Tree of Savior Forum

Have they already ruined guild wars?

the scenario you just described could happen with the new system as well. Also that sounds like a lot of fun to me.

Griefing people who just want to be alone is fun? Okay sure. You should play Wakfu cuz that stuff happens ALL THE TIME.

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In the Situation you described no one is innocent

And a easy fix to this would be when a templar creates a guild have a option like Social/War and social guilds can not participate in gvg. Then they donā€™t have to worry about it.

If you want to be alone, why are you in a guild?

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I really donā€™t see the fun in wanting to fight people that donā€™t want to fight. Its not like you canā€™t fight other guilds anymore at all. Go fight people that want to. Problem solved and everyone is happy. Whatā€™s the issue here?

Being alone as in not wanting to be involved in drama, is what I mean. Once youā€™ve been in several of these guild wars for months on end, it gets old.

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If you donā€™t want to be PKā€™d, donā€™t join a guild.
Why do you idiots insist on eating a cake and keeping it too. Make sacrifices.
Letā€™s remove field bosses too because obviously strong guilds will keep the respawn times a secret from everyone else.

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I find it fun because i consider players to be a actual threat, lets face it PVE is not dangerous. PVE is more like a puzzle, its fun but once you have solved it once your done with it. Bosses donā€™t change. Every player however is a completely different fight.

Im not the type of person who goes around attacking people im mostly just waiting for someone to come after me.

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Considering itā€™s hard to make a guild in this game, not joining a guild is probably a good idea.

OH god nooooooooooo

Wars shouldnā€™t have any consent :<


Sadly, there are people that does enjoy killing whatever they can find.

On a personal note, im neutral to this.
The only thing i dislike is the ability to spawn camp other players.

If you havenā€™t tried Wakfu, you really should. Thereā€™s a political system and open PvP, and most guild fights are people fighting over territory, laws, and government positions.

Honestly the real problem is the warmonger guilds, a lot of the time guilds straight up donā€™t want to havea nythign to do with PvP either forever or for a while because the members are busy with their lives or whatever thereā€™s a lot of things that can happen, but if a guild can just get itself at war with anyone while they donā€™t want to have nothing to do with that itā€™ll hurt the comunity overtime.
Guilds that want the PvP, which are plenty, will most likely pick the War anyways.


Why they not implement guild wars like war of emperium system? I mean itā€™s the best system for gvg. Who donā€™t want to own a big castle for yourself? A private dungeon? A private treasure room? Donā€™t forget the fame, when everyone can see your guild banner at the town. Man, i love to see woe system implemented in this game.

So far what i read was : if you attack other guild freely youā€™re a douche, if you have to agree on a war youā€™re girly. And those things are done for nothing. For me this is wasting time.

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That pvp system sounds cool but however other then that the game looks awful so ill pass, would be neat to try a pvp system like that in a more interesting looking game though.

The idea of consenting to war is stupid. But as i said further up give a creation thing to templars that lets them choose social/war and social cant participate in gvg. Or make gvg on only high star maps and people who are afraid of pvp can work around those maps as in other games.

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I donā€™t see a problem with wars having no mutual consent.

If someone declares a war on you, that means you pissed them off in some way, itā€™s your fault, take responsibility.
If they really wardec you out of nowhere, then they probably wardecā€™d more guilds. Team up with others, and bully them hard to the point of surrender.
You can also ally with some guilds for safety, but you will get pulled into their drama too.

Guild is a big organization, and it has to interact with other organizations. Removing one of interaction methods is frankly, retarded.

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Yeah I hear ya man. I like pvp donā€™t get me wrong. I just donā€™t like to fight people that donā€™t want to be bothered at all. I like a challenge not someone thatā€™s going to get mad and just run. Thatā€™s just boring. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m saying if people are agreeing on the war they can have fun pvping together instead of the fun being one-sided.

well, we should name it as friendly-GvG. hahahaā€¦ before i left krToS 2 weeks ago, i remember we can just simply declared war to any guild from one way. which i mean no need to seek approval from the opponent to begin the GvG war.

I want to particioate in GvG, guild raids and be able to have fun when I have no time for GvG.

So why should I sacrifice anything? Itā€™s obviously better for me that those PK guilds sacrifice their ability to PK and not my fun.

If 2 Guilds want to test their power they fight.

If you want sudden attacks at night while they are sleepingā€¦ Then as I described before they should implement Guild Wars with open war declaration BUT with some rewards for top guilds. Then I will at least know why I should get up at night to protect my guild tower against no-lifers. And it would be my personal decision (to participate in this tournament).

IMC made right decision. This change will make the game much more comfortable for 90% players.