Tree of Savior Forum

[Guild] Myriad ┐(・。・┐) ♪

And this is why we call you TumblrKite. Might as well change your name since you never get off in case you miss a post.

i don’t deserve that name any more since i haven’t scrolled tumble in months
i found this google chrome expansion let me add blogs to it and it will update me on new post and let me view each post individually
and cause of that i havent found seen a new Roman or Noe pic in so long :sob:

You scum! Shame on your previous name.

So how long have you guys been waiting for the beta?

Are you guys currently recruiting spots yet?
A little early I know, but I would love to join.

yep we are recruiting
just fill out this app if you haven’t yet and thero will look at it when she’s not busy

cool, thanks man!
blah blah 20 characters.

@Satsu Hey! Got your application and you’re approved (not that we have like requirements or somethin). I need a new word to say… YOU’VE BEEN ASSIMILATED.

@Russet Years.

@Therolyte We are not the borg. :triumph:

I want to say we’re more of a disease…

God I just got out of universal studios my legs hurt the offical Hogwarts rode are bloody $110

Hows the Florida air treating you? Wait did you go to Florida I don’t even remember anymore.

We got lots of new members. Much excite. Wow. ヽ(;▽;)ノ

I see clannad characters! I’m in… :3

A welcomes in order then, Welcome Tero :triumph:

Lol yes I went to Florida. It’s fun I guess, the wait time yesterday for rides weren’t long 15-40min so hopefuly today will be the same.
Nice nice new members, have any of them has got on mumble? And welcome Tero I like your .hack avatar

Man I haven’t been to an amusement park since like… Great America…

I think the last theme park I went too was thorpe park. Fun times man, turbans flying off 10/10 would go again

Woo new applications everywhere. Can’t wait for the game to release so we can all… grind.

Yei! thnks for letting me in :smiley: hope to have fun with you guys n.n/ !

PD: i clicked the translate button that is at the right of the posts, I don’ t know what I expected xD

A real men doesn’t translate
i said it right?