Tree of Savior Forum

GvG consent needed?

I feel the same way… But there is a way to have both camps happy.

How about having a setting within your guild that says if you are willing to do GvG or not? That’ll keep peace-loving guilds out of these wars and guilds that want to go to war can wage war against other war-loving guilds.

Of course, to prevent abuse of that system, you can’t just change the setting on the fly. Changing the setting would take like a week (arbitrary amount of time; could be anything) for it to take effect. That way you can’t just stay peaceful, then switch the setting, attack a guild, and then go back to peaceful immediately again

Is that a good idea?


For me, this seems not very possible. Since GvG also is in the open world atm. a PvE guild may or may not also declare war on other guilds because they want to contest certain grind spots.
Same for PvP guilds, at the end, they also wanna gear up and grind for silver, so they may aswell just eliminate all guilds from certain grind spots. Imo, i would love to see this, it gives some sense of foodchain and people need to communicate not only with a guild, but over several guilds just to make sure that they are good to go. Building alliances and contracts with other guilds might be part of this game.

Guild wars requiring no consent will just turn some world bosses into guild war zones.

I’m ok with no consent as long as both guilds have max members or similar numbers like only +/- 5 members.

For example if a guild has less than 10 members, you cannot declare war on them.

Excellent, dynamic game content.


aaay well said.


That makes no sense what so ever. Either you are a guild and are ready to fight or not. Would be total bullshit if you could not declare war because your guild is bigger. Theres no point of giving free cards for guilds to dodge a war just because you are weak. Big guilds probably wont target small guilds for no reason because imo you want to war guilds that are a challenge or you have something to gain, and if its only fame and reputation. Smaller guilds can also build alliences with other small or big guilds. Now we just need a proper pk system…

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Even real war has rules.

Game shouldn’t be about bullying. :3

Get classes balanced before you guys seriously try and talk about GvG like it’s a polished mechanic.


Game rules which are non-avoidable because they are coded into the game system are completely different to real world rules which are enforced only by post-action punishment (if at all).

Anyway what you said has nothing to do with the matter at hand, even with “agreed rules” in place between warring nations, that doesn’t stop one side starting the war in the first place, completely different things.

Balancing classes for gvg xd will be a plessure to kill carebears like you :slight_smile: i think we can all agree that this kind of balance will never happen. Certainly not for all classes

What has nothing to do with what? All I’m suggesting is that a guild just starting off should not be subject to a full blown war by an established guild.

This is a game, you used real life as an example and I retorted that even real war has rules, yet you claim it has nothing to do with what is being discussed and you further draw comparisons from real life.

War declaration needs to have rules in this game. Cooldowns, how many guilds you can target etc.It’s a game.

I will say it again. Game needs better class balance before you can just lump every guild into a free for all death match because you just feel like it.


You said:

That doesn’t have anything to do with the consent for the war to start in the first place which is what this topic is about.

You used the real life example. I’m just pointing out how it’s a horrible example.

I don’t really have an opinion about if there should be restrictions and what not in the game around wars except that consent should not be part of that ruleset.

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@Gungnir You don’t seem to understand my point and I can imagine why. I use English, not anime emojis.

@FxFighter If you want to play games that turn every map into a deathmatch there are plenty of those around.

I am not against no consent. I’m for it. I’m also for more regulations to it. It needs more content. Even RO didn’t have player killing in every map, it was constricted to specific locations.

If you love open world PvP then why aren’t you playing games that feature those prominently right now?

Plenty of them and they all suck and have failed.

That’s why.

I don’t want a broken mechanic implemented into ToS.

I agree, more content would be great around this as it’s really just a starting point. There’s no specific purpose to the gvg right now compared to RO which had WoE where you actually gained/lost something significant.

Tracking of who declared war on who would be a nice start for this sort of thing. Would make it easier to figure out who the aggressive guilds are.

I’d like to be able to defend groups who are picked on, I doubt there are too many that fall into that category.

I played EVE, UO and DAoC for quite a long time and they are all great games. I will be playing CU/CF in the future (if they don’t suck), there haven’t really been any good versions of those types of games for a long time and it’s not due to the rules around pvp as to why the more recent games sucked.

Anyway that’s another discussion for another time.

I don’t expect this game to be anything like those or expect to be a “pvp focused” game but I do expect it to have some significant pvp content like its predecessor at some point in the future. Since that’s not available now, from my point of view one of the few ways to keep dynamic content in the game is through the current gvg system.

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For example by more content to GvG:

  • You can raid player fortresses.

  • Not whenever, but at specific times or something.

  • GvG Arena needs to be made. 10v10, 15v15 etc.

  • Castles would be fantastic, raidable by other guilds during weekend War Hours.

  • PvP’ing near guards can mean your character gets jailed / fined / has to pay increased taxes (50% market and buying from NPC) / community service (exp penalty) etc.

  • Not just non sensical deathmatch. PvP has to mean something. With stakes invovled from the side who is griefing.

I played ArcheAge and you could steal people’s ships, money, trade packs and even gank them in their houses. It was all great, but ToS just doesn’t have anything like that.

If PvP in ToS turns into a no-fun-allowed / stops your progress by ganking / denies your farming type of thing then I’d be disappointed. I’ve played plenty of games like that and it adds nothing to the experience except making the horde guilds a legitimate way to grief other players.

I’ve been on both sides and it’s boring on both sides, weither you’re the one griefing or being griefed on. When I look at ToS I don’t see it as a PvP oriented game and anyone who does right now is frankly delusional in thinking that.


Fancy that, a reasonable discussion on a gaming forum.

Infact the game isnt pve focused either sincr ther3 is basically no content. The game neither pve nor pvp in its current form so imo the war system should be as aggressive as possible so guilds have something to do, at all, because if you look at it, there just isnt anything to do. If there are casualties to people being ganked none stop they maybe wanna step up their game. It might be unreasonable to be able as lvl 200 to attack a lev3l 100 but things like this are easy to fix.

No consent. War kicks in 15 minutes after declaration.


Guild vs. Guild should be forced. Very boring and lame if a guild can decline war…

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People that want no consent war did not hear about the Great Ausrine (server) civil war that took place on the Ausrine server in kToS.

First, all that political drama and player kidnappings (into a guild at war, because you couldn’t leave guilds during wartime at the time). Then invading and ruining a rival guilds crops and gloating about it posting pics. Leading to stuff like revenge backstabbing while fighting a world boss. Which led that guild to recruiting/kidnapping more players. Which allowed the other guild to contact and use the kidnapped players to track that guild’s player locations to hunt them down in the world, which led to that guild declaring war on everybody in anger. So you got top guild vs the rest of the population, and the world was set on fire until it calmed down a few days later.


Though I have a feeling this will only encourage the warmongers here, haha.

I dont think most of you guys read the part that says a guild can only declare war or vice-versa if she has an guild tower, that solves all the problems.

Dont wanna fight? Don’t get a tower!
Wanna have a tower? Prepare yourself first to be able to defend the territory, its the most fair system imho.

I’ve been in games where people played for the singular purpose to grief people like that though that is why i am so worried and if alliances are a thing hat s stopping the other side from doing it. my fears may amount to nothing but there is a chance if a big enough group of trolls get together they can ruin it for a lot of people i mean we got one month of headstart can become pretty established.

Don’t think the contested farming spot is the same deal sure someone can kill faster but eventually it wont be worth the time they can move or you can eventually while people could in theory camp you while you quit xd.

I do see your point though funny enough this thread has had major effect on my planned class and build try to make it not worth the time and effort to bother me at least lol