Tree of Savior Forum

GvG consent needed?

did miss that point if it does not restrict to many guild activities that would be great

Want to GvG? Ask a guild that ALSO want to PvP.

See how easy that logic is to twist?

Or what, is the inability to go and grief others hurting you?

A guild without tower is pretty much just a glorified chat room.
All the other functions (warp, storage, growing plants/pets, guild events, etc) are from tower.

So depending on what do you use the guild for, losing that tower can range from heavily restricting to not affecting you at all.

Oh btw guild towers are not free, I believe they reduced the cost down to about 1m silver right now but itā€™s still not an amount you can laugh off (and I think thereā€™s also cooldown between planting towers)


Thats why i think this system is the best so far, this way people cannot grief your guild if you arent prepared enough to defend yourself, and as soon as you believe you are you can adventure into the big ocean, small fishs will have the chance grow without being harassed and the rewards of taking the risk of going to war stays behind the guild tower, this will encourage alliances of smaller guilds to defend a tower etc, will be an environment of great competition and politics.

Except thereā€™s always going to be those griefers who attack when nobody is online/low amount of people are.

What about a pure PvE guild? They just want to do their guild events and raise their guinea pigs, why should they be forced to deal with PvP just to prevent being denied their PvE content?
(It doesnā€™t matter if they can ā€˜join an allianceā€™ the point is they DONā€™T want to PvP)

What do YOU lose by having to get consent that significantly affect your PvP experience?
If you want to say sadistic pleasure of hurting others, then I say good riddance.


People already discussed about those same problems here, there are ways to implement a system like this without hurting too much of the pve experience, old ro did that with woes and guild dungeons etc, but there need to be some pve merits attached to pvp otherwise people can make the best pve guild in the game and just hunt world bosses non-stop without nothing to be done about to counter it.

ā€¦and? Theyā€™re doing their PvE thing, whatā€™s wrong with that?
If a group have the coordination/tracking to hunt world bosses, why shouldnā€™t they be allowed to do it?

Why is the competition becomes ā€œwe disrupt youā€ instead of ā€œweā€™ll actually compete in damageā€? Isnā€™t that the villain logic in those underdog stories? ā€œHey this upstart athlete is showing promise, LETā€™S BREAK HIM INSTEAD OF COMPETE FAIRLYā€

Or rather, what PvE ā€˜meritsā€™ is attached to this PvP besides once again you being an annoyance/negative experience to others?


for me i think consent on both guild is ok

it is to avoid a high level guild from stomping on low lvl guild that is focused on PvE content.

thereā€™s no ā€œchallenge themselves to beat stronger peopleā€ it will always be pleasure in owning newbies and forcing them to quit by destroying them while being online and destroying tower until the templar is out of cash to build one.
since if what i read is true, a guild war last for 7 days so it is 7 days of harassing on PvE type Guilds and so 7 days worth of pleasuring themselves.

if people want to challenge stronger people then consent on both side is good. if the stronger side think they can beat the one challenging them then they have no reason to back out.

if you played MMO that has Open PK, you will see people ganging up on lowbies because that lowbie accidentally ks a mob or took the spot in a party so their only choice is to use a high level character and call their friends and harass the player until they log out so you can join the party using your low level alts.

basically, people PK for pleasure they get from forcing someone to log out or quit the game and not to challenge themselves if they can beat stronger people


You can avoid all of that by not making a guild tower, simple as that, you just cant have the best of both worlds. That wont stop you from doing any pve content in the game.

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there are much more benefits in PvE in guild than it is on PvP right now. it is beneficial making a guild (guild event, garden, guild raid etc.) so why restrict them from having fun using that content?

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What is the point of GvG if there isnā€™t any form of loss on either side?

GvG with consent? What is the point? What does anyone stand to benefit? Some casual fun every now and again? It gives so much less of a reason to make a character that focuses on templar, and having to level it to rank 8/9 in the future.

It really doesnā€™t make sense.

Without consent, it can lead to a lot of various situations, like preventing another guild from progressing with raids/making tons of mats for their alchs.

Ofcourse as a few people have voiced, it can lead to bullying of smaller guilds, but all guilds are small. Keep this in mind that the guild limit is very small for this game, a total of 35 if you only focus on upping the member cap. So itā€™s not really a huge issue.

Without consent you can also have interesting guilds like merc/bounty guilds that can declare war along side the guild theyā€™re employed with, etc.

If in the future there are more benefits to having something like a guild tower up for long periods of time, then GvG without consent is very important.


the point of GvG ideally is guild challenging stronger or equal guilds for the sake of testing their strength or how powerful they are in PvP

but we dont see that much and nowadays we see PvP as a form of harassing lowbies to see them cry hard and force them to quit the game and also a time of talking trash against the person that you are stomping.

if your description of loss on the losing side is quitting the game then you might expect it to happen on an international server.

high ping + getting stomp by strong guild = more likely to quit. they are already annoyed by high ping and just enjoying the game through PvE only (they dont want pvp because of high ping) and if that gets restricted from them by blocking them from playing (killing them and camping on spawn just to kill them until they log out) then they really dont have a choice but to quit or not quit but never giving any money to IMC ever again


If the game did go without consent Iā€™ll feel very sad for the players that came in to build farms/raise pets, remember guys, there will always be people, a lot of them, that enjoys these things, since from what I read, guilds are nothing if towers are not up.

The only solution I can see is what some people have mentioned, upon guild creation you should be able make it as a PVP or PVE/Social guild, with PVP having advantages upon winning.


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Yes that is fine, but things like farming(alchs) or raising pets(iirc they can be mounted as seen on the trailer?) on PVE guilds that pose NO THREATS at all to a PVP guildā€¦these features require guild tower(s), and guild towers means wars, and thereā€™s no consent, I can see them just creating a guild for chatting, or not create one at all because itā€™s a waste of time to create a templar just for the chat box.

yes iā€™m fine with no consent as long as PVP/PVE guilds are separate, and PVE can never, ever go into wars that have rewards as a consequence for being PVE guild.

I agree with having PVE and PVP guilds. The way I see it, there are ultimately two choices: needing consent is pleasing one side and leaving the other side mildly dissatisfied, while not needing consent is pleasing one side and, to a degree, locking the other side out of content. Personally, I think it would be silly to lock PVE players out of PVE content such as guild raids in the future because they arenā€™t interested in PVP and GVG. Especially when PVP and PVE call for different builds to be competitive (or at least PVP does).

I could be wrong, but I really donā€™t see how allowing PVE guilds to exist negatively affects competitive PVP guilds and should only be affecting PVPers who plan to grief with constant PKing.

Yes, as many peoples suggested it must be a way for choice.
Not all peoples like to play with full of stress, ToS have different target audience with those high end fancy games.

For suggestion, there are few ways to do it:

1st, it should be 2 type of maps, the war-able map and non-war-able map, war-able-map have higher yield bonus for guild tower, special mats for special pots and special pets for adoption, but it also expose to declare war without consent. This is good in concentrate and increase intensive and competitiveness of the GvG content by focusing on certain maps.

2nd, GvG Point, to encourage more players into GvG fun play, win or lose there are always gvg point or even TP for reward exchange whenever participate. Of course it is either cosmetic item or non-OP set equipments. Or even hidden class requirement like Centurion, eg: 10k GvG points to unlock mission with centurion NPC.

If the GvG design is made to enemy each other, devalue average player in order to please elitist, then this game is doomed to fail. The GvG should be design to have win-win situation, the loser got their reward, the winner also got their better reward but not OP equipment for them to further trash others.
Simply said, the design should be base on fun for all and not abuse the hatred emotion between players. There are many trash games that abuse the hatred emotion to squeeze for profit like imall godly items.


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[quote=ā€œcosx774, post:98, topic:153932ā€]
PvP guilds by opening themselves up to possible risk and negative consequences, create a lot of dynamic and fun content for the entire community.[/quote]

I disagree. Risks and negative consequences create dynamic and fun content for players that are actually interested or enjoy that kind of content. Not everyone enjoys the same thing. (Therefore, no, it isnā€™t for the entire community like you claim)

Obviously, I disagree with this too. If anything, there should just be different aesthetics and rewards depending on the PVP/GVG/PVE exploits of the guild. Achieve certain GVG rank or achievements and you can unlock these exclusive mounts for your guild. Beat this raid within this time limit, or at all (no idea how hard these can seeing as we arenā€™t at end game yet), and you can unlock these mounts for your guild.

I donā€™t understand why itā€™s so important to lock PVE players out of content. I donā€™t see why PVP guilds should be given a boost based on the risks that they themselves decided to take. And I have no idea why you would think itā€™s okay to lock PVE players out of PVE content because they simply donā€™t want to PVP. If FFXIV has shown me anything, you can be hardcore AND be PVE oriented at the same time. (Seriously, some of those Savage clears are insane.)


Fate, ma man, I agree.

Thereā€™s no point, itā€™s forced in Korea, and still is (ps good job on the strum last night!)

Like I said, this only has become an issue from manipulating the guild quit system.
If that wasnā€™t possible, no one would even be talking about this right nowā€¦

It even says in the steam description as one of the features of the game.

Guild Wars (GvG Content) - No place is safe from enemy guild members, in the open field or even in instance dungeons!

I wouldnā€™t expect it to change, with out some crazy backlash, and thatā€™s hardly the case. Expect GvG to be non consent at this point I would think.

Ultimately, that still has nothing to do with whether or not there should be consent to a Guild war. That quote is a feature without consent, and would still be a feature with consentā€¦ The guilds would just have to consent to taking on the risk of that happening.

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