Tree of Savior Forum

Has the average stopped going down?

April didn’t really carry heavy losses.

But I think it is primarily due to SA Silute server relocation bringing back a number of players(and fresh blood?) to offset all the ones who already quit.


I personally started playing again in anticipation of the rebalance patch.


Last 14 days saw an increase of 25%.

The combat update announcement coincided with a large change in their social media presence. They’ve started engaging strongly on social media platforms and have people actively marketing the game right now. Current population has risen to where things were in early February.

Also, inb4 the thread turns into a disaster.


Same here.

4 hour and 20 minutes of waiting for the Klaipeda spirit, but finally got it ; ; which leave only leveling, demon prison spirit and urakis before I can be Miko and my Cleric stop feeling so awkward (Bokor 3 is not very fun atm)

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That’s good to know. I hope this means they’re going to bring the rebalance to iToS quickly and use it as a major relaunch of the game. Another new player event alongside the reroll event (that I assume we’ll be getting) is gonna be necessary.


Pretty sure marketing is in some of Nexon’s hands. Particularly the social media. That or it’s outsourced, but that doesn’t look to be the case as it’s too closely linked with the game(Leaf Penguin).

It looks like a native English speaking team operating it. Not a second language. We know IMC doesn’t have a team of multiple staff members fitting that description so it must be from somewhere else.

They know what momentum is and they’ll be watching the positive trends in the way people are talking about the game. Opinion is shifting and players are checking it out.

The Summer Update will be a toe-test to see what happens. If numbers look good to them then they’ll probably pour some more resources in. They’ve got to be looking at other titles on steam that have achieved longterm success with “raid” gameplay models. I’d be looking at Warframe if I were them for the confirmation that a game down on its luck can come back.

People want ToS to be good. That works out in their favour. The right changes and threads in forums/reddit could start popping with titles like “Why you should give Tree of Savior another look”.

Feels good. There’s actual buzz happening. I think it’s the first time buzz has been happening since launch.


There was some buzz around R8 and the reroll event but I think those died out in disappointment pretty hard.

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The Facebook page is run by the Staff here on the forums.

I also recently came back for some bizzare reason. Still have a lot of complaints, but somehow…? I had tried to return before and just logged in for about 2 minutes staring at my characters and logged out. Didn’t know there was going to be a rebalance patch either.

theory is that they sent a man into everyone’s house to hypnotize them into coming back to tos


I’m not wholly convinced of that.

But I’m also not fully caught up on the current forum staff vs the old. And John. I miss John a bit.



Some of the writing on Facebook is “suspiciously” similar to the Staff here too. xD

EDIT: Beat you to it @STAFF_Letitia :stuck_out_tongue: That particular chat with Orange is from a while ago so she didn’t mention you. QQ


Actually we manage both the forums and Facebook~!


When/where did you come from? If you don’t mind my asking. I mean, from my absence it almost looks like an entire team was replaced.

I don’t actually expect an answer to that question.

I’m pleased to see that IMC have their international marketing sorted now, and clearly some people that properly understand the social media side. It was a shambles in the early days, I’m sure there’s a topic or post or two from back then that I made bringing up the fact that there were tos pages literally sitting without posts/content for weeks on end.

The current direction is clearly an improvement.


We have always been here…in the shadows. Waiting :kissing_closed_eyes:


@STAFF_Letitia give old returning players EXP BUNDLES…

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Most people quit (or at-least in my case) because the game mechanics didn’t feel like. Perfectly fine for a “hard core” console rpg like Shin Megami Tensei but for on online game it felt cheap.
The modifications to the stats and skills was pretty much what I was waiting for.
Maybe we get a nice exp event or something when we reach X amount of players against?
Probably would be a good idea to give them something to kick-start the adventure, more likely to stick around if they have a Rank 5 character compared to Rank 2/3 (Usually by rank 5 your build is coming together, not usually fully established until rank 6 onwards.)
I’m not saying some major stupid thing that will ruin the economy or make it too easy. Maybe a 1 week free token, that way they have access to team storage meaning making a character isn’t all or nothing, if they dislike it they can move their gear and earnings over to another.
Saying that assuming you stick to the 5 free team storage slots thing without the use of token that won’t be as needed. (Allows for transfer of gear and funds easily enough.)
That’s also one of the things that deter new players, characters are generally all or nothing. If you find yourself disliking the character you can’t move over everything you’ve earned if you delete it. (Not unless you spend money and/or are rich enough to buy a token. Rich in terms of silver.)

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more bot and macro hehe

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All the changes are giving people hope.
After all TOS had a lot of loving fans who didn’t truly want to quit, but had no choice after a while because of all the issues and the fact things didn’t get fixed or it took them forever.
While that whole revamping of the stats/fights won’t fix everything, they’re seriously working hard on making the game better so it makes a lot of people believe again in the amazing TOS they dreamt about. No matter what TOS is a game with a lot of potential, most fans don’t really want to give up on it.
I’m also part of the ones hoping they’ll keep working hard in order to optimize the game better, to fix more bugs, and then bring to us more diverse contents.


I’m just a lurker, but I gotta ask. Do you even play this game still? I see you posting in a ton of topics regarding the health of the game. Nothing really wrong with that but it seems you try to get reactions out of people so you can post more/argue with them on the forums?

Just something that stood out to me. :stuck_out_tongue: