Tree of Savior Forum

GvG consent needed?

As an explorer, I do get mad if someone get in my way of progress by KS or killing me multiple times ~_~

is no fun having someone get in the way of your peace…


Well I am sorry, I just can’t play a grindy MMO, to get better gear, to grind better mobs to get better gear, ect ect, on and on until your brain explodes.

Interesting systems like these guild war ones, are the only thing that myself and probably a lot of others will keep coming back for.

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if you don’t like grinding until your brain pops up…

you are on the wrong game… just saying xD


You know that by the time the game has a proper GvG system that matches the standards of WoE, the time spend for grinding just to have a charchter that doesnt get roflstomped instantly will be insane?

IMO, either you start now and play PvP for the ranking and GvG for the lulz or fame, or you just don’t play the game at all, you wont be botherd to cover all the grind you missed later on.

But thats just me assuming things ^_ ^

Or you’re in the wrong game, that offers GvG, and you’re worried about dying over and over, it could be said both ways.

Not true, I can ignore PvP and never enter a guild…

you cant evade PvE at all


Could there not be an option to set a ‘type’ of guild. Like a guild that is a “War” type and a guild that is “Neutral” type.

Where War guilds are open to GvG and the Neutral guilds are able to PvE in peace.

[man I get home from work and this thread has exploded o-o]


Sooo what your saying is, that by having a non consent to guild wars, it makes both pvp and pve’rs happy?

Ok cool, happy we are on the same page then.

thanks for agreeing with me that non consent guild wars get in the way of pve and peaceful guilds that don’t care about pvp stuff…

So happy we are on same page :unamused:

see I too can pull things out of my :mute:


In my opinion i think War should NOT be consent cause its war…

and simply if,
your guild is being bullied then it’s your guilds fault for being weak survival of the fittest :smiling_imp:

Just my opinion :grin:

Wasn’t pulling anything out of my ass.

You said

Not true, I can ignore PvP and never enter a guild…

So you can easily avoid the content you don’t want to do, by not joining a guild, you said it your self.

There’s guild events, which is PvE content, that many will want to do, because it’s PvE.


I’m pretty sure many people here that are “pro” no consent to war are probably gonna be really bad at ranked pvp lmao. People that enjoy open pvp or a system like this(ie. A system that allows you to fight someone that maybe doesnt want to fight you) are people that usually arent good at pvping someone that also wants to pvp


I think we could choose PvP guild or No-PvP guild at creation and this option can’t be changed, so the same guild could have a No-PvP tag for newbies or unprepared people and PvP tag for war to take fire on everything.


GOD just put a switch on the guild menu that says ‘‘Enable War Declarations ON/OFF’’ which can’t be changed if you are in middle on one and be done with this, I dislike the declare whenever you feel like it system because when I want to fight someone I want for them to be ready and up to the challenge just as much as I want to feel like it when they declare war on me, a true test of who of the us is better at the game.
And double so for guild wars, because then there’s the tactics and strategy layers to it, which considering there’s LITERALLY NO REWARD for it right now I may as well get proper enjoyement out of it instead of ‘‘Well you tower which you are using to farm materials for your local Alchemist is in a map, thus I and my guild get the right to break your tower and kill all of you, yes you can fight back but chances are ebcause we are declaring war right now you are probably outnumbered’’ which you all know is how it’s going to work a good chunk of the time.
Always? No, but it’s moer problems than its worth.


I don’t think guilds should be exclusively PvP or PvE - they have a tendency to be more social organizations of people. If nothing else they’re a great way to bring people with similar interests together.

If the guild tower itself and its benefits are advertised as a PvP reward I don’t see what’s wrong with the system in place in KToS currently - you can’t declare war on someone without a tower up.

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As of right now, there are no rewards for doing any GvG. In THIS case, I am okay with NO consent.

However, IF rewards were to be added, consent should be required, why? Because all the top guilds will just go around bullying newer/small guilds for easy GvG rewards IF they were to add rewards.

I do believe they will eventually add some form of reward for GvG though because there’s currently no incentive to even bother with GvG unless it’s for fun or just boasting your guild ego on the server.

And with consent most guilds will just reject War Invites from everyone but the dual guild, so everyone will win without fight each other. o/

Like GvG Win-Trading? If so, a punishment for losing a consented GvG should also be implemented. Just a quick idea so don’t expect much detail ;o

In KToS you could be in war with 10 guilds, so even you have a dual guild or a GvG-Trading guild, other guilds could declare war to you.