Don’t really want to make a separate thread for this and don’t know where else I would post it, so just going to put it here.
So I found something really interesting about preparation that can make it useful as a defensive skill. I already skill reset and now have 5 points in it and it’s working beautifully for the situations I can find it useful for.
If you’re wearing a shield, your block just gets multiplied. This is pretty bad and holding down C is much more effective.
However, if you’re wearing a dagger (or In guess anything that’s not a shield?) The preparation block chance becomes your actual chance to block (or so it seems with my testing). This means with lv 5 you have 85% overall chance to block incoming attacks. 90% with divine might.
This makes it pretty much a hold this down and become invincible for its duration skill. Especially if you already have high evasion that gets calculated first.
Another reason why fencer 2 is pretty sweet I guess