Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

I’ll settle for any kind of AoE, although 360 would be the dream. Also something that scales with Dex would be amazing.

something like league of legends Old Fiora Ultimate would be pretty cool

i wonder if fen3 will get another 0cd strike skill.

I was thinking of Fiora as well. Couldn’t remember what her abilities did anymore through. :slight_smile:

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thanks for the answers.

i was going to go corsair2 first exactly because i wanted hexen and better jolly. and then i got venier recipe while playing with my main… so eh… so with venier in hand i figured going fencer first will give me better powerspike then?

I was reading carefully that formula for some time.
And that 200 damage isn’t a flat damage, but a flat attack added to your base attack.
So, if you have 450-630 base attack when press C using pommel or double slash will add 200 there = 650-830. It’s almost like have frenzy lv7 stacked 12 times(204 attack) for that skill.

In that formula you can see pommel and double slash as an Attack modifier, so we can assume it works that way.

Edit: Thats why double slash does a good amount of damage. But if we compare double slash and skyliner when enemies is bleeding, skyliner does much more damage.

I wish bro. I really do. Though the enchanter rank 8 can now sell Joint Penalty so I’m excited about that.

if enchanter can sell pass, hexen dropper spam incoming -.-

Even high/full dex would use green. Green always no matter what (Unless you can miraculously reach crit rate cap without them which is currently impossible)

it seems i’ll be one of the few highlander3 fencers, as for skyliner it deals massive damage, yeah the 0cd hurts a bit but it’s still awesome even with 15 sec, going barbfencer is the way atm anyways

Thats old ass Spotlight…
those arent even Fiora’s skills/passives anymore…


Thats why i said “Old Fiora”


I wish they did’nt Revamp her…
I liked the old version better

Q- AA- E- W- Q- AA- R = dead

kills ad carrys easy , i can see why she needed a revamp but i want my old ulti back QQ

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The Fiora remake is a nice talk to add here, frankly.

The old Fiora had issues when against CC, casters, no AOE (this one seems to be a thing with fencers) and no escape at all. In a way, she was like our swordsman class now, she had a lot of people who wished to play with, but had issues because of the meta.

Now, after the update, she became a monster. She is a very significant character on the meta (a thing all Fiora lovers like me dreamed of) and not only in the first days, till today.

More info on the update here.

Though I agree that trading an Omnislash for an AOE heal was weird, however she got the most powerful tools for damage and parry in the game which was based on timing and precision to be dealt (which is a lot like the fencer theme).

@Lostac Now we can’t call her a Juggernaut clone.

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So looking for some outside perspective.

If fencer c3 doesn’t bring much to the table, what do you guys think of fencer c2->shinobi?

I’ve been trying to consider alternatives to fencer c3 after c2, and I feel like unless fencer c3 is really really good shinobi will probably be able to bring out the most damage.

However, I’ve never actually played a shinobi before, so not entirely sure.

That’s actually one of my alternative theorycraft on my skill simulator. My alternative plan was HL2>Hop2>Fencer2>X/Shinobi. Then I got afraid that they wouldn’t bring 0 CD Skyliner so I changed it. Now I’m leaning towards maybe putting a doppel in my build though idk if doppel 1 is good since I never actually played one. They better deliver on that fencer 3 ayeee

Dop 1 is pretty good unless you have hoplite in which case you kind of have to pick between using pain barrier for stabbing or cyclone and things get messy. I don’t think it would be worth taking for a rank 8 class though

I actually haven’t used stabbing since I reached fencer 2. I like using my lunge and composse since they’re so easy to cancel animation though it’s a bit sp draining at times. One spear lunge and I can easily spam like 6 composse or 5 composse + lunge though I admit spear lunge stabbing is way efficient if the mobs ain’t moving. I’l cross my fingers for good rank 8 swordie class.

shinobi bugged real bad.
most of the time your clone wont use kunai the 2nd time.
but well, apparently they copied your damage, i think preparationed kunai burst will do massive damage to bosses.