Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

I don’t think Barb2 is good.
Frenzy is even more worthless at C2, and so is Warcry - Seism is weak too, and you wouldn’t have Pouncing.
Barbarian is that C1 or C3 thing.

The new stance seems to have no cd, I have no reason to use pouncing. I never use frenzy on fencers, barb c3 or not

Seism is never for damage, you only want it for a large aoe stun

Note: I played barb 2 for a very long time, I have both barb2 and 3, 2 is sufficient.

I don’t get the recent changes in Guardian (the one that has just been datamined). Can anyone explain? You can purchase the attribute even if you left Guardian @ 1 right?

Well, i think that the best option would be :
pvp: sw3:petal1:corsair fencer
sw3 for restrain and the possibility of buff for gunho.
petal1: because the new guardian is very OP and with shade set that gives evasion plus dex and so on, is very good.
and corsair , hook of course.
pve: sw1-petal-barb2-corsair fencer.
i have not choose highlander2 because it does not have skull swing, and to be true with the current skills from fencer we would not need skyliner nor the bleeding, the only think that would be good is carta, but barb2 would offer stuns and is very good even at later on because of the effect.
corsair1 as well, because even when you make a pve char, sometimes you would still do pvp.

it seems that the atk reduction will scale close to 0,9 per lvl = 14 % at lvl 15.

New formula: You will only receive 2% reduction at lv1 Guardian. A negligible amount I say

Now that’s nice. I wasn’t considering Pelt knowing that I’d only get Swash out of it, but with that change, not really bad at all.

Restrain is not good, though.


I still think Highlander3 is better than Highlander2>Barbarian1, for sure, and specially for Fencers.
The guys in one of those Highlander threads also tested stuff and found that the Damage Bonus from Skull Swing/Coquille is greater than the enemy’s reduced defense.

Edit: Yeah, I’m going to sleep. Thinking on rerroling again (It will be “Fencer Attempt #6”, and I just got to 110 today) to Sword1>High2>Pelt1>Cors1>Fencer3 or going Sword1>High3>Pelt1>Fencer3 with my current character still (or maybe don’t picking Peltasta at all, who knows).
It was not much because of Guardian alone, but I remembered Swash’s 25% HP bonus and it added heavily to Peltasta’s favor.
Now, let me have my nightmares.
PS: In a contest against Sword3 and Barb2, I still think High2 wins, due to Catar Stroke, Crown and Bleeding. Well, ■■■■ it.

Yeah but Coquille and SK don’t stack with each other, that’s why I’m dropping HL3 in favor of Barb for Stuns and +50% Slash damage. Will be great for Flanconnade and Skliner regardless.

Not to mention, Epee stance is more likely to make previous rank skills irrelevant thanks to its massive damage modifier

My hop 2 fencer will be okay but I honestly don’t know how to feel about when they said that fencer 3 kit will build power of previous circles. Like I would not use prep on sept etoiles anymore at all unless they buff the skill damage which I guess opens up the possibility of putting some points in toucher for utility purposes and leaving sept out of the way but then I still hesitate to put points in toucher. I could put more points in Lunge, but it doesn’t scale too well and it’s fine on its own at 8-10 invested skill points.

Only thing that comes to mind is get few skills on toucher and few on sept just for rotation purposes to save mana

I took Rode since it gives me a lot of cc which might be useful if PD is dead. My Barbsair only uses Pelt for Swash HP bonus right now (Guardian doesn’t really make any difference; they either hit me often or they don’t). I feel Pelt c1 is a wasted rank in PvP.

Pain Barrier is great against bosses (just Mission bosses so far), Restrain is ok to keep mob locked in so statues and other AoE spells can do their stuff and wiz/archers don’t need to keep running all the time.

I’m SW>Pel>Barb2>Cor>fencer 2

Looks like I don’t need to reroll after all

god bless guardian change

i know, but like i have said, there is simple not enough earlier ranks, so we could still take it. after all right now, choosing a earlier rank for something outside of utility is simple crazy with the current skill set from fencer.
and of course let’s not forget pain barrier for example with a only 9 seconds of downtime i believe with lvl 15.
where i do believe that barb or highlander are very good to choose, is simple something that with the current rank8 i have changed my mind and to be true at rank 1-3 there is no classes that would offer better utility for pvp than sw3 with restrain and pain barrier15, so is very valid choice if you doing a PVP fencer.

i feel that before the rank8 every build could be valid and nice to have, but i have just changed my mind with the new rank8 release, but i must say that rodelero for the CC would enter in the topic about utility i have talked before.
now about the current guardian, is not a waste anymore.
first: each lvl will drop only close to 0,9% atk , so a lvl 5 would be 4,5% less atk, for a 17% defense plus evasion, and now equips effect do work in battle league, so a basic DEX sword build is shade set.
today i have made a pvp with my petal-hopcata3 with 140 dex in the place of my sw3 catagoon to test the effects of guardian in pvp with shade set and so on, and i got a lot of misses from swordsman, one time i even got a full rush from another catagoon and he took only 2k of hp because of misses, so with fencer that have lunge for example i can not even imagine, but you will never receive damage from swordsmans anymore, unless they are fencer with full dex as well.
now i will reroll my fencer2 :frowning: i had a barb3fencer and i was in the middle of doing a highlander3 fencer, but i will reroll again for a full pvp fencer, since with the toolkit from fencer it would already be enough for pve, so i will choose only utility in earlier ranks, maybe once we have rank8 here, i will make a new topic to discuss what i have found with this new build.

Reminds me, have you gotten your max peta now?

I got another max peta recipe, this now allows me to have 2 max petas. (I already have one)

one for each fencer, lol

I’ll update the guide more with the card update, let’s see…these are what I have in mind:

Gazing Golem
Glass Mole

any other suggestions?

I didn’t know about new formula. Now I feel bad for taking Rode c1. Holy freak, IMC, I can’t reroll every darn week!

well, if you are only at rank4 (rodel1) i believe that if you are not happy enough is better to reroll since even at rank 5 lvl 130 is fair easy to get, just skip most of the low lvl areas, and try to get as fast as possible in lvl 50, and lvl 75 to do lodge and lvl 100 for femedian mission with this i believe that with 3 days at max you can already be at rank5.
since we already “know” how to up, the best thing to do is only the quest who gives status (the ones with a revelation) and just skip the blue ones so you can grind at lvl 50 in the dg>> lodge 75-90>>dg again 90>>> femidian mission and so on.
but be aware that even with the new buff, petal is not a “must” have, if you want it for the evasion “only” since fencer can still reach the cap with equips-lunge and so on. but is a very good rank to take, because of swash-guard-guardian and so on.

centaurus for aoe attack ratio.

i was thinking on making my sw1-high3-barb1 (155 atm without cards…otherwise i would be much higher…) into doppel ( i do have a sw1-high3-cor-doppel) but looking at fencer c3 i started doubting my route for doppel and making that char in a fencer since epee increase critical dmg not only from a pierce source thus making that into a single target killing machine (imagine a skullswing-crosscut-thethingthatreducecritresist-coquille-lunge-cleave-vertical slash would be a increase dmg of 180% only on debuff plus a 100% increase on slash attacks+100% increase on crit dmg… holycow…) then what do you think of this?.

It seems like when we hit fencer3, we can safely leave sept etoiles to 0 no? its base damage is low, no good buff or debuff like lunge, and takes forever to finish the animation. Maybe preparation can be followed by the new 3-hit skill, “Flash”. The new rotation in my mind would be Epee Stance (crit atk boost) > Balestra Fente (reduce crit resist.) > Attaque Coquille > Preparation > “Flash”.

Dmg Info:

Sept Etoiles single dmg formula: 132.23 + ([Skill Level] - 1) × 28.37
total dmg at max level: (132.23 + 14*28.37) *7 hits = 3705.87

Flash single dmg formula: 1526.9 + ([Skill Level] - 1) × 254
total dmg at max level: (1526.9 + 4*254) *3 hits = 7628.7
3 OHs

That’s almost double the dmg of sept etoiles.


Preparation: 35s
Sept Etoiles: 29s
"Flash": 42s

We have to wait 6-7 seconds for each combo to be up anyway.