Tree of Savior Forum

Have they already ruined guild wars?

See, there we have the central question then.
As long we dont know what gvg is centered around, we cant really offer an accurate opinion on it, because if its truly just random gvg for the fun of it, devoid of any objective or anything to gain from it, then im willing to go as far as to say that i agree with you, people should have the right to not participate.

However, if the system is just half way similar to ragnarok online’s war of the emperium, then i have to disagree with you, yet it you would be still right, because woe was entirely optional to begin with. If you went ahead and capped a castle you had to defend it. Thats only rational and fair.

That would be awesome but most pvpers hate pve and most pve players hate pvp so the people like both and would enjoy this system are few and far between.

Your post has no sense. If you’ve read my suggestions on this topic then you wouldn’t have written that pointless post.

I simply don’t understand what it’s about and how it’s related to the topic.

Regulating guild war and changing mechanics have nothing in common. And I’ve never played MMO with autolevelling, so I have no bad experience with it either.

I can’t imagine how war on agreement can ruin fun but I can imagine how forced war can. That’s enough for me to make a conclusion.

And it’s not like I dislike PvP or something like that. I love the idea of massive PvP and GvG.

Just as I said it needs some regulation so EVERY single player can have fun with it. And constantly quitting and rejoining the guild is a bad solution on my opinion.

Much better solution is when wars are regulated. They should be a sort of challenge and competition, not instrument for creating butthurt and conflict.

That’s why usual Wars should be like friendly duels.

But for those who want some hardcore competition I made another suggestion. Applying Total War periods for two weeks once per monce, that will grant great rewards(including unique trophies) AND will allow any Guild participating to attack every other guild participating (just as you guys want). So battle oriented guilds will have fun during this events and get rewards for it. While PvE/craft oriented guilds will just ignore that events and play as they like (accepting or declining war challenges on regular basis).

If you can explain me reasons why such system will be any worse then system you want, I will consider that you are able to think and disput and not just rage talk things that mean absolutely nothing.

THAT’s actually what I was doing. And you just shittalk not making any suggestions.

They’re not that rare. It’s just for some, the battle itself isn’t enough of a reward. PvP can be stressful and when class match ups come down to “rock, scissors, paper”, it’d be nice if scissors could focus on clearing objectives instead of trying in vain to fight rock. Tangible rewards are how you get people out of their comfort zone. Bragging rights and drama don’t do it for some of us.

This is how you seperate casual from hardcore and keep people happy. You have selective content for everyone!

Everyone shouldn’t be able to get everything on their plate handed for free, it creates a dull environment that people have talked about before.

I believe casual environments in games are ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to allow the community to grow and get into the game. However, while some(and some say most) people are happy with casual, there should be content that challenges even the best builds, best group synergy, and most importantly, the best minds.

Touching on what @nethereus said too. People can make builds specifically for killing people, it’s easy, and it’s usually nonsense. Objectives counter that, which makes things more fun for MOST people.

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Thats what i liked about aeon was the PvPvE system they had for the castles. Unfortunately the rest of the game was rather poor.

Im not disagreeing with you, i would love to see a system like you mentioned previously im just saying its unlikely with how mmos go these days.

Well like I said in my first post here I think they just sorta tacked on the pvp guild wars thing to give us something to do and test it out.

It’d be nice to see an entire fully fleshed out element of game play revolving around this in the future, but right now that’s not here. Like I said before FPS is a serious issue now so once they get that all straightened out maybe they’ll start thinking of doing pvp in certain maps or capture points, etc.

I just don’t see the need to involve people that don’t want to do it, because not involving those people doesn’t mean YOU can’t do it.

I’m pretty sure it’s unsubstinated statement. There are very few people who like this way of GvG.

If you read latter posts, you will understand. To begin with the function of gvg is not elaborated on by anyone. Why are we having gvg? Is there anything to be gained from it, or is it solely done for the **** of it, without any reason, sense or point?
The answer to this question makes all the difference.
You see if there is absolutely nothing to be gained from it, then im willing to agree with the lot of you. There is no need of any form to make participation mandatory, because its a moshpit and nothing more.

However, if there are objectives involved, then gvg should not be optional. You hold an objective, you should be free game.
Quite ironically this wont contradict you with gvg being optional, since its literally just that: If you dont want to be attacked, dont capture something that is being fought for.

See, we are at a crossroad here.
To discuss this in more detail, we would need a deeper understanding on how the current system actually works.
Not even i would want to be involved in random attacks on my guild for absolutely no reason other than ruining our progression for the **** of it.
Such a system is hopelessly flawed. It does not reward anyone with anything, it just randomly destroys and leaves everyone with a bad after taste.

So yeah. The discussion is deadlocked till we dont know the full extent of how gvg works.

The only pvp system i’ve ever enjoyed has been ragnarok’s WoE.
There should be designated areas for open GvG and clear incentives.

Being able to kill anyone anywhere for no particular reason whatsoever is just unrealistic. Joining a guild should not make you guilty, and ganking innocent bystanders who only wanted to be part of a social environment while out & about on some random field map is just petty.

In my opinion this change was necessary until IMC figures out an ACTUAL gvg system,
and not the sloppily put in place nonsense gvg free for all that it seemed to be before.

just my 2¢ – it’s all opinion so please don’t bother replying how me and tos are catering to casual trash or w/e, i’m sure you’ve already made your own opinions clear.


That’s sounds very similar to the system I would like to see. Not sure about the others.

all i can say is good luck to IMC figuring out a guild system they can’t even figure out a trade system.

I do what i want! and i want to reply to you lol.

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And if your guild don’t need this objective? Why should you participate then?

If YOU read the post, you would understand that I offer to make participation NOT optional only of you want to challenge for the rewards. If you don’t, feel free to decline the war.

What? How DARE you to cater to casual trash? Why is this allowed?

Just kidding. We are all sensible people here. A strong discussion produces truth.

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If you don’t have an objective, then you don’t participate unless you want to, it’s that simple

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That’s exactly my suggestion.

As @Qualna pointed it out: [quote=“Qualna, post:136, topic:144771, full:true”]
If you don’t have an objective, then you don’t participate unless you want to, it’s that simple[/quote]
If you dont want to play ball or have other kids chasing after you, then dont take the ball. Pretty simple, aint it?

That’s a good suggestion but unnecesary. Just don’t join the guild if you don’t trust guild leader. However making “democratic” guilds like you suggest is also a good idea.

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It really didnt sound like it.
I mean: [quote=“Derael, post:134, topic:144771”]
make participation NOT optional only of you want to challenge for the rewards
I literally dont understand what you mean by that. If there is no point to it, why would the system force you into pvp to begin with? That would be literally the most retarded system/feature on the market.

The problem here is that people want all the benefit of guilds without any risk.

Passive Guild:
-Can’t declare war.
-Other guild can’t declare war against it.
-Only guild benefit is guild chat and access to Templar skills.

Competitive Guild:
-Can declare war against anyone.
-Anyone can declare war against it.
-Access to crops and base on top of guild chat and Templar skills.
-People can enter your crops and ■■■■ your ■■■■ up.

There needs to be a risk/reward put in place.
If you want to play the safe way, don’t expect to have every single guild benefit. That’s stupid.