Tree of Savior Forum

Hakkapalle Theorycrafting - on giving up Manamana

well, if skills only count as 1 arrow… why dont you go for archer 2> qs 3> rogue?

From my comment on the Hakka video

Skarphuggnig looks like it’s just a shitty damage multiplier with fake multihits like the Doppel “additional hits” attributes. You can see the normal 2-hit skarphuggning does about 6,000 damage at 3,000 per hit, while the fully stacked multi-hit version only does 10,000, hitting for about 1,000 each line. So, considering the additional lines only start at 2 stacks, 5 stacks = about +60% damage or 15% bonus damage per arrow after the first, split into extra lines that are just cosmetic. Meaning +90% damage at a full 7 stacks with the entire stormbolt -> missile hits -> skarphuggning combo. That’s really terrible damage, I wish IMC wouldn’t make so many skills fake multihits, it’s misleading and often makes things underpowered. Hakkapalle is even more underwhelming than I thought.

This is really disheartening. Fake multihits in this game need to be removed so skills can be accurately assessed and balanced.

After creating a QS3Wugu2 up till 180 just for Hackapell… I find that the QS3Wugu ‘package’ isn’t really that good for hackapells at all.

The build is too single target to take advantage of hackapell’s multi-enemy melee attacks.

In our arsenal, we only have running shot, multishot lv5, oblique shot, rapid fire to stack arrows. Amongst all these, only multishot and oblique shot can stack on multiple enemies per cast. We will have a problem if we want to deal multiple hits on multiple enemies with hackapell.

Seems like magic arrow does add stack count too…

@SlyGoat from this video… it doesn’t seem that Skarphuggning is a fake multihit hmm…

It is a fake multi-hit, only +10% damage per stack.
@Reilet has helped me confirm.
I will edit post soon once I find his post again…
He calculated the damage per vid and it was +10% damage per arrow stack.

Found it:

Hakkapalle test:

That is really bad… the E video especially. :open_mouth:

Sadly fake multi-hits are ruining classes, and hakkapalle uses fake multi-hits.

hum…i m going QS3 anyway, dont want to repreat another Ranger Rogue :smiley:
seem my only choice would be Scout 3 or A2 SR2

I knew it. There was no way that skill hits so low without it being a fake multi hit. Feels bad man.

Yes it does… aarrgh the disappointment especially when I roll 2 archers just for it…

Yeah that’s pretty pathetic. RIP all dreams of Hakka being even remotely good at C1.

i dont know if you guys should give up on hacka just yet, cannonner c2 already recieved a patch, and the possibility of hacka getting more synergy with rogue is still there, i’m expecting at least a buff to be honest.

And if the multi-hit thing is solved, the build options for hacka will drastically increase. Like archer>ranger3>rogue3>hacka, and basically any build with archer 2, who knows what more.

Just dont give up on it just yet (even though mergen n musketeer master race yolo… i only hope mergen can avoid getting nerfed)

Why would it get nerfed? I thought the consensus was it’s pretty underwhelming.

I think it is the best damage dealer of rank 8, though i didnt look musketeer yet

So is QS3 Discarded as an option for Hakka? With those new item ( The 315 1H Swords which are AMAZING, and the Marvelous Grand Cross [ + 2 qs skills + 1 Running shot ]) i think that maybe QS3 will be a solid pick since it offers mobility sided with damage and fast arrow stacks ( stack 5 > change target > stack 5 > repeat> Hakka skills).

Is dropping Gu Pot in favor of more Zhendu a legit sacrifice for Hackpell?

this is what i m going, but what bothering me is losing throw gu pot, with QS3 literally mean i have no AOE at all, and throw gu pot is a very powerful skill too miss too

I really don’t think the trade off is worth at all. Zhendu damage will never reach the heights of Gu pot’s damage, it is just too strong. There’s nothing wrong in Gu pot > remount process, it’s just tricky, nothing some training here and there won’t solve.

What do you guys think of this build? It’s the best I can come up with for Hackapell… Please give suggestion and remember to be gentle…

I’m going for A2/QS3/Rogue2, using mostly autoattacks and full draw/stone shot/waldrops and rogue’s buffs and massive bleeding. I’m sure we’ll be able to use rogue skills while mounted, with the exception of Capture, maybe.

Keep in mind the range & hitbox on hakka skills is very bad. Moreover the arrow stacks -> hit is Fake multihit.

I didn’t post this vid in this thread yet:

Suggested hakka builds (by Korean popularity):
Hakkapalle builds

  1. QS3 Rogue3 Hakka1
  2. QS3 Wugu3 Hakka1
  3. Rang3 Fletch3 Hakka1

From this post: Rank 8 Gameplay Videos from Korea - (closing soon)