Tree of Savior Forum

Guide to Fencer / Doppel / Bullet Marker [PVE]

if you get the attributes, they’ll have additional 10s cd + 20sp. Not to mention skill level requirement is level 6. they’re really meant to burst now due to those long cds.

I just found out that movement attribute tonight. I have only used it for my dungeon clear with Elaralam.

Still have to auto attacks

This is translated from google (I know, it’s unreliable)

Skill [redel] The number of attacks becomes more large increase in the total amount of damage done + 100%

If what I understand is correct, it’ll increase no. of hits + 100% additional damage?

That’s 30-50% longer cool down. Not enough info to judge whether these attributes will be worth it or not

yeah, I’ll be waiting for some decent translations but the way I see it, that’s the only thing that Doppel has going now, those skill attributes, aside from the measly “armor break” and ANOTHER slash debuff. I was hoping it was a buff. too bad.

Yeah there’s this problem with debuffs,

once we get to WBs you just help other people that you don’t want to. this is why we tell our HL not to use skull swing lmao

meanwhile great thanks to those that use spear lunge on wbs

i have not seen the numbers for doppel, only read the comments, but i do not think it got the worse of them all because he had the best toolkit for damage in rank1-2 as well so we can not expect to him simple gain all those attributes without losing any downtime on his skills after all if DOV goes to 150% with lvl 15, plus cyclone this alone can already be a huge bonus to doppel and if you compare it with dragoon, it is truly the one who got the end of the sticky , since dragoon only got one new skill with 2 overheat 16 sec CD, is very good but only one new skill and the attribute, we do not know yet but if the skill had a short wide ratios, it will make the skill too difficulty to use in PVP so he have being truly ■■■■■■ up by IMC but everyone will still love him since fencer and doppel can also use his damage buff. well i think they made this to compensate the early ranks since hoplite is far better than the other choices from rank 3-4-5 i believe, finestra with 30% block and 150 critical rate and so on.
edit: just have check the doppel and i truly do not believe that he had the worse, what we have now is truly two types of builds for doppel, since he got a good bonus with his punisher for PVP, and of course because of skill point’s the doppel will have a hard time choosing winch ability he want more, but all of them are very strong .
to be true, the one who got the best of them all in rank3 is fencer, because of the new buff but if we compare everything i still think that dragoon got the worse of them all, since his buff can also be use with all other classes as well, to make it even worse for him, everyone will love him but no one will want be him.

Another Slash debuff on boss?

This is why Coquille is great. Too great.

Oh well, Fencer it is then. Only 100 more lv till Fencer and I have a month to reach 280

but the problem with those attributes is that it needs to be at least level 6 before you can purchase it. which imo is really bad since you can only allocate a total of 45 skill points on 3 ranks.

yes basing on those bad google translation:

[Physical] - [Slash] Wielding a sword in one hand will greatly damage to enemies in front a wide range. Attack, not defense suffered little while type [Plate] series while enemies are vulnerable to attack Slash property.

I’m guessing this is the Zwerchhau.

Dragoon seems the worse so far. Lancer, Murmillo and Fencer seem to be great.

The thing about Lancer is that you probably want that C1 dragoon at least since skills seem to require 2H Spear, and you want that passive attribute for sure from dragoon, this limits their R7 choice

Is this Engrish? I can’t understand a thing. But I think Doppel 3 will have a mean to deal with Plate armor

After some more pondering after Guardian’s revival:
seems to be one of the nicest templates for a Fencer build now - your one with Sword3, or one with Highlander2 seems nice.

Well, I MAY be regretting taking the third circle of Highlander now, let’s see what the future holds.

well, i must say since you selecting petal in rank5 would be better to select it in rank2 so you would have a broad aspect of choices in rank 4.
now i believe that a full barb3 or full highlander3 RIGHT now for fencer seems to be so bad, because fencer have so many damage skills and two with 0CD that earlier ranks 1-5 pre fencer must be choose for utility and utility “only”, not damage or combo anymore.

Highlander C2 remains a solid choice still

I just don’t like how skull swing works in general, if you can toogle it to make it work only for your party then that’s a different story.

at least with coquille you know that only you + very few classes like hoplite variants will benefit from it

The thing is you don’t have many choice after taking Pelt at rank 2 (or rank 5). Here are your options:

  1. Sword 3: More PB and Concentration. Must bet on uncertain Gungho buff
  2. Highlander: Still nice and great. Lacks stun though
  3. Barb: There is your traditional build
  4. Rodelero: Not sure about this one. Might be great to couple with Murmillo

Actually thinking of the same route. lol
Hopefully there would be skill balancing as well included in the patch, if they decided to buff up Gung-ho then I’ll be going Sw3

Barb 2 remains a nice choice too, on-demand stun is very important

After news of Guardian buff. I’m going Hl2>Burb>Pelt again.

Btw, what is the max def value of mob in this game?