Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

Is that like 120k crit per hit or 120k total? Edit: vid please :smiley:

I like Flanconnade. Against Cloth mobs I do 4k-5k crit per hit (level 30 attribute). Though I’m really missing Cartar and Skyliner.

60k each hit, 120k total.

I don’t care. :wink:

Continue to be an idiot then xD

Edit: I don’t dislike crossliner, but Fencer specifically has better options and no significant way to boost crossliner.

That is per hit. I don’t know if this was what @Kascly was mentioning but here you go.

I can see he has max DoV. Plus two debuffs? Cleave and the new doppel skill.

EDIT: Oh it seems it was a different video. But in this particular one it goes up to 120k per hit.

Yes was another vid, but the guy has deleted his vid:

Here I commented about 120k skyliner.

Got high hopes for my Doppel now~

I’m having my Doppel on standby now. I don’t know how viable it can be without DoV, but I really don’t like that skill (I know that it is their bread and butter but I hate it so much), that’s why I returned to Fencer.

DoV has a high drawback but is uptime.
Damn why not epee uptime too? 9 secs waiting results in a big loss of DPS.

Your parents have not teached you how to respect people?

We already went deep into this “how to build your fencer c3 dps” discussion and we found out that the best you can do is stacking utility (swash, guardian, restrain, pain barrier, stuns, rodelero 2, corsair 1) or other damage buffs (like warcry, frenzy, spear lunge) is the way to go because Epee stance tops everything and having slash skills to cover our pierce attack weakness on cloth while epee is down is also advised.

I posted a few videos of my Highlander 2 Corsair 1 Fencer 2 showing how Skyliner falls of without proper support (like skull swing and cleave debuff if possible which means giving up on corsair or peltasta) and etc, Barbarian is just overall better for PVE after the massive buffs and etc etc… I have a barb 3 fencer too. I went back to level her, reached lv 230 and after a few days I realized how I missed Skyliner style, Cartar Stroke destructive power vs plate armor even if it was not really needed, Corsair costume and Iron Hook/Jolly/Dust Devil. +330 atk from Warcry did wonders to Composee/Prep+Sept, it’s like using a +20 weapon and will be even better with the new ktos buffs. Cleave alone makes Flanconnade great vs cloth, the burst from stun+cleave is nice, Seism is a huge aoe stun and Pouncing is really fun, but still…

I missed PVP and while Pouncing and the stuns may net you a few kills, it’s not the same without Iron Hook and HL’s set…

So… I decided to go back to my beloved “not-meta-but-used -to-be-meta when skyliner had 0 cooldown” second Fencer.
At least for me, this game is not worth investing too much time min-maxing just to kill 2 billion hp sponges with 5 fps, just pick your favorite costumes and work around it.

Another thing but this is just me: It does not matter what class I choose to play on a MMO, even if it’s bad for PVP and purely suited for PVE, I’ll try to play PVP with it and besides the bad balancing we have in this game and a lot bugs, I’m having a lot of fun at TBL, specially 2vs2. Farming those daily 50 points to buy Lv 2 abrasives (15.5k gem exp) is nice too. Let people have their Jack of all trades, Fencer 3 alone is decent even if you don’t use anything from the early ranks and build a costume collection.

Also, those new weapons are just too good @@, we may stick to Venier now for Epee stance, but I’ll probably try to farm that sweet two handed sword just to switch and smash people with cartar stroke~. I miss using two handed swords to actually deal damage and not just memeguard.

It will never be as good as a Deeds 15 Doppel 3 but this surely will helps our old skills.

That weapon has 2 things made me give up him:
-72 con and that high random value 488~906. Basically some times you will do a high damge and some times mee…
That 530 dark damage can help too but.

I will take this to my doppel
게일 슬래셔 (Gale Slasher - 2H Sword)
Purple Rarity
iPWR 403 Lv. 315
427-793 Physical Attack
111 Physical Attack
30 Dexterity
-30 Spirit
358 Minimum Damage
15 Critical Rate
15 Block Penetration
12 Potential 42 Durability
2 Sockets

Min~max average difference = 8 dmg
With +111 PA your sword will always hit 900+ that can be boosted when crits.

Lol, why did you reply to me?
I never disputed that early game DPS falls off without proper support.

This was something I learned WAY back in CBT2 and The early access period, when I rerolled my fletcher.

I was trying to figure out why everyone praised Ranger 3- Fletcher 3 because once I became a fletcher I never used any ranger skills except crit shot and the +15% buff.

It was then that I figured out that early game DPS classes fall off unless your late game class can support it.

And in Fletcher’s case it had no tool to support ranger so I rerolled utility that I thought would be helpful.
And now my Fletcher is a world boss farmer with stupid high DPS and mobbing tools.

No actually, they never got the chance to.

Maybe they got the right choise. Somethings don’t wirth the effor.:wink:

Or people should mind their own damn business.
Because dying in a car crash hinders your ability to do so…

God always do the right things. :wink:

There is no such thing as “God”.
I’m sorry if you’ve been led to believe otherwise by your fellow idiots~

Oh yeah, so let our thread for usefull posts. There are too many people with doubts and they deserve a clean and mature discussion.

Don’t ■■■■■■■ act like you didn’t contribute to it.
If you want it to stop then stfu~

Like who starts ■■■■ with someone, then gets mad about them having a rebuttal?
The ■■■■ you think was gonna happen, you thought was gonna sit here and just let that ■■■■ happen?
Lmao, people are dumb~

(And I’ll bet money that he still replies >_>)

Now I’m sure I’m dealing with a child. Sorry kid I don’t have any loli for you.
You can have the final word son.

Edit: I think you don’t need to edit your posts 10k times. :wink: