Tree of Savior Forum

Have they already ruined guild wars?

Guilds can be obnoxious with impunity without unilateral war declarations.

not really. this will make the game dull. stay in town is the best way to keep you safe even war declared between guilds.

i have always seen my enemies in dungeon and mission. but we have agreement not to touch one another until we meet at the world map.

Respawn timers are random

And someone here saying this game has no PvE cause grind was dead. Last time i checked, dungeons were not filled with real players as enemies, so it is still PvE nonetheless.

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Yup the ability to self police is now gone.

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No consent = Alliances kicks in


It’s semi random. If a boss respawns after 4 hours, and then up to 2 hours at random, knowing when it died is still quite important.

Yea and if a guild pks maliciously you can damn well bet there will be 100 bleeding hearts guilds vs them forcing them to want to make peace.

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Sure you have an agreement, but some guilds don’t. If you don’t want to bother with someone annoying/much stronger then you, then you decline war “invitation”.

Yet I agree sudden wars are part of fun, that’s why I suggested to held a Guild War Event saying, every month. When any guild can join and declare war to everyone participating.

Nobody should be able to force you to fight, unless you want to fight yourself. So if you participate you should be ready to be attacked at every time.

There are time tables for field bosses, which are quite functional.

i agree your point.

it makes no fun after a consent needed :confused:

GvG has a time limit (1 week) and you can’t repeatly calling it once the war period due. there is a rest period.

like @thebloodyaugust and @carloscolanta said. there will be alliances kick in for help :smiley: and its fun to do so.

Simple example: you have a weekend and want to kill some bosses with your guild friends. Suddenly PK alliance declares a war and kills everyone till the end of the weekend. Plans ruined. And there are lots of similar situations.

TL;DR - If you want to be left alone, don’t join the Guild. If you joined, you must be prepared for the consequences.

IMC makes the game more casual, by doing this. This all this game could offer before was boring repetitive dungeon runs, PvP was fun. Now, not so much.

==>Open World grind is dead
==>Massive PvP is dead
==>Trade is dead

Thanks, IMC.


can’t agree more :smiley:

/20 charas

You missed one

==> KToS is dead

i missed so much my last 2 days when i left krToS. we had very much at GvG funs to war against koreans. none of them hate us seriously, they got involve with funs too after the server was being peace for long period :smiley:

I did read it, and here is the rundown:

  • Guild gets provoked because an enemy enters their place and kills all the weed
  • PvP happens
  • One of the guilds decides to start and mass invite players because the inv looks similar to party invite
  • Cannot leave guild during sessions, so players are stuck
  • PvP happens

So in a nutshell:

  • We were too stupid to disallow other guilds entering your “guild hall”
  • We were too stupid to allow players to leave guilds during sessions
  • We were too stupid to change guild invite message
  • We basically removed world pvp
    Yup! Seems like a totally rational decision to me! Fix everything EXCEPT the main issues that sparked the entire drama.
    See kids? This is actual game development at its core. Be retarded, remove entire feature sets because you cba to fix the actual issue.

See, this kind of logic is what basically killed world of warcraft.
The talk is about open GvG, which should be by all means allowed because it spices up the game.
Whining gets only one thing done: Having 100% generic, absolutely no taste, no extras, unable to remember trash mmos.

You know, i hope one day it dawns on people that without problems to work around, your experience will be as shallow as britney’s crack.
I recall how all forms of socializing died in wow just from implementing the cross server queue system. The reason for people to interact with eachother was gone.
Even tho in theory it was such a good thing, freeing people from the inconvenience and problem of having to spend time on looking for parties, socializing, actually forging relationships and friendships in an mmo.

TL;DR: Its not an unlimited world pvp. Its guild vs guild, and it was a good feature with lots of potential drama and things to get your panties in a twist about.
Im sick and tired of ppl constantly whining and arguing for the removal of anything that could potentially make a game stand out, even if by 1mm.

Joined a guild that is too retarded to lead a conversation, have a bit of diplomacy or just doesnt give a damn? You really dont see how it was YOUR choice thats bad, dont you?
In the orignal ragnarok i loved diplomacy to tears before woe.
You actually had to talk with people, forge alliances, socialize, play the game.
Why is it that you people always argue for a watered down, shallow trash experience? Why is it that you cant understand that without issues to work around, your playing experience will be a generic null and void?

And people who cant understand that there is no play experience without problems to work around, applaud decisions like these.
This is literally what forced world of warcraft to its knees. Happy to know that by now they are not even reporting their player numbers because they fell back to the least amount of subscribers since the start of the game.

People should be educated: Convenience play results only in generic trash games. Regardless whether you are casual or not, this hurts your experience.
It would be nice to finally have an mmo which is not a cliché watered down piece of dung.
I had my hopes up for Tree of savior because you manually distribute stat points and skills/classes, its not an automated/unlock piece of trash similar to the stuff wow and gw2 has become.
And now i see it walking down the same path every other failing mmo did.

I would cry “jesus christ people, get a frikin brain already” but whenever i intend to do that i always notice that im a part of homo sapiens. The most conformist, sheep species on the planet.


would like again

I agree it’s fun but I think it should be regulated by system not by players. Most players log in to have some fun, not to get rid of “criminals”. Lots of people left the guilds just because they wanted to play peacfully, but this way they are unable to participate in guild missions. And most of them would also like PvP, but only when they WANT to.

I’ve played the game with similar system, but there were clan wars every month or so and your clan could decide if they want to participate or not. During clan wars you can declare the war to everyone (with small restrictions). And it was pretty fun. Sure some guilds have a policy so the won’t attack innocent people, but some just enjoy PKing weak players.

I think most people would rather prefer Castle fights over PvE maps fights. Most players don’t even care to build their characters for PvP.

like @Autentist mentioned above, quit the guild when you are killing world boss, join back later when you are ready.

when you know that when your guild is under threat with some guilds that could possibly conflict at the world maps, then quit it until you are ready for war. or get 2 guilds, one for war guild, one for non-war guild.