification, checking of IP address.
Thereā€™s no actual logic in my ā€˜codeā€™ other than the part on generating a virtually unique email address. Everything else is just mouse and keyboard activities.

Literally the only thing that is preventing me from making the script 100% automatic and leave it to bot overnight is the Captcha when signing up. But as you can see from their signup page, even their Captcha is the simplest of its kind. A decent programmer (not using AutoHotKey) will be able to code something to capture the image of the Captcha and extract the numbers, and hence bypass it.

Definitely MMO is well-aware of these, and I think they deliberately donā€™t care, cause the actual vote counts would be so low that it would make themselves look very unpopular. All they want is the results, and then present it to the general public, who know next to nothing about all the dramas involved in the voting process. No matter how knowingly pointless it is, they know there will be fans to participate in their game =P


That totally made sense hahaha
With this case, the voting is nothing more than a lousy run of a voting between games. How lame XD