Tree of Savior Forum

[Guild] Crimson Knights (All rounder International Guild)

Awesome stuff, I got a key as well, add me on steam to play with me!

@Aisem dont forget to drop by raidcall we will be there too!

Itā€™s my birthday today so Iā€™m going to get drunk and forget this ever happened LMAO XD.

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Region/Nationality : French

Usual Playing Hours : Most of the day, since I am in holidays~

Possible primary class/Main : Necromancer, Hoplite or Cataphract

Possible council position : Iā€™m not really PVP, but I do have an interest for it because itā€™s the time to find out if PVP will be good or bad in ToS. But I will prefer PVM, like raiding, dungeons, or simply grinding to level up :wink:

Reason for Joining : I donā€™t want to end up knowing nobody to party up with, I want to ā€œrushā€ as fast as possible, and because Iā€™m applying to the traducing (English => French) project, I want to share my thought about the background/actual story and ofc, translation I will do with all of you.

Favorite quote : ā€œListen up, Simon. Donā€™t believe in yourself. Believe in me ! Believe in the Kamina who believes in you !ā€ Kamina from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

I love this one because my actual first name (IRL) is Simon :smile:

@Loztchild Happy Birthday! Hope you dont get wasted and dont let the popo get you!

Thank man the popo will be joining me hahahaha

Congrats. you guys are so lucky ā€¦ TT_TT didnā€™t get a beta key. maybe next time iā€™ll get one

Hey guys! Iā€™m Kong!

Region/Nationality: North America, East Coast, Laotion

Usual playing hours: Anywhere from 5-12 hours, weekends usually longer if nothingā€™s planned.

Possible primary class: Oracle / Pardoner ( any support )

Possible council position: Hunter / Trader

Reason for Joining: My reason for wanting to join is because you guys were the first guild on ToS forums that really appealed to me. You guys immediately caught my eye when I noticed how organized the page was. However, you guys also looked like a fun group of people to join! Iā€™m generally looking for a close knit group so that we can all get to know each other and explore the unknown world!

Favorite Quote: ā€œStrength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.ā€ - Ghandi

aw, Happy birthday! :smiley:


@chipp_genome @The_Laziest @codebreaker01 @NevrGaveUp1 @AkaiKiseki @senesombath Thank you for applying and sorry for the late response. As for now, the current guild slot is full and Iā€™m afraid we must hold your application until we know the capacity of guild slots. To find out how to create a guild in this game is one of our primary objective in this beta test. We will make sure to inform all of you if we have an open slot available. :smile:

Oh, and you are welcome to visit this thread anytime. If you are looking for people to play at the beta test, you are also very welcome to join us in our adventure even if you arenā€™t a part of the guild yet. The more, the merrier!

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@Saber @Erokhi thanks for the warm welcome :smiley:

Btw, we just finished the election for our division leaders.

PvP division leader : Celov
PvE division leader : GunLaw
Society division leader : Solipso/casetruth/Bob Norris
Trading division leader : Himself/I bet youā€™re Asian

I wish you guys good luck and get along well with your division members. :grin:


Goodluck to all the division leaders! Got my key by the way. Luckily next week is full of holidays which means more time to play the CBT :smiley:

Thank you so much mikai

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Haha, thanks for having me. :smile:
Oh, this is kinda late, but happy birthday Loz. :grin:
I hope to get along with my subordinates in the PvE division. :yum:

The heck with this bugā€¦ I desesperated on this thread since his creation, not knowing why you didnā€™t answered me yetā€¦

My message was in the draft and should have been just after Ichizomiā€™s message ā€˜-ā€™ (Yes, the first one)
Iā€™m pretty upset here.

Be sure that I will contact you IG at the Beta launching ^^ā€™

Happy birthday!! :wink:

And thank you for the trust!

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Thank you Celov so much

grats guys~ :grin: :beers:

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Tree of Savior Online PvP Gameplay
By Steparu