Tree of Savior Forum

[Guild] Crimson Knights (All rounder International Guild)

Wait a minute…What do you mean by queue? :neutral_face:
@Himself Finally you decided to join a guild. Then welcome to the knight’s barracks man! I shall PM you for my steam account link and add you to the steam group. :sunglasses:
Btw what is your primary class?

Welcome to the guild @Himself! :smiley:

@Erokhi now there’s a queue to join the game, but waiting is ~15m. I didn’t know about it before. :frog:

How about Smite?, haven’t been playing in quite a long time…

Btw @Erokhi, you should at least share the RC id on steam, so whenever few of us online, we can start discussing what to play and when faster. Waiting for a reply on forums will take a long time, and not much of us really know each other that well to personally talk about it outside all of those.

looks like we got the kool kids here :sunglasses:

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Welcome to the crew, mate. :sunglasses: @Himself

@Celov I spent 35m in queue before finally can join the game, :pensive:

Oh, right. I will put the raidcall group ID after I got home. I’m currently going on a trip until 9-12 hours later.

@Inthera oh god @.@

Maybe another game?

The queues can drain the experience a bit. :sob:

Have a good trip!

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Welcome to the gang @Himself, all we need now is to do the initiation ritual and we’re good to go. You’re OK with being branded right? :smiling_imp:

Happy wars seems to be a pretty good choice since it’s 15 on each team, and we had… 13? Last event? So maybe we should just play that if the queues for Trove get THAT bad.

But you know what game would be reaaally good to play for the guild? I dunno, A game called Tree of Savior maybe? :grin: If only the test would just start already…


Welcome to the guild, Himself :).

Soo our next event is between Happy Wars / Trove?

mind if i join along?

Region/Nationality: SEA/Indonesia
Usual playing hours: 3-6 hours depending on day
Possible primary class: Alchemist
Possible council position: Social council / Trader
Reason for joining: looking for a good social experience
Favorite quote : “JUST DO IT” - Shia Labeouf

So, I’ll apply too, hoping I’m not too late… :stuck_out_tongue:

Region/Nationality: Europe/Austria (GMT)
Usual playing hours: on average 5 hours per day / 5 - 10 + on Weekends
Possible primary class: Linker (want to share buffs? I CAN!)
Possible council position: War Council / Hunter and/or Fighter
Reason for joining: looking for a devoted, motivated, friendly and nice community to not lose the hype of this game again cause of playing alone … :frowning:
Favorite quote: “May the force be with you, Harry Potter” - Gandalf the Gray (seriously: veni. vidi. vici. -cesar)

Welcome to the knight’s barracks, @Revenark & @Buddhist !
You two are lucky because you just filled the last slots available. But I must discuss some things with some members, especially members from Indonesia. The result of the discussions will decide whether they will stay or not.

Btw @Himself what will be your class in ToS? Have you decided?
I’m currently making several forum signature like this one

and I will give it to our dedicated members.

Welcome to the guild guys!

Also, that sig will be mostly useless on this forum :((((
But we could always just go to tosgame to show them off hahaha

Btw I have some things to discuss with members from PvE division (hunter) and trader division (trader) about your desc job, vital role & co-op in the guild system. But first, I will have @Himself complete his job. As for PvP division and society division : coming soon.

Yeah! Happy to be one of the chosen :slight_smile: !
Thanks a lot!
Just PM me or smth if you need my steam ID etc… :smiley:

Welcome @Revenark and @Buddhist!

I love this signature. :heart_eyes:

Almost completed my work guys, just discussing with @Erokhi for confirmation before I release anything :wink: