Tree of Savior Forum

[Guild] Myriad ┐(・。・┐) ♪

Visitting like a boss >:3

Eyyyy! The crew really is getting back together! Now if only we could nab some new members hahah~

If ya guys act normal and didnt scared them away xD
Miahahaha xD

I am a completely normal and pure person.

Luckily I’m sane :triumph:

lol the day you are sane bavi is the day i get powers in mumble again

What if I told you, I can make that happen?

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@Therolyte I’d tell you, you were insane. then again nothing from the usual

sure y not i didnt even use them that much when i did have it XD you only gave it to me b4 cause i was in charge of moving you to afk if you fell asleep in mumble

Well im interested. But I dunno you guys seem pretty scary and insane… Haha. but seriously, I applied and such. I did also look for your mumble info. But couldnt find it. I wanted to say hi and get a feel for you people before i applied. But since I couldnt find your mumble info I applied anyway… shrug

@imaword Howdy and welcome ! The site is still in a work in progress but has a few hiccups here and there because @Therolyte is still flailing around ahaha I’ll pm you the details shortly :smile:

sorry pretty sure that’s my fault cause if im correct i asked thero to delete the FFXIV forum section where the mumble info might have been located when i was helping her clean out old stuff from the guild site

@imaword Sorry about that! I’ll try to get that back up. We did a spring cleaning on the website and some stuff just kinda got lost. Thanks for pointing it out!

Applied exactly 10 seconds ago. (^_^)/ Wish me luck!

@Russet Looked at, read and approved! Welcome back :3

Oh Speedy! Thank ya very much.

When I’m not at work I’m in front of the computer screen hue.

and sometimes forgot to sleep too xD
Or maybe always x3

tumblr has taught me that if you sleep you gonna be scrolling for days to get to back to where you were last