Tree of Savior Forum

[Guild] Crimson Knights (All rounder International Guild)

This is my doing @Erokhi. Had them put their applications in, first two of about fifteen cherry picked individuals that i’m bringing over to ToS across other games that i’ve played… all quality people for a quality guild. I’m aware of the space issue as well so no worries.


Good Job Serusalti! :smile:

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@serusalti ah, okay. Thanks for the confirmation! :grinning:
Honestly, we currently have around 20 or more applicants. It’s unlikely all of them are accepted. So, I guess I must start a discussion with current members to select the applicants. As the CBT gets near too, we will remind everyone who have joined to confirm whether they are still in or not.
Note : Someone just informed me about the guild capacity prediction (I won’t tell the exact number). This is bad news for applicants as it looks like the capacity won’t be that big, just as I predicted before. We must choose our new members selectively and get the right people to join from now on.
@GunLaw @Loztchild Later on, I will ask every single member’s playing schedule in order to make a consistent, scheduled party in CBT.

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It’s fine. I have contingency plans. :smile:

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Krivis C3 Skill In Action



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Read this

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@Buddhist @mikai hahaha same here don’t have enough knowledge in playing the archer class cuz i only got archer 2 so no worries glad you tried to help

@Pomez you’re right man we still don’t know what are the skills of pied piper. I just got a feeling its a supportive class (bard in RO xD) or maybe because of its name. My guess is it has a skill to lure mobs just like the story of the pied piper. Well I guess i’ll just wait for the actual skill before I decide…hahahaha. by the way thanks :smile:

Hello fellow applicants :smiley:

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Great concept for the guild would love to join in.

May I possibly suggest making an additional branch for your elite members maybe a (Exorcist or Ghost Team that comprises of a secret role).

This could work very well.

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Hello! I’m Iris and I’m part of the Serus Squad. I’m very excited about this game and i’m even more excited about playing it with this guild. I’ve heard nothing but good things about you as a whole and i’m hoping i make the cut!

Region/Nationality: North America, East Coast
Usual playing hours: About 6 hours during the weekdays, 10-12 hours on the weekends
Possible primary class: 100% Going the mage route, still need to do research before i decide on what i’ll do specifically in that branch :relaxed:
Possible council position: I’m very much into pvp so probably one in the War Council
Reason for joining: I go where @serusalti goes, i’m his glorified minion.
Favorite Quote: “My heart says yes but my mom says no”

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Hello! My name’s kimi and I’m new to this game. My friend @serusalti recommended me to try this game out so here I am!

Region/Nationality: North America/USA
Usual playing hours: 2-4 hrs weekdays, 4-6 hrs weekends
Possible primary class: Elementalist / Sorcerer
Possible council position: Probably a low rank since I’m still learning everything
Reason for joining: This game looks very fun! I started gaming again and I want to try out more games.
Favorite Quote: “Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity.”

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Dayum, so much new applicants! Hello everyone, welcome aboard the hype train on its way to the lands of tos. :3

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Hello new applicants! Welcome, welcome! :bullettrain_front:

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Just finished with my exams. Next exams only at the the end of the year. IM READY TOS!

Btw, hello new peeps :heartpulse: ! Hello old peeps @Loztchild @Saber @Buddhist @mikai @Pomez @SixPool @Erokhi @GunLaw @Celov :heartpulse: !

Anyone wanna bet that the iCBT 2 will start on my birthday? October 23rd!


Heyo @slinkyy! (and everyone :hearts:)

I also think iCBT 2 will start around this date. I won’t bet though. :frog:

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I’m guessing the 20th of October

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I will further on stick to Soon™.
(to be honest, I want it NOW)

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If it’s the 23rd, I will be so prepared. :laughing:
Welcome back, old peeps! Also, welcome to the new guys. Apparently, some of you heard some good things about us. :innocent: Hopefully, we can play together in the upcoming beta. :grin:


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I prefer November 1st since I have exams on the final week of October :cry:. GOD WHY U DO DIS TO ME :joy:

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