Tree of Savior Forum

Have they already ruined guild wars?

I just read something horrible at reddit… have those idiots seriously nerfed the only hope for open world pvp?

It seems that previously guild could declare war against any other guild but it caused too much “drama”. It seems that currently both guilds have to agree to wage war against other.

So it seems that they implemented a good pk system and then TOTALLY ruined it because some carebears whined too much…


You should go and read about the Ausrine Civil War and then come back and tell me it was a good system.


WOW, holy ■■■■. Is this actually true?

This game keeps getting “better” and “better”.

The stuff that happened in KTOS was amazing.
My favourite was when higher end characters playing the ‘sheep’ community like a piano directing them to specific locations to ‘improve their character’ whilst they farmed the life out of a construction site.


Oh noes! I’m not gonna get to attack random people for no reason in particular in a PvE focused game! What EVER am I going to do?!

Seriously, if you want open PvP, go play BnS and hurt the economy by preventing people from completing their faction dailies.


You should visit Care-a-lot… and why bother visiting when you can permanently move there.

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If you want PvE focused game you should go and play Hello kitty world.

–> PvE focused game

That’s funny, considering they also killed open world grinding.

oh thank god, was always hoping for that


Is that actually a thing? Is it like club penguin for girls? (in other words, a glorified chatroom)

@Autentist I say PvE focused because I believe IMC never intended to have pvp content in the first place, but people whiled loudly and for long enough that they gave us musketeers one-sotting the entire enemy team at once.

Also, while dungeons may not be field grinding, they’re still PvE. They’re also working on fixing the field grind, starting by giving out exp card rewards for kills earned and map completion.

Yeah, giving away more cards on top of ridiculous dungeon bonuses. Cool.

PvP right now is unbalanced mess, anyway. But they take away more fun, make the game more casual and… friendly, I guess.

Aparently it’s for Smartphones, seems to be some sort of theme park tycoon or something.

Well, I would if I had a pet but the only pet I’ve had died a few years ago so no reason for me to go there.
If this was a joke about me ‘‘caring too much’’ or something, well of course, I’m one of the guys that run a guild it’s quite literally my job to care about this as I can see how detrimental it can be to the play experience of my guild members.

Glad to hear they did it.

Guild wars should be a source lf entertainment not buttheart. Some people just create guilds for PvE and they don’t like PvP. Prevoius system caused too much trouble to uninterested players.

I’d rather prefer that they implemented Guild Wars Tournaments or something similar.

So that your guild can participate in it or not, and then it’d be able to declare the war to any participating guild(with certain restrictions) to score points. And in the end there should be some rewards for top guilds.

Also it might be possible to make some “divisions” like diamond golden and silver league so guilds from each league could only declare a war to guilds from the same league with separate ranking and rewards for each league.

This system will encourage people to participate in those events. Also guild members would be able to decide if they want to participate or not.

And there certainly should be some safe zones (like global market etc.) even during those war events or even light PvE only maps with lower rewards.

There are lots of ways how to make GvG fun for everyone and I think this was a first step to make it better.

Before it was simply dangerous to join guild and benefits were meaningless.

Also a good idea might be guild treasury where every member will be able to put money (but not take) and this money will be used for different GvG activities (like tower defense upgrades etc.). Also all upgrades would be lost if tower is destroyed so they shouldn’t be too strong/expensive.


that civil war is the only reason i am excited to play gvg.

Could always make a separate Open PVP server and a PVE server.

I don’t usually keep up-to-date with Korean patches, but i heard
matchmaking for both pvp and pve team players up from “all servers”?
Which should mean mathmaking waiting times shouldn’t be affected at all, meanwhile open world content would be just what players prefers it to be.

So is this confirmed or is this just a rumor?

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IMC has never said this is a pve focused game and currently the only end game content that is confirmed is pvp. I expect IMC to try and make pvp and pve players happy but please stop pushing your delusions on this game.

Not confirmed. Here’s the “source”:
Divini is the one who wrote that they changed guild war declaration.

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I’m alright with this if only because it’d be pretty shitty for a guild of 10 to go up against a guild of 80 players. This allows you to play a little more fairly and at your own pace. Maybe not every guild wants to pvp either, but just to be in a guild.

Right now world pvp wars are broken anyways due to fps mess as well as the fact that you can end up in a party with people you’re supposed to be at war with and mistakenly kill each other in a dungeon run.

It needs adjustments. It’d be nice to have something like WoE eventually. I kinda get the feeling they just added it to give people something to do for now.

Griefing is annoying as hell. This is always the way it goes with open PvP guilds:

One guy gets annoyed another guy for being a jerk and decides to PK him.

PK’d person goes to guild leader and complains.

Guild decides PKer needs to pay for his crimes.

Guild goes and PKs the PKer.

PKer goes to their guild and tells them this other guild is full of jerks and they need to die.

Both guilds are now at war.

Innocent guildies that want nothing to do with the drama are caught in the crossfire.

Innocent guildies are getting griefed by pissed off guilds at war and decide to stop playing the game.

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