Tree of Savior Forum

[Guild] Crimson Knights (All rounder International Guild)

Well… As long as we know that the official release is getting nearer and nearer, I’m as happy even if I were to not get a key. How many registered accounts there are anyway?

Gl to all of u guys.hepo to have a great time at savior

atm 6.6K Users according to this site:

30 Min. ago there were about 6.2K…

@Loztchild @Pomez @A_Bot There is a chance that you guys will be able to join. This week, a week before the IBT started, I’m going to evaluate all members who have joined the guild and their participation. People from MIA (Missing in action) list will be removed if they did not respond to any of my message which has been sent to them since a week ago. But you know, even if you are not able to join now, you can always play with our members in IBT together. We’re more than happy to accompany you guys on your adventure. :grin:

Btw guys, I know that your priority in this beta test will be like testing out your builds and get to know the basics of the game. But I have a request that, if you are able, to find out about as many hidden classes as possible, especially templar class.


My whole effort in finding the Templar class is only yours!

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This may be a solution perhaps

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Goddammit! Still 40 new topics to check + 20 topics to read. x_x

I hope you guys can make to this beta! Good luck to everyone. :four_leaf_clover:


Good luck, knights! :grin:
Stand firm, this beta will be the first leap! :sunglasses:

@Erokhi Oh i’m glad to hear that. Thanks a lot for your information. But I am not sure for join in IBT, and you know, i am also from indonesia. At last, only 5000 people can join this IBT and it will be decide randomly. :pensive:

Region/Nationality: South America, Argentina
Usual playing hours: 3~8h, weekends 4~16h
Possible primary class: Monk
Possible council position: War Council, (i dont know if wana do pvp, pve or bot :P)
Reason for joining: I am seeking a guild that pushin me to do better and better.
Favorite Quote: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world”

According to this page:
There is around 9.2k users in this forum, am I right? If there are 5k keys I presume our odds are around 50% (for now)? Damn, my heart is pumping.
Ours chances could even increase depending on their algorithm IMC_Games use to block account spamming…


i hope i can get one key :’(

Thank you for applying to CK! Hopefully a spot will open up for you. :grinning:

lol ikr, usually I can catch up fast with every new post, but now it’s such a pain to read through 50+ unread topics and 100+ new topics :joy:

I’ve given up on trying to keep up with all the new posts.

most of these new threads are just plain boring or people asking stuff that we discussed >.>
it’s good to see now people tho…

The day before the announcement there were about 2.5k registered forum users… so the odds where about 200%? xD
Further, it is not sure if this are stats for the overall site or just the forums… if its the latter, then our chances will be at about I guess 15 - 25% (or a little bit lower) at the 30th or 31st. (Now 10.5K Forum-Users, still growing, unsure about the not listed users if its only forum users and dont forget the 1% rule).

But yeah,… honestly I dont really care if I get a key to the first ibt, there will be more in the future (and cause the fact I got a KR CBT3 invite xD - brofist :facepunch: !)
Also everything I write here is just made up of theory and not 100% facts, IMCGames didnt confirm this numbers etc. … furthermore I’ll keep my enthusiasm and strength for playing/testing not complaining here at the forums. :stuck_out_tongue: (oh shit, I already did that… :^) )

But yeah, those flood of new double, tripple, quadruple, quintuple or even sextuple (hihi I wrote sex :blush:) posts / threads make me want to harm people xD. Those lazyness… but thats the Internet.

Sorry for late reply guys, I just spent an hour and a half to read all of new posts. It has been a lot of fun and nice to kill time.
@chipp_genome Hello there! I will inform you if we get a new slot. Some of our members fate will be decided tomorrow and hopefully there are slots available.

Btw, about this week’s event, it’s not about playing together. Instead, there will be an election for our division leader. I will put more details about it tomorrow.

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“The Round Table Knight Elections”~
Just a little name we could call it by. :grin: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yes! This time I’ll participate for sure… my waifu is in London over the weekend so… :video_game: and no :girl: !