Tree of Savior Forum

Have they already ruined guild wars?

That’s a decision you suggested to people who want to PvE a few hours ago…

Also, it’s my personal opinion, but right now guild is a property of Guild Leader, because he is the one who created it. And I think it’s the right way of doing things.

If you disagree with the leader, then just leave the guild and create your own with your friends. There would definitely be PvP focused builds that will always or almost always accept those “friendly wars” and participate in GvG events for glory and rewards.

But let those people in a guild who don’t want war live in piece. Leader should decide the way the guild goes, not regular players. That’s the reason why he is here.

At this point we dont even know whats the benefit of competition amongst guilds.
Thats the issue. Cant have an objective discussion about the topic if we cant even tell what risks/rewards are involved or that if there are any to begin with.

As Black Light says, current system is an absolute mess. You fight for nothing, you gain nothing.

We have to wait for a complete rework at this rate.

I’m kinda curious, how would you guys feel about getting some kind of guild-wide buff for having your tower or something similar in a contested area? I have an idea brewing for proper GvG, but I don’t know if something like that could be considered “unfair” or promote people flocking to 2 or 3 guilds.

It was like that before the fix. Because there are no PvP rewards yet.
And my suggestion was guild deathmatch tournaments with rewards every month or every two weeks.

PvP capture points would also be a good idea. So you can declare the war on a guild and fight it ONLY at those capture points. Then guild members would decide of they want to protect it or leave. But there should be a time window, like if you failed an attemp to capture point then your guild can’t attack this point for a week.
Because exhaustion wars are not fun imho.

This way PvP system will be perfectly fine with no annoying Griefing/PKing (like it was before this FIX you hate so much).

When there are rewards to achieve death is not that demoralising because you at least know the reason.

And I don’t like PvP on 3 star maps, only if there would be special maps for this. Losing all your gems because of a griefer is not fun at all.

That sounds good, but if that removes the element of being at risk of getting killed in any part of the world, and just being able to fight in the contested area, then no thanks.
Being at risks at all times, especially during a world boss raid, is the most fun these wars bring to the game.

I like the old GvG system, it just needs tweeks.

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It’s not only benefit. There are lots of activities, like Guild missions and garden.

There should be other benefits, because garden is not a reward for warriors, but a reward for peasants.

Goal of my suggestions is making a system that NEVER forces people to leave guild they are in, unless they have a bad relations with it.

So making specific PvP zones, deathmatch wars and tournaments and capturable points is a GOOD way of GvG. PvP in every point outside of town w/o any rewards for non-agressive players is a BAD way of GvG.

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Don’t worry, I still have a flag left. Here you go.


I know. I was talking in a general sense.
Limiting some of these benefits to guilds that want to take the risk of being declared war.
So people that want to play the safe way can still have a guild, but with insentives put in place for them to actually the risk and be a guild open to war declaration.

Sacrifice benefits for protection, or sacrifice protection for benefits.

Sounds very fair to me.

Tree of Savior being modeled after ragnarok im not sure why they didnt implement (and/or improve) the already existing template of woe, i mean this system did work in the past:

If another guild declares war on you, and you don’t want to fight, just flag them and have them closed down.

That counts as fighting.

Fighting and winning, even. Use all your tools at your disposal, it’s a war after all, no? Nothing wrong with what Autentist is doing.

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Yep, I totally agree with this. As it’s still alfa test of GvG I think it’s acceptable. And the previous system without rewards but with lots of ways of PKing/Griefing was even worse. I hope it’s temporal fix and they will implement GvG system w/o a need of such fixes.

Can you even flag Guilds in the game, though?
And why not just disagree and be done with it by the recent fix?

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It’s called War, not GvG, though. If it’s a war, it’s inherently PKing. And there is nothing wrong with that under the right conditions.

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Yep, but current Guild benefits are mostly PvE.

And instead of passive benefits I’d rather prefer rewards for challenges. This way both passive players and agressive players will be happy.

I played the game where was tournament based guild system, and every single member had fun. Farmers simply farmed in PvE locations and provided resources for war while fighters protected the castle, captured the enemies castles. There were no risks to the passive players outside of PvP locations.

I agree on this point too, but it should be different activity. So your guild register for global war and now every guild registered can declare a war on you and wreck your players.

And in the end top guilds gain appropriate rewards.

While every guild that participated actively should also be rewarded, with smaller prizes.

This will be decision of a whole guild and everyone would be at risk for a great reward.

So we are not disagreeing too much.

But… then don’t just say “yep” because we are clearly disagreeing.

If passive guilds get all the benefits they want then there wouldn’t be any insentive for them to open to war declarations, that’s exactly what we should avoid. Every guild would be passive in that case, why would anyone put themselves at risk for no reason at all?

As I said, risk/reward. You want to play safe? Sacrifice benefits.

If nobody puts themselves at risk, then you have another generic MMO that will go into the trash in 2 years.


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